sdcflows.workflows.apply.registration module¶
Align the fieldmap reference map to the target EPI.
The fieldmap reference map may be a magnitude image (or an EPI dataset, in the case of PEPOLAR estimation).
The target EPI is the distorted dataset (or a reference thereof).
- sdcflows.workflows.apply.registration.init_coeff2epi_wf(omp_nthreads, sloppy=False, debug=False, write_coeff=False, name='coeff2epi_wf')[source]¶
Move the field coefficients on to the target (distorted) EPI space.
- Workflow Graph
(Source code, png, svg, pdf)
- Parameters:
omp_nthreads (
) – Maximum number of threads an individual process may use.sloppy (
) – Run fast configurations of registrations.debug (
) – Run in debug mode, that is, generating additional traces of (
) – Unique name of this workflow.write_coeff (
) – Map coefficients file
- Inputs:
target_ref – the target EPI reference image
target_mask – the reference image (skull-stripped)
fmap_ref – the reference (anatomical) image corresponding to
fmap_mask – a brain mask corresponding to
fmap_coeff – fieldmap coefficients
- Outputs:
fmap_coeff – fieldmap coefficients in the space of the target reference EPI
target_ref – the target reference EPI resampled into the fieldmap reference for quality control purposes.
target2fmap_xfm – An ITK-style transform produced with ANTs that can be used as transform in
with the fieldmap as reference and the target EPI as moving, resampling the latter into the fieldmap space.