
Nipreps sprint, Cambridge, MA, May 15-17, 2024

The purpose of this meeting is to advance Nipreps development.
Participants will work in small groups on existing nipreps projects and find points of overlap and new collaborations.


The meeting will take place at the McGovern Institute for Brain Research (OpenStreetMaps, Google Maps).

We will meet each morning in room 5165.


NOTE: All times tentative.


The general structure is intentionally free-form, to allow participants to self-organize. We will begin each day with a period for planning, checking in, and requesting assistance from the whole group.

We strongly encourage taking walks and coffee breaks as needed, and space can be found for smaller discussions.


We are using a collaboratively edited agenda on the HackMD platform. Please use this to propose projects or points of discussion. Projects are welcome to link to GitHub issues or discussions, if that is a more convenient way to organize work.

Lodging and Logistics

All in-person participants should have received instructions to set up an account that will allow us to book their flights and hotels, if needed. Please contact Oscar Esteban or Chris Markiewicz immediately if you have not.


If you have any questions, please open an issue on this website’s repository.