name: title layout: true class: center --- layout: false count: false .center[
## Hands-on: Apptainer in UNIGE's HPC Chris Markiewicz <
> Oscar Esteban <
> ] --- name: newsection layout: true .perma-sidebar[
Day 1 :: Apptainer in UNIGE's HPC
] --- # First SBATCH file .boxed-content[ Running *MRIQC* on the anatomical T1w images: ``` Bash #!/bin/bash #SBATCH --time=1:00:00 #NOTE: likely longer than generally needed #SBATCH --ntasks 1 #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=16 #SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=1G #SBATCH --partition=shared-cpu #SBATCH --reservation=share_courvoisier_workshop_570 # Outputs ---------------------------------- #SBATCH --output log/%x-%A-%a.out #SBATCH --error log/%x-%A-%a.err #SBATCH #SBATCH --mail-type=ALL # ------------------------------------------ srun apptainer run mriqc_latest.sif \ $HOME/ds005454/ $HOME/derivatives/mriqc-24.0.2 participant \ -m T1w -vv --dsname bootcamp --nprocs 12 --omp-nthreads 8 ``` Run with: ``` Bash $ sbatch mriqc.sbatch ``` ] --- # The `srun` call ### 1 | apptainer run ``` Bash srun apptainer run mriqc_latest.sif \ ``` ### 2 | BIDS-Apps' interface Reminder: `
/input-data /output-folder participant` ``` Bash $HOME/ds005454/ $HOME/derivatives/mriqc-24.0.2 participant \ ``` ### 3 | MRIQC's specific arguments We only run T1w images (`-m T1w`), we make it more verbose `-vv`, we name the dataset (`--dsname bootcamp`), we allow the workflow to run up to 16 processes with up to 8 cores each `--nprocs 16 --omp-nthreads 8`: ``` Bash -m T1w -vv --dsname bootcamp --nprocs 16 --omp-nthreads 8 ```