For developers ============== Contributing ------------ *Eddymotion* is a project of the *NiPreps Community*, `which specifies the contributing guidelines `__. Before delving into the code, please make sure you have read all the guidelines offered online. Documentation ------------- Documentation sources are found under the ``docs/`` folder, and builds are archived in the `gh-pages `__ branch of the repository. With GitHub Pages, the documentation is posted under We maintain versioned documentation, by storing git tags under ``./`` folders, i.e., we do not archive every patch release, but only every minor release. In other words, folder ``0.1/`` of the documentation tree contains the documents for the latest release within the *0.1.x* series. With every commit (or merge commit) to ``main``, the *development* version of the documentation under the folder ``main/`` is updated too. The ``gh-pages`` branch is automatically maintained with `a GitHub Action `__. Please, do not commit manually to ``gh-pages``. To build the documentation locally, you first need to make sure that ``setuptools_scm[toml] >= 6.2`` is installed in your environment and then:: $ cd / $ python -m setuptools_scm # This will generate ``src/eddymotion/`` $ make -C docs/ html Library API (application program interface) ------------------------------------------- Information on specific functions, classes, and methods. .. toctree:: :glob: api/eddymotion.cli api/ api/ api/eddymotion.estimator api/eddymotion.exceptions api/eddymotion.math api/eddymotion.model api/eddymotion.registration api/eddymotion.utils