Executing with Docker
Here, we describe how to run NiPreps with Docker containers. To illustrate the process, we will show the execution of fMRIPrep, but these guidelines extend to any other end-user NiPrep.
Before you start: install Docker¶
Probably, the most popular framework to execute containers is Docker.
If you are to run a NiPrep on your PC/laptop, this is the RECOMMENDED way of execution.
Please make sure you follow the
Docker Engine's installation instructions.
You can check your installation running their hello-world
$ docker run --rm hello-world
If you have a functional installation, then you should obtain the following output:
Hello from Docker!
This message shows that your installation appears to be working correctly.
To generate this message, Docker took the following steps:
1. The Docker client contacted the Docker daemon.
2. The Docker daemon pulled the "hello-world" image from the Docker Hub.
3. The Docker daemon created a new container from that image which runs the
executable that produces the output you are currently reading.
4. The Docker daemon streamed that output to the Docker client, which sent it
to your terminal.
To try something more ambitious, you can run an Ubuntu container with:
$ docker run -it ubuntu bash
Share images, automate workflows, and more with a free Docker ID:
For more examples and ideas, visit:
After checking your Docker Engine is capable of running Docker images, you are ready to pull your first NiPreps container image.
If you encounter issues while executing a containerized application, it is critical to identify where the fault is sourced. For issues emerging from the Docker Engine, please read the corresponding troubleshooting guidelines. Once verified the problem is not related to the container system, then follow the specific application debugging guidelines.
Fix Docker Desktop startup issue on macOS
Due to a recent issue affecting Docker Desktop versions 4.29 through 4.36, the application may fail to start. If affected, please follow the official guidelines to resolve this issue.
Docker images¶
For every new version of the particular NiPreps application that is released, a corresponding Docker image is generated. The Docker image becomes a container when the execution engine loads the image and adds an extra layer that makes it runnable. In order to run NiPreps' Docker images, the Docker Engine must be installed.
Taking fMRIPrep to illustrate the usage, first you might want to make sure of the exact version of the tool to be used:
$ docker pull nipreps/fmriprep:<latest-version>
You can run NiPreps interacting directly with the Docker Engine via the docker run
Running a NiPrep with a lightweight wrapper¶
Some NiPreps include a lightweight wrapper script for convenience.
That is the case of fMRIPrep and its fmriprep-docker
Before starting, make sure you have the wrapper installed.
When you run fmriprep-docker
, it will generate a Docker command line for you, print it out for reporting purposes, and then execute it without further action needed, e.g.:
$ fmriprep-docker /path/to/data/dir /path/to/output/dir participant
RUNNING: docker run --rm -it -v /path/to/data/dir:/data:ro \
-v /path/to_output/dir:/out nipreps/fmriprep:20.2.2 \
/data /out participant
implements the unified command-line interface of BIDS Apps, and automatically translates directories into Docker mount points for you.
We have published a step-by-step tutorial illustrating how to run fmriprep-docker
This tutorial also provides valuable troubleshooting insights and advice on what to do after
fMRIPrep has run.
Running a NiPrep directly interacting with the Docker Engine¶
If you need a finer control over the container execution, or you feel comfortable with the Docker Engine, avoiding the extra software layer of the wrapper might be a good decision.
Accessing filesystems in the host within the container¶
Containers are confined in a sandbox, so they can't access the data on the host
unless explicitly enabled.
The Docker Engine provides mounting filesystems into the container with the -v
argument and the following syntax:
-v some/path/in/host:/absolute/path/within/container:ro
where the trailing :ro
specifies that the mount is read-only.
The mount permissions modifiers can be omitted, which means the mount
will have read-write permissions.
Docker for Windows requires enabling Shared Drives
On Windows installations, the -v
argument will not work
by default because it is necessary to enable shared drives.
Please check on this Stackoverflow post how to enable them.
In general, you'll want to at least provide two mount-points: one set in read-only mode for the input data and one read/write to store the outputs:
$ docker run -ti --rm \
-v path/to/data:/data:ro \ # read-only, for data
-v path/to/output:/out \ # read-write, for outputs
nipreps/fmriprep:<latest-version> \
/data /out/out \
We recommend mounting a work (or scratch) directory for intermediate workflow results.
This is particularly useful for debugging or reusing pre-cached intermediate results,
but can also be useful to control where these (large) directories get created,
as the default location for files created inside a docker container may not have sufficient space.
In the case of NiPreps, we typically inform the BIDS Apps
to override the work directory by setting the -w
argument (please note that this is not defined by the BIDS Apps
specifications and it may change across applications):
$ docker run -ti --rm \
-v path/to/data:/data:ro \
-v path/to/output:/out \
-v path/to/work:/work \ # mount from host
nipreps/fmriprep:<latest-version> \
/data /out/out \
-w /work # override default directory
Best practices
The ReproNim initiative distributes materials and documentation of best practices for containerized execution of neuroimaging workflows. Most of these are organized within the YODA (Yoda's Organigram on Data Analysis) principles.
For example, mounting $PWD
into $PWD
and setting that path
as current working directory can effectively resolve many issues.
This strategy may be combined with the above suggestion about
the application's work directory as follows:
$ docker run -ti --rm \
-v $PWD:$PWD \ # Mount the current directory with its own name
-w $PWD \ # DO NOT confuse with the application's work directory
nipreps/fmriprep:<latest-version> \
inputs/raw-data outputs/fmriprep \ # With YODA, the inputs are inside the working directory
-w $PWD/work
Mounting $PWD
may be used with YODA so that all necessary parts
in execution are reachable from under $PWD
This effectively
(i) makes it easy to transfer configurations from
outside the container to the inside execution runtime;
(ii) the outside/inside filesystem trees are homologous, which
makes post-processing and orchestration easier;
(iii) execution in shared systems is easier as everything is
sort of self-contained.
In addition to mounting $PWD
, other advanced practices
include mounting specific configuration files (for example, a
Nipype configuration file)
into the appropriate paths within the container.
BIDS Apps relying on TemplateFlow for atlas and template management may require the TemplateFlow Archive be mounted from the host. Mounting the Archive from the host is an effective way to prevent multiple downloads of templates that are not bundled in the image:
$ docker run -ti --rm \
-v path/to/data:/data:ro \
-v path/to/output:/out \
-v path/to/work:/work \
-v path/to/tf-cache:/opt/templateflow \ # mount from host
-e TEMPLATEFLOW_HOME=/opt/templateflow \ # override TF home
nipreps/fmriprep:<latest-version> \
/data /out/out \
-w /work
Sharing the TemplateFlow cache can cause race conditions in parallel execution
When sharing the TemplateFlow HOME folder across several parallel executions against a single filesystem, these instance will likely attempt to fetch unavailable templates without sufficient time between actions for the data to be fully downloaded (in other words, data downloads will be racing each other).
To resolve this issue, you will need to make sure all necessary
templates are already downloaded within the cache folder.
If the TemplateFlow Client is properly installed in your system,
this is possible with the following command line
(example shows how to fully download MNI152NLin2009cAsym
$ templateflow get MNI152NLin2009cAsym
Running containers as a user¶
By default, Docker will run the container with the user id (uid) 0, which is reserved for the default root account in Linux. In other words, by default Docker will use the superuser account to execute the container and will write files with the corresponding uid=0 unless configured otherwise. Executing as superuser may result in permissions and security issues, for example, with DataLad (discussed later). One paramount example of permissions issues where beginners typically run into is deleting files after a containerized execution. If the uid is not overridden, the outputs of a containerized execution will be owned by root and group root. Therefore, normal users will not be able to modify the output and superuser permissions will be required to delete data generated by the containerized application. Some shared systems only allow running containers as a normal user because the user will not be able to operate on the outputs otherwise.
Whether the container is available with default settings,
or the execution has been customized to normal users,
running as a normal user avoids these permissions issues.
This can be achieved with
Docker's -u
--user=[ user | user:group | uid | uid:gid | user:gid | uid:group ]
We can combine this option with Bash's id
command to ensure the current user's uid and group id (gid) are being set:
$ docker run -ti --rm \
-v path/to/data:/data:ro \
-v path/to/output:/out \
-u $(id -u):$(id -g) \ # set execution uid:gid
-v path/to/tf-cache:/opt/templateflow \ # mount from host
-e TEMPLATEFLOW_HOME=/opt/templateflow \ # override TF home
nipreps/fmriprep:<latest-version> \
/data /out/out \
For example:
$ docker run -ti --rm \
-v $HOME/ds005:/data:ro \
-v $HOME/ds005/derivatives:/out \
-v $HOME/tmp/ds005-workdir:/work \
-u $(id -u):$(id -g) \
-v $HOME/.cache/templateflow:/opt/templateflow \
-e TEMPLATEFLOW_HOME=/opt/templateflow \
nipreps/fmriprep:<latest-version> \
/data /out/fmriprep-<latest-version> \
participant \
-w /work
Application-specific options¶
Once the Docker Engine arguments are written, the remainder of the command line follows the interface defined by the specific BIDS App (for instance, fMRIPrep or MRIQC).
The first section of a call consists of arguments specific to Docker, which configure the execution of the container:
$ docker run -ti --rm \
-v $HOME/ds005:/data:ro \
-v $HOME/ds005/derivatives:/out \
-v $HOME/tmp/ds005-workdir:/work \
-u $(id -u):$(id -g) \
-v $HOME/.cache/templateflow:/opt/templateflow \
-e TEMPLATEFLOW_HOME=/opt/templateflow \
nipreps/fmriprep:<latest-version> \
/data /out/fmriprep-<latest-version> \
participant \
-w /work
Then, we specify the container image that we execute:
$ docker run -ti --rm \
-v $HOME/ds005:/data:ro \
-v $HOME/ds005/derivatives:/out \
-v $HOME/tmp/ds005-workdir:/work \
-u $(id -u):$(id -g) \
-v $HOME/.cache/templateflow:/opt/templateflow \
-e TEMPLATEFLOW_HOME=/opt/templateflow \
nipreps/fmriprep:<latest-version> \
/data /out/fmriprep-<latest-version> \
participant \
-w /work
Finally, the application-specific options can be added.
We already described the work directory setting before, in the case
of NiPreps such as MRIQC and fMRIPrep.
Some options are BIDS Apps standard, such as
the analysis level (participant
or group
and specific participant identifier(s) (--participant-label
$ docker run -ti --rm \
-v $HOME/ds005:/data:ro \
-v $HOME/ds005/derivatives:/out \
-v $HOME/tmp/ds005-workdir:/work \
-u $(id -u):$(id -g) \
-v $HOME/.cache/templateflow:/opt/templateflow \
-e TEMPLATEFLOW_HOME=/opt/templateflow \
nipreps/fmriprep:<latest-version> \
/data /out/fmriprep-<latest-version> \
participant \
--participant-label 001 002 \
-w /work
Resource constraints¶
Docker may be executed with limited resources. Please read the documentation to limit resources such as memory, memory policies, number of CPUs, etc.
Memory will be a common culprit when working with large datasets (+10GB). However, the Docker Engine is limited to 2GB of RAM by default for some installations of Docker for MacOSX and Windows. The general resource settings can be also modified through the Docker Desktop graphical user interface. On a shell, the memory limit can be overridden with:
$ service docker stop
$ dockerd --storage-opt dm.basesize=30G