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Source code for smriprep.interfaces.templateflow

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# Copyright 2021 The NiPreps Developers <nipreps@gmail.com>
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"""Interfaces to get templates from TemplateFlow."""

import logging

from nipype.interfaces.base import (
from templateflow import api as tf

LOGGER = logging.getLogger('nipype.interface')

class _TemplateFlowSelectInputSpec(BaseInterfaceInputSpec):
    template = traits.Str('MNI152NLin2009cAsym', mandatory=True, desc='Template ID')
    atlas = InputMultiObject(traits.Str, desc='Specify an atlas')
    cohort = InputMultiObject(traits.Either(traits.Str, traits.Int), desc='Specify a cohort')
    resolution = InputMultiObject(traits.Int, desc='Specify a template resolution index')
    template_spec = traits.Dict(
        value={'atlas': None, 'cohort': None},
        desc='Template specifications',

class _TemplateFlowSelectOutputSpec(TraitedSpec):
    t1w_file = File(exists=True, desc='T1w template')
    brain_mask = File(exists=True, desc="Template's brain mask")
    t2w_file = File(desc='T2w template')

[docs] class TemplateFlowSelect(SimpleInterface): """ Select TemplateFlow elements. >>> select = TemplateFlowSelect(resolution=1) >>> select.inputs.template = 'MNI152NLin2009cAsym' >>> result = select.run() >>> result.outputs.t1w_file # doctest: +ELLIPSIS '.../tpl-MNI152NLin2009cAsym_res-01_T1w.nii.gz' >>> result.outputs.brain_mask # doctest: +ELLIPSIS '.../tpl-MNI152NLin2009cAsym_res-01_desc-brain_mask.nii.gz' >>> select = TemplateFlowSelect() >>> select.inputs.template = 'MNIPediatricAsym' >>> select.inputs.template_spec = {'cohort': 5, 'resolution': 1} >>> result = select.run() >>> result.outputs.t1w_file # doctest: +ELLIPSIS '.../tpl-MNIPediatricAsym_cohort-5_res-1_T1w.nii.gz' >>> result.outputs.t2w_file # doctest: +ELLIPSIS '.../tpl-MNIPediatricAsym_cohort-5_res-1_T2w.nii.gz' >>> select = TemplateFlowSelect(resolution=2) >>> select.inputs.template = 'MNIPediatricAsym:cohort-5' >>> select.inputs.template_spec = {'resolution': 1} >>> result = select.run() >>> result.outputs.t1w_file # doctest: +ELLIPSIS '.../tpl-MNIPediatricAsym_cohort-5_res-2_T1w.nii.gz' >>> select = TemplateFlowSelect() >>> select.inputs.template = 'MNIPediatricAsym:cohort-2' >>> select.inputs.template_spec = {'cohort': 5, 'resolution': 1} >>> result = select.run() >>> result.outputs.t1w_file # doctest: +ELLIPSIS '.../tpl-MNIPediatricAsym_cohort-5_res-1_T1w.nii.gz' >>> select = TemplateFlowSelect() >>> select.inputs.template = 'MNI305' >>> select.inputs.template_spec = {'resolution': 1} >>> result = select.run() >>> result.outputs.t1w_file # doctest: +ELLIPSIS '.../tpl-MNI305_T1w.nii.gz' >>> result.outputs.t2w_file <undefined> """ input_spec = _TemplateFlowSelectInputSpec output_spec = _TemplateFlowSelectOutputSpec def _run_interface(self, runtime): specs = self.inputs.template_spec if isdefined(self.inputs.resolution): specs['resolution'] = self.inputs.resolution if isdefined(self.inputs.atlas): specs['atlas'] = self.inputs.atlas if isdefined(self.inputs.cohort): specs['cohort'] = self.inputs.cohort files = fetch_template_files(self.inputs.template, specs) self._results['t1w_file'] = files['t1w'] self._results['brain_mask'] = files['mask'] self._results['t2w_file'] = files['t2w'] return runtime
class _TemplateDescInputSpec(BaseInterfaceInputSpec): template = traits.Str(mandatory=True, desc='univocal template identifier') class _TemplateDescOutputSpec(TraitedSpec): name = traits.Str(desc='template identifier') spec = traits.Dict(desc='template arguments')
[docs] class TemplateDesc(SimpleInterface): """ Select template description and name pairs. This interface is necessary to ensure the good functioning with iterables and JoinNodes. >>> select = TemplateDesc(template='MNI152NLin2009cAsym') >>> result = select.run() >>> result.outputs.name 'MNI152NLin2009cAsym' >>> result.outputs.spec {} >>> select = TemplateDesc(template='MNIPediatricAsym:cohort-2') >>> result = select.run() >>> result.outputs.name 'MNIPediatricAsym' >>> result.outputs.spec {'cohort': '2'} """ input_spec = _TemplateDescInputSpec output_spec = _TemplateDescOutputSpec def _run_interface(self, runtime): _split = self.inputs.template.split(':') self._results['name'] = _split[0] self._results['spec'] = {} if len(_split) > 1: for desc in _split[1:]: descsplit = desc.split('-') self._results['spec'][descsplit[0]] = descsplit[1] return runtime
[docs] def fetch_template_files( template: str, specs: dict | None = None, sloppy: bool = False, ) -> dict: if specs is None: specs = {} name = template.strip(':').split(':', 1) if len(name) > 1: specs.update( { k: v for modifier in name[1].split(':') for k, v in [tuple(modifier.split('-'))] if k not in specs } ) if res := specs.pop('res', None): if res != 'native': specs['resolution'] = res if not specs.get('resolution'): specs['resolution'] = 2 if sloppy else 1 if specs.get('resolution') and not isinstance(specs['resolution'], list): specs['resolution'] = [specs['resolution']] available_resolutions = tf.TF_LAYOUT.get_resolutions(template=name[0]) if specs.get('resolution') and not set(specs['resolution']) & set(available_resolutions): fallback_res = available_resolutions[0] if available_resolutions else None LOGGER.warning( f'Template {name[0]} does not have resolution(s): {specs["resolution"]}.' f'Falling back to resolution: {fallback_res}.' ) specs['resolution'] = fallback_res files = {} files['t1w'] = tf.get(name[0], desc=None, suffix='T1w', **specs) files['mask'] = tf.get(name[0], desc='brain', suffix='mask', **specs) or tf.get( name[0], label='brain', suffix='mask', **specs ) # Not guaranteed to exist so add fallback files['t2w'] = tf.get(name[0], desc=None, suffix='T2w', **specs) or Undefined return files