# emacs: -*- mode: python; py-indent-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# vi: set ft=python sts=4 ts=4 sw=4 et:
# Copyright 2021 The NiPreps Developers <nipreps@gmail.com>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# We support and encourage derived works from this project, please read
# about our expectations at
# https://www.nipreps.org/community/licensing/
"""Interfaces for handling BIDS-like neuroimaging structures."""
from collections import defaultdict
from json import dumps, loads
from pathlib import Path
from shutil import copytree, rmtree
from pkg_resources import resource_filename as _pkgres
import re
import nibabel as nb
import numpy as np
from bids.layout import parse_file_entities
from bids.layout.writing import build_path
from bids.utils import listify
from nipype import logging
from nipype.interfaces.base import (
from nipype.interfaces.io import add_traits
from templateflow.api import templates as _get_template_list
from ..utils.bids import _init_layout, relative_to_root
from ..utils.images import set_consumables, unsafe_write_nifti_header_and_data
from ..utils.misc import splitext as _splitext, _copy_any
regz = re.compile(r"\.gz$")
_pybids_spec = loads(Path(_pkgres("niworkflows", "data/nipreps.json")).read_text())
BIDS_DERIV_ENTITIES = frozenset({e["name"] for e in _pybids_spec["entities"]})
BIDS_DERIV_PATTERNS = tuple(_pybids_spec["default_path_patterns"])
STANDARD_SPACES = _get_template_list()
LOGGER = logging.getLogger("nipype.interface")
def _none():
return None
# Automatically coerce certain suffixes (DerivativesDataSink)
DEFAULT_DTYPES = defaultdict(
("mask", "uint8"),
("dseg", "int16"),
("probseg", "float32"),
("boldref", "source"),
class _BIDSBaseInputSpec(BaseInterfaceInputSpec):
bids_dir = traits.Either(
(None, Directory(exists=True)), usedefault=True, desc="optional bids directory"
bids_validate = traits.Bool(True, usedefault=True, desc="enable BIDS validator")
class _BIDSInfoInputSpec(_BIDSBaseInputSpec):
in_file = File(mandatory=True, desc="input file, part of a BIDS tree")
class _BIDSInfoOutputSpec(DynamicTraitedSpec):
subject = traits.Str()
session = traits.Str()
task = traits.Str()
acquisition = traits.Str()
reconstruction = traits.Str()
run = traits.Int()
suffix = traits.Str()
[docs]class BIDSInfo(SimpleInterface):
Extract BIDS entities from a BIDS-conforming path.
This interface uses only the basename, not the path, to determine the
subject, session, task, run, acquisition or reconstruction.
>>> bids_info = BIDSInfo(bids_dir=str(datadir / 'ds054'), bids_validate=False)
>>> bids_info.inputs.in_file = '''\
>>> res = bids_info.run()
>>> res.outputs
acquisition = <undefined>
reconstruction = <undefined>
run = <undefined>
session = retest
subject = 01
suffix = bold
task = covertverbgeneration
>>> bids_info = BIDSInfo(bids_dir=str(datadir / 'ds054'), bids_validate=False)
>>> bids_info.inputs.in_file = '''\
>>> res = bids_info.run()
>>> res.outputs
acquisition = AP
reconstruction = MB
run = 1
session = retest
subject = 01
suffix = bold
task = covertverbgeneration
>>> bids_info = BIDSInfo(bids_dir=str(datadir / 'ds054'), bids_validate=False)
>>> bids_info.inputs.in_file = '''\
>>> res = bids_info.run()
>>> res.outputs
acquisition = AP
reconstruction = <undefined>
run = 1
session = retest
subject = 01
suffix = bold
task = covertverbgeneration
>>> bids_info = BIDSInfo(bids_validate=False)
>>> bids_info.inputs.in_file = str(
... datadir / 'ds114' / 'sub-01' / 'ses-retest' /
... 'func' / 'sub-01_ses-retest_task-covertverbgeneration_bold.nii.gz')
>>> res = bids_info.run()
>>> res.outputs
acquisition = <undefined>
reconstruction = <undefined>
run = <undefined>
session = retest
subject = 01
suffix = bold
task = covertverbgeneration
>>> bids_info = BIDSInfo(bids_validate=False)
>>> bids_info.inputs.in_file = '''\
>>> res = bids_info.run()
>>> res.outputs
acquisition = <undefined>
reconstruction = <undefined>
run = <undefined>
session = retest
subject = 01
suffix = bold
task = covertverbgeneration
input_spec = _BIDSInfoInputSpec
output_spec = _BIDSInfoOutputSpec
def _run_interface(self, runtime):
bids_dir = self.inputs.bids_dir
in_file = self.inputs.in_file
if bids_dir is not None:
in_file = str(Path(in_file).relative_to(bids_dir))
except ValueError:
params = parse_file_entities(in_file)
self._results = {
key: params.get(key, Undefined)
for key in _BIDSInfoOutputSpec().get().keys()
return runtime
class _BIDSDataGrabberInputSpec(BaseInterfaceInputSpec):
subject_data = traits.Dict(Str, traits.Any)
subject_id = Str()
class _BIDSDataGrabberOutputSpec(TraitedSpec):
out_dict = traits.Dict(desc="output data structure")
fmap = OutputMultiObject(desc="output fieldmaps")
bold = OutputMultiObject(desc="output functional images")
sbref = OutputMultiObject(desc="output sbrefs")
t1w = OutputMultiObject(desc="output T1w images")
roi = OutputMultiObject(desc="output ROI images")
t2w = OutputMultiObject(desc="output T2w images")
flair = OutputMultiObject(desc="output FLAIR images")
[docs]class BIDSDataGrabber(SimpleInterface):
Collect files from a BIDS directory structure.
>>> bids_src = BIDSDataGrabber(anat_only=False)
>>> bids_src.inputs.subject_data = bids_collect_data(
... str(datadir / 'ds114'), '01', bids_validate=False)[0]
>>> bids_src.inputs.subject_id = '01'
>>> res = bids_src.run()
>>> res.outputs.t1w # doctest: +ELLIPSIS +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
input_spec = _BIDSDataGrabberInputSpec
output_spec = _BIDSDataGrabberOutputSpec
_require_funcs = True
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
anat_only = kwargs.pop("anat_only")
anat_derivatives = kwargs.pop("anat_derivatives", None)
super(BIDSDataGrabber, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if anat_only is not None:
self._require_funcs = not anat_only
self._require_t1w = anat_derivatives is None
def _run_interface(self, runtime):
bids_dict = self.inputs.subject_data
self._results["out_dict"] = bids_dict
if self._require_t1w and not bids_dict['t1w']:
raise FileNotFoundError(
"No T1w images found for subject sub-{}".format(self.inputs.subject_id)
if self._require_funcs and not bids_dict["bold"]:
raise FileNotFoundError(
"No functional images found for subject sub-{}".format(
for imtype in ["bold", "t2w", "flair", "fmap", "sbref", "roi"]:
if not bids_dict[imtype]:
'No "%s" images found for sub-%s', imtype, self.inputs.subject_id
return runtime
class _DerivativesDataSinkInputSpec(DynamicTraitedSpec, BaseInterfaceInputSpec):
base_directory = traits.Directory(
desc="Path to the base directory for storing data."
check_hdr = traits.Bool(True, usedefault=True, desc="fix headers of NIfTI outputs")
compress = InputMultiObject(
traits.Either(None, traits.Bool),
desc="whether ``in_file`` should be compressed (True), uncompressed (False) "
"or left unmodified (None, default).",
data_dtype = Str(
desc="NumPy datatype to coerce NIfTI data to, or `source` to"
"match the input file dtype"
dismiss_entities = InputMultiObject(
traits.Either(None, Str),
desc="a list entities that will not be propagated from the source file",
in_file = InputMultiObject(
File(exists=True), mandatory=True, desc="the object to be saved"
meta_dict = traits.DictStrAny(desc="an input dictionary containing metadata")
source_file = InputMultiObject(
File(exists=False), mandatory=True, desc="the source file(s) to extract entities from")
class _DerivativesDataSinkOutputSpec(TraitedSpec):
out_file = OutputMultiObject(File(exists=True, desc="written file path"))
out_meta = OutputMultiObject(File(exists=True, desc="written JSON sidecar path"))
compression = OutputMultiObject(
traits.Either(None, traits.Bool),
desc="whether ``in_file`` should be compressed (True), uncompressed (False) "
"or left unmodified (None).",
fixed_hdr = traits.List(traits.Bool, desc="whether derivative header was fixed")
[docs]class DerivativesDataSink(SimpleInterface):
Store derivative files.
Saves the ``in_file`` into a BIDS-Derivatives folder provided
by ``base_directory``, given the input reference ``source_file``.
>>> import tempfile
>>> tmpdir = Path(tempfile.mkdtemp())
>>> tmpfile = tmpdir / 'a_temp_file.nii.gz'
>>> tmpfile.open('w').close() # "touch" the file
>>> t1w_source = bids_collect_data(
... str(datadir / 'ds114'), '01', bids_validate=False)[0]['t1w'][0]
>>> dsink = DerivativesDataSink(base_directory=str(tmpdir), check_hdr=False)
>>> dsink.inputs.in_file = str(tmpfile)
>>> dsink.inputs.source_file = t1w_source
>>> dsink.inputs.desc = 'denoised'
>>> dsink.inputs.compress = False
>>> res = dsink.run()
>>> res.outputs.out_file # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
>>> tmpfile = tmpdir / 'a_temp_file.nii'
>>> tmpfile.open('w').close() # "touch" the file
>>> dsink = DerivativesDataSink(base_directory=str(tmpdir), check_hdr=False,
... allowed_entities=("custom",))
>>> dsink.inputs.in_file = str(tmpfile)
>>> dsink.inputs.source_file = t1w_source
>>> dsink.inputs.custom = 'noise'
>>> res = dsink.run()
>>> res.outputs.out_file # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
>>> dsink = DerivativesDataSink(base_directory=str(tmpdir), check_hdr=False,
... allowed_entities=("custom",))
>>> dsink.inputs.in_file = [str(tmpfile), str(tmpfile)]
>>> dsink.inputs.source_file = t1w_source
>>> dsink.inputs.custom = [1, 2]
>>> dsink.inputs.compress = True
>>> res = dsink.run()
>>> res.outputs.out_file # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
>>> dsink = DerivativesDataSink(base_directory=str(tmpdir), check_hdr=False,
... allowed_entities=("custom1", "custom2"))
>>> dsink.inputs.in_file = [str(tmpfile)] * 2
>>> dsink.inputs.source_file = t1w_source
>>> dsink.inputs.custom1 = [1, 2]
>>> dsink.inputs.custom2 = "b"
>>> res = dsink.run()
>>> res.outputs.out_file # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
When multiple source files are passed, only common entities are passed down.
For example, if two T1w images from different sessions are used to generate
a single image, the session entity is removed automatically.
>>> bids_dir = tmpdir / 'bidsroot'
>>> multi_source = [
... bids_dir / 'sub-02/ses-A/anat/sub-02_ses-A_T1w.nii.gz',
... bids_dir / 'sub-02/ses-B/anat/sub-02_ses-B_T1w.nii.gz']
>>> for source_file in multi_source:
... source_file.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
... _ = source_file.write_text("")
>>> dsink = DerivativesDataSink(base_directory=str(tmpdir), check_hdr=False)
>>> dsink.inputs.in_file = str(tmpfile)
>>> dsink.inputs.source_file = list(map(str, multi_source))
>>> dsink.inputs.desc = 'preproc'
>>> res = dsink.run()
>>> res.outputs.out_file # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
If, on the other hand, only one is used, the session is preserved:
>>> dsink.inputs.source_file = str(multi_source[0])
>>> res = dsink.run()
>>> res.outputs.out_file # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
>>> bids_dir = tmpdir / 'bidsroot' / 'sub-02' / 'ses-noanat' / 'func'
>>> bids_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
>>> tricky_source = bids_dir / 'sub-02_ses-noanat_task-rest_run-01_bold.nii.gz'
>>> tricky_source.open('w').close()
>>> dsink = DerivativesDataSink(base_directory=str(tmpdir), check_hdr=False)
>>> dsink.inputs.in_file = str(tmpfile)
>>> dsink.inputs.source_file = str(tricky_source)
>>> dsink.inputs.desc = 'preproc'
>>> res = dsink.run()
>>> res.outputs.out_file # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
>>> bids_dir = tmpdir / 'bidsroot' / 'sub-02' / 'ses-noanat' / 'func'
>>> bids_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
>>> tricky_source = bids_dir / 'sub-02_ses-noanat_task-rest_run-1_bold.nii.gz'
>>> tricky_source.open('w').close()
>>> dsink = DerivativesDataSink(base_directory=str(tmpdir), check_hdr=False)
>>> dsink.inputs.in_file = str(tmpfile)
>>> dsink.inputs.source_file = str(tricky_source)
>>> dsink.inputs.desc = 'preproc'
>>> dsink.inputs.RepetitionTime = 0.75
>>> res = dsink.run()
>>> res.outputs.out_meta # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
>>> Path(res.outputs.out_meta).read_text().splitlines()[1]
' "RepetitionTime": 0.75'
>>> bids_dir = tmpdir / 'bidsroot' / 'sub-02' / 'ses-noanat' / 'func'
>>> bids_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
>>> tricky_source = bids_dir / 'sub-02_ses-noanat_task-rest_run-01_bold.nii.gz'
>>> tricky_source.open('w').close()
>>> dsink = DerivativesDataSink(base_directory=str(tmpdir), check_hdr=False,
... SkullStripped=True)
>>> dsink.inputs.in_file = str(tmpfile)
>>> dsink.inputs.source_file = str(tricky_source)
>>> dsink.inputs.desc = 'preproc'
>>> dsink.inputs.space = 'MNI152NLin6Asym'
>>> dsink.inputs.resolution = '01'
>>> dsink.inputs.RepetitionTime = 0.75
>>> res = dsink.run()
>>> res.outputs.out_meta # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
>>> lines = Path(res.outputs.out_meta).read_text().splitlines()
>>> lines[1]
' "RepetitionTime": 0.75,'
>>> lines[2]
' "SkullStripped": true'
>>> bids_dir = tmpdir / 'bidsroot' / 'sub-02' / 'ses-noanat' / 'func'
>>> bids_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
>>> tricky_source = bids_dir / 'sub-02_ses-noanat_task-rest_run-01_bold.nii.gz'
>>> tricky_source.open('w').close()
>>> dsink = DerivativesDataSink(base_directory=str(tmpdir), check_hdr=False,
... SkullStripped=True)
>>> dsink.inputs.in_file = str(tmpfile)
>>> dsink.inputs.source_file = str(tricky_source)
>>> dsink.inputs.desc = 'preproc'
>>> dsink.inputs.resolution = 'native'
>>> dsink.inputs.space = 'MNI152NLin6Asym'
>>> dsink.inputs.RepetitionTime = 0.75
>>> dsink.inputs.meta_dict = {'RepetitionTime': 1.75, 'SkullStripped': False, 'Z': 'val'}
>>> res = dsink.run()
>>> res.outputs.out_meta # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
>>> lines = Path(res.outputs.out_meta).read_text().splitlines()
>>> lines[1]
' "RepetitionTime": 0.75,'
>>> lines[2]
' "SkullStripped": true,'
>>> lines[3]
' "Z": "val"'
input_spec = _DerivativesDataSinkInputSpec
output_spec = _DerivativesDataSinkOutputSpec
out_path_base = "niworkflows"
_always_run = True
_allowed_entities = set(BIDS_DERIV_ENTITIES)
def __init__(self, allowed_entities=None, out_path_base=None, **inputs):
"""Initialize the SimpleInterface and extend inputs with custom entities."""
self._allowed_entities = set(allowed_entities or []).union(
if out_path_base:
self.out_path_base = out_path_base
self._metadata = {}
self._static_traits = self.input_spec.class_editable_traits() + sorted(
for dynamic_input in set(inputs) - set(self._static_traits):
self._metadata[dynamic_input] = inputs.pop(dynamic_input)
# First regular initialization (constructs InputSpec object)
add_traits(self.inputs, self._allowed_entities)
for k in self._allowed_entities.intersection(list(inputs.keys())):
# Add additional input fields (self.inputs is an object)
setattr(self.inputs, k, inputs[k])
def _run_interface(self, runtime):
# Ready the output folder
base_directory = runtime.cwd
if isdefined(self.inputs.base_directory):
base_directory = self.inputs.base_directory
base_directory = Path(base_directory).absolute()
out_path = base_directory / self.out_path_base
out_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
# Ensure we have a list
in_file = listify(self.inputs.in_file)
# Read in the dictionary of metadata
if isdefined(self.inputs.meta_dict):
meta = self.inputs.meta_dict
# inputs passed in construction take priority
self._metadata = meta
# Initialize entities with those from the source file.
in_entities = [
for source_file in self.inputs.source_file
out_entities = {k: v for k, v in in_entities[0].items()
if all(ent.get(k) == v for ent in in_entities[1:])}
for drop_entity in listify(self.inputs.dismiss_entities or []):
out_entities.pop(drop_entity, None)
# Override extension with that of the input file(s)
out_entities["extension"] = [
# _splitext does not accept .surf.gii (for instance)
for orig_file in in_file
compress = listify(self.inputs.compress) or [None]
if len(compress) == 1:
compress = compress * len(in_file)
for i, ext in enumerate(out_entities["extension"]):
if compress[i] is not None:
ext = regz.sub("", ext)
out_entities["extension"][i] = f"{ext}.gz" if compress[i] else ext
# Override entities with those set as inputs
for key in self._allowed_entities:
value = getattr(self.inputs, key)
if value is not None and isdefined(value):
out_entities[key] = value
# Clean up native resolution with space
if out_entities.get("resolution") == "native" and out_entities.get("space"):
out_entities.pop("resolution", None)
if len(set(out_entities["extension"])) == 1:
out_entities["extension"] = out_entities["extension"][0]
# Insert custom (non-BIDS) entities from allowed_entities.
custom_entities = set(out_entities.keys()) - set(BIDS_DERIV_ENTITIES)
if custom_entities:
# Example: f"{key}-{{{key}}}" -> "task-{task}"
custom_pat = "_".join(f"{key}-{{{key}}}" for key in sorted(custom_entities))
patterns = [
pat.replace("_{suffix", "_".join(("", custom_pat, "{suffix")))
for pat in patterns
# Prepare SimpleInterface outputs object
self._results["out_file"] = []
self._results["compression"] = []
self._results["fixed_hdr"] = [False] * len(in_file)
dest_files = build_path(out_entities, path_patterns=patterns)
if not dest_files:
raise ValueError(f"Could not build path with entities {out_entities}.")
# Make sure the interpolated values is embedded in a list, and check
dest_files = listify(dest_files)
if len(in_file) != len(dest_files):
raise ValueError(
f"Input files ({len(in_file)}) not matched "
f"by interpolated patterns ({len(dest_files)})."
for i, (orig_file, dest_file) in enumerate(zip(in_file, dest_files)):
out_file = out_path / dest_file
out_file.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
# Set data and header iff changes need to be made. If these are
# still None when it's time to write, just copy.
new_data, new_header = None, None
is_nifti = out_file.name.endswith(
(".nii", ".nii.gz")
) and not out_file.name.endswith((".dtseries.nii", ".dtseries.nii.gz"))
data_dtype = self.inputs.data_dtype or DEFAULT_DTYPES[self.inputs.suffix]
if is_nifti and any((self.inputs.check_hdr, data_dtype)):
nii = nb.load(orig_file)
if self.inputs.check_hdr:
hdr = nii.header
curr_units = tuple(
[None if u == "unknown" else u for u in hdr.get_xyzt_units()]
curr_codes = (int(hdr["qform_code"]), int(hdr["sform_code"]))
# Default to mm, use sec if data type is bold
units = (
curr_units[0] or "mm",
"sec" if out_entities["suffix"] == "bold" else None,
xcodes = (1, 1) # Derivative in its original scanner space
if self.inputs.space:
xcodes = (
(4, 4) if self.inputs.space in STANDARD_SPACES else (2, 2)
if curr_codes != xcodes or curr_units != units:
self._results["fixed_hdr"][i] = True
new_header = hdr.copy()
new_header.set_qform(nii.affine, xcodes[0])
new_header.set_sform(nii.affine, xcodes[1])
if data_dtype == "source": # match source dtype
data_dtype = nb.load(self.inputs.source_file[0]).get_data_dtype()
except Exception:
f"Could not get data type of file {self.inputs.source_file[0]}"
data_dtype = None
if data_dtype:
data_dtype = np.dtype(data_dtype)
orig_dtype = nii.get_data_dtype()
if orig_dtype != data_dtype:
f"Changing {out_file} dtype from {orig_dtype} to {data_dtype}"
# coerce dataobj to new data dtype
if np.issubdtype(data_dtype, np.integer):
new_data = np.rint(nii.dataobj).astype(data_dtype)
new_data = np.asanyarray(nii.dataobj, dtype=data_dtype)
# and set header to match
if new_header is None:
new_header = nii.header.copy()
del nii
if new_data is new_header is None:
_copy_any(orig_file, str(out_file))
orig_img = nb.load(orig_file)
if new_data is None:
set_consumables(new_header, orig_img.dataobj)
new_data = orig_img.dataobj.get_unscaled()
# Without this, we would be writing nans
# This is our punishment for hacking around nibabel defaults
new_header.set_slope_inter(slope=1., inter=0.)
del orig_img
if len(self._results["out_file"]) == 1:
meta_fields = self.inputs.copyable_trait_names()
k: getattr(self.inputs, k)
for k in meta_fields
if k not in self._static_traits
if self._metadata:
out_file = Path(self._results["out_file"][0])
# 1.3.x hack
# For dtseries, we have been generating weird non-BIDS JSON files.
# We can safely keep producing them to avoid breaking derivatives, but
# only the existing keys should keep going into them.
if out_file.name.endswith(".dtseries.nii"):
legacy_metadata = {}
for key in ("grayordinates", "space", "surface", "surface_density", "volume"):
if key in self._metadata:
legacy_metadata[key] = self._metadata.pop(key)
if legacy_metadata:
sidecar = out_file.parent / f"{_splitext(str(out_file))[0]}.json"
sidecar.write_text(dumps(legacy_metadata, sort_keys=True, indent=2))
# The future: the extension is the first . and everything after
sidecar = out_file.parent / f"{out_file.name.split('.', 1)[0]}.json"
sidecar.write_text(dumps(self._metadata, sort_keys=True, indent=2))
self._results["out_meta"] = str(sidecar)
return runtime
class _ReadSidecarJSONInputSpec(_BIDSBaseInputSpec):
in_file = File(exists=True, mandatory=True, desc="the input nifti file")
class _ReadSidecarJSONOutputSpec(_BIDSInfoOutputSpec):
out_dict = traits.Dict()
[docs]class ReadSidecarJSON(SimpleInterface):
Read JSON sidecar files of a BIDS tree.
>>> fmap = str(datadir / 'ds054' / 'sub-100185' / 'fmap' /
... 'sub-100185_phasediff.nii.gz')
>>> meta = ReadSidecarJSON(in_file=fmap, bids_dir=str(datadir / 'ds054'),
... bids_validate=False).run()
>>> meta.outputs.subject
>>> meta.outputs.suffix
>>> meta.outputs.out_dict['Manufacturer']
>>> meta = ReadSidecarJSON(in_file=fmap, fields=['Manufacturer'],
... bids_dir=str(datadir / 'ds054'),
... bids_validate=False).run()
>>> meta.outputs.out_dict['Manufacturer']
>>> meta.outputs.Manufacturer
>>> meta.outputs.OtherField # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> meta = ReadSidecarJSON(
... in_file=fmap, fields=['MadeUpField'],
... bids_dir=str(datadir / 'ds054'),
... bids_validate=False).run() # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> meta = ReadSidecarJSON(in_file=fmap, fields=['MadeUpField'],
... undef_fields=True,
... bids_dir=str(datadir / 'ds054'),
... bids_validate=False).run()
>>> meta.outputs.MadeUpField
input_spec = _ReadSidecarJSONInputSpec
output_spec = _ReadSidecarJSONOutputSpec
layout = None
_always_run = True
def __init__(self, fields=None, undef_fields=False, **inputs):
super(ReadSidecarJSON, self).__init__(**inputs)
self._fields = listify(fields or [])
self._undef_fields = undef_fields
def _outputs(self):
base = super(ReadSidecarJSON, self)._outputs()
if self._fields:
base = add_traits(base, self._fields)
return base
def _run_interface(self, runtime):
self.layout = self.inputs.bids_dir or self.layout
self.layout = _init_layout(
self.inputs.in_file, self.layout, self.inputs.bids_validate
# Fill in BIDS entities of the output ("*_id")
output_keys = list(_BIDSInfoOutputSpec().get().keys())
params = self.layout.parse_file_entities(self.inputs.in_file)
self._results = {
key: params.get(key.split("_")[0], Undefined) for key in output_keys
# Fill in metadata
metadata = self.layout.get_metadata(self.inputs.in_file)
self._results["out_dict"] = metadata
# Set dynamic outputs if fields input is present
for fname in self._fields:
if not self._undef_fields and fname not in metadata:
raise KeyError(
'Metadata field "%s" not found for file %s'
% (fname, self.inputs.in_file)
self._results[fname] = metadata.get(fname, Undefined)
return runtime
class _BIDSFreeSurferDirInputSpec(BaseInterfaceInputSpec):
derivatives = Directory(
exists=True, mandatory=True, desc="BIDS derivatives directory"
freesurfer_home = Directory(
exists=True, mandatory=True, desc="FreeSurfer installation directory"
subjects_dir = traits.Either(
desc="Name of FreeSurfer subjects directory",
spaces = traits.List(traits.Str, desc="Set of output spaces to prepare")
overwrite_fsaverage = traits.Bool(
False, usedefault=True, desc="Overwrite fsaverage directories, if present"
class _BIDSFreeSurferDirOutputSpec(TraitedSpec):
subjects_dir = traits.Directory(exists=True, desc="FreeSurfer subjects directory")
[docs]class BIDSFreeSurferDir(SimpleInterface):
Prepare a FreeSurfer subjects directory for use in a BIDS context.
Constructs a subjects directory path, creating if necessary, and copies
fsaverage subjects (if necessary or forced via ``overwrite_fsaverage``)
into from the local FreeSurfer distribution.
If ``subjects_dir`` is an absolute path, then it is returned as the output
If it is a relative path, it will be resolved relative to the
```derivatives`` directory.`
Regardless of the path, if ``fsaverage`` spaces are provided, they will be
verified to exist, or copied from ``$FREESURFER_HOME/subjects``, if missing.
The output ``subjects_dir`` is intended to be passed to ``ReconAll`` and
other FreeSurfer interfaces.
input_spec = _BIDSFreeSurferDirInputSpec
output_spec = _BIDSFreeSurferDirOutputSpec
_always_run = True
def _run_interface(self, runtime):
subjects_dir = Path(self.inputs.subjects_dir)
if not subjects_dir.is_absolute():
subjects_dir = Path(self.inputs.derivatives) / subjects_dir
subjects_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
self._results["subjects_dir"] = str(subjects_dir)
orig_subjects_dir = Path(self.inputs.freesurfer_home) / "subjects"
# Source is target, so just quit
if subjects_dir == orig_subjects_dir:
return runtime
spaces = list(self.inputs.spaces)
# Always copy fsaverage, for proper recon-all functionality
if "fsaverage" not in spaces:
for space in spaces:
# Skip non-freesurfer spaces and fsnative
if not space.startswith("fsaverage"):
source = orig_subjects_dir / space
dest = subjects_dir / space
# Edge case, but give a sensible error
if not source.exists():
if dest.exists():
raise FileNotFoundError("Expected to find '%s' to copy" % source)
# Finesse is overrated. Either leave it alone or completely clobber it.
if dest.exists() and self.inputs.overwrite_fsaverage:
if not dest.exists():
copytree(source, dest)
except FileExistsError:
"%s exists; if multiple jobs are running in parallel"
", this can be safely ignored",
return runtime