Warning: This document is for an old version of smriprep.

Source code for smriprep.cli.run

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# Copyright 2021 The NiPreps Developers <nipreps@gmail.com>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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# We support and encourage derived works from this project, please read
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"""sMRIPrep: Structural MRI PREProcessing workflow."""

[docs] def main(): """Set an entrypoint.""" opts = get_parser().parse_args() return build_opts(opts)
[docs] def check_deps(workflow): """Make sure all dependencies are installed.""" from nipype.utils.filemanip import which return sorted( (node.interface.__class__.__name__, node.interface._cmd) for node in workflow._get_all_nodes() if (hasattr(node.interface, '_cmd') and which(node.interface._cmd.split()[0]) is None) )
[docs] def get_parser(): """Build parser object.""" from argparse import ArgumentParser, RawTextHelpFormatter from pathlib import Path from niworkflows.utils.spaces import ( OutputReferencesAction, Reference, SpatialReferences, ) import smriprep parser = ArgumentParser( description='sMRIPrep: Structural MRI PREProcessing workflows', formatter_class=RawTextHelpFormatter, ) # Arguments as specified by BIDS-Apps # required, positional arguments # IMPORTANT: they must go directly with the parser object parser.add_argument( 'bids_dir', action='store', type=Path, help='the root folder of a BIDS valid dataset (sub-XXXXX folders should ' 'be found at the top level in this folder).', ) parser.add_argument( 'output_dir', action='store', type=Path, help='the output path for the outcomes of preprocessing and visual reports', ) parser.add_argument( 'analysis_level', choices=['participant'], help='processing stage to be run, only "participant" in the case of ' 'sMRIPrep (see BIDS-Apps specification).', ) # optional arguments parser.add_argument( '--version', action='version', version=f'smriprep v{smriprep.__version__}', ) g_bids = parser.add_argument_group('Options for filtering BIDS queries') g_bids.add_argument( '--participant-label', '--participant_label', action='store', nargs='+', help='a space delimited list of participant identifiers or a single ' 'identifier (the sub- prefix can be removed)', ) g_bids.add_argument( '-d', '--derivatives', action='store', metavar='PATH', type=Path, nargs='*', help='Search PATH(s) for pre-computed derivatives.', ) g_bids.add_argument( '--bids-filter-file', action='store', type=Path, metavar='PATH', help='a JSON file describing custom BIDS input filters using pybids ' '{<suffix>:{<entity>:<filter>,...},...} ' '(https://github.com/bids-standard/pybids/blob/master/bids/layout/config/bids.json)', ) g_perfm = parser.add_argument_group('Options to handle performance') g_perfm.add_argument( '--nprocs', '--ncpus', '--nthreads', '--n_cpus', '-n-cpus', action='store', type=int, help='number of CPUs to be used.', ) g_perfm.add_argument( '--omp-nthreads', action='store', type=int, default=0, help='maximum number of threads per-process', ) g_perfm.add_argument( '--mem-gb', '--mem_gb', action='store', default=0, type=float, help='upper bound memory limit for sMRIPrep processes (in GB).', ) g_perfm.add_argument( '--low-mem', action='store_true', help='attempt to reduce memory usage (will increase disk usage in working directory)', ) g_perfm.add_argument( '--use-plugin', action='store', default=None, help='nipype plugin configuration file', ) g_perfm.add_argument('--boilerplate', action='store_true', help='generate boilerplate only') g_perfm.add_argument( '-v', '--verbose', dest='verbose_count', action='count', default=0, help='increases log verbosity for each occurrence, debug level is -vvv', ) g_conf = parser.add_argument_group('Workflow configuration') g_conf.add_argument( '--output-spaces', nargs='*', action=OutputReferencesAction, default=SpatialReferences(), help='paths or keywords prescribing output spaces - ' 'standard spaces will be extracted for spatial normalization.', ) g_conf.add_argument( '--longitudinal', action='store_true', help='treat dataset as longitudinal - may increase runtime', ) # ANTs options g_ants = parser.add_argument_group('Specific options for ANTs registrations') g_ants.add_argument( '--skull-strip-template', default='OASIS30ANTs', type=Reference.from_string, help='select a template for skull-stripping with antsBrainExtraction', ) g_ants.add_argument( '--skull-strip-fixed-seed', action='store_true', help='do not use a random seed for skull-stripping - will ensure ' 'run-to-run replicability when used with --omp-nthreads 1', ) g_ants.add_argument( '--skull-strip-mode', action='store', choices=('auto', 'skip', 'force'), default='auto', help='determiner for T1-weighted skull stripping (force ensures skull ' 'stripping, skip ignores skull stripping, and auto automatically ' 'ignores skull stripping if pre-stripped brains are detected).', ) # FreeSurfer options g_fs = parser.add_argument_group('Specific options for FreeSurfer preprocessing') g_fs.add_argument( '--fs-license-file', metavar='PATH', type=Path, help='Path to FreeSurfer license key file. Get it (for free) by registering' ' at https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/registration.html', ) g_fs.add_argument( '--fs-subjects-dir', metavar='PATH', type=Path, help='Path to existing FreeSurfer subjects directory to reuse. ' '(default: OUTPUT_DIR/freesurfer)', ) g_fs.add_argument( '--fs-no-resume', action='store_true', dest='fs_no_resume', help='EXPERT: Import pre-computed FreeSurfer reconstruction without resuming. ' 'The user is responsible for ensuring that all necessary files are present.', ) g_fs.add_argument( '--cifti-output', nargs='?', const='91k', default=False, choices=('91k', '170k'), type=str, help='Output morphometry as CIFTI dense scalars. ' 'Optionally, the number of grayordinate can be specified ' '(default is 91k, which equates to 2mm resolution)', ) # Surface generation xor g_surfs = parser.add_argument_group('Surface preprocessing options') g_surfs.add_argument( '--no-submm-recon', action='store_false', dest='hires', help='disable sub-millimeter (hires) reconstruction', ) g_surfs.add_argument( '--no-msm', action='store_false', dest='msm_sulc', help='Disable Multimodal Surface Matching surface registration.', ) g_surfs_xor = g_surfs.add_mutually_exclusive_group() g_surfs_xor.add_argument( '--fs-no-reconall', action='store_false', dest='run_reconall', help='disable FreeSurfer surface preprocessing.', ) g_other = parser.add_argument_group('Other options') g_other.add_argument( '-w', '--work-dir', action='store', type=Path, default=Path('work'), help='path where intermediate results should be stored', ) g_other.add_argument( '--fast-track', action='store_true', default=False, help='fast-track the workflow by searching for existing derivatives. ' '(DEPRECATED for --derivatives).', ) g_other.add_argument( '--resource-monitor', action='store_true', default=False, help="enable Nipype's resource monitoring to keep track of memory and CPU usage", ) g_other.add_argument( '--reports-only', action='store_true', default=False, help="only generate reports, don't run workflows. This will only rerun report " 'aggregation, not reportlet generation for specific nodes.', ) g_other.add_argument( '--run-uuid', action='store', default=None, help='Specify UUID of previous run, to include error logs in report. ' 'No effect without --reports-only.', ) g_other.add_argument( '--write-graph', action='store_true', default=False, help='Write workflow graph.', ) g_other.add_argument( '--stop-on-first-crash', action='store_true', default=False, help='Force stopping on first crash, even if a work directory was specified.', ) g_other.add_argument( '--notrack', action='store_true', default=False, help='Opt-out of sending tracking information of this run to ' 'the sMRIPrep developers. This information helps to ' 'improve sMRIPrep and provides an indicator of real ' 'world usage crucial for obtaining funding.', ) g_other.add_argument( '--sloppy', action='store_true', default=False, help='Use low-quality tools for speed - TESTING ONLY', ) return parser
[docs] def build_opts(opts): """Trigger a new process that builds the workflow graph, based on the input options.""" import gc import logging import os import sys import warnings from multiprocessing import Manager, Process, set_start_method from pathlib import Path from nipype import logging as nlogging from niworkflows.utils.misc import check_valid_fs_license set_start_method('forkserver') logging.addLevelName(25, 'IMPORTANT') # Add a new level between INFO and WARNING logging.addLevelName(15, 'VERBOSE') # Add a new level between INFO and DEBUG logger = logging.getLogger('cli') def _warn_redirect(message, category, filename, lineno, file=None, line=None): logger.warning('Captured warning (%s): %s', category, message) warnings.showwarning = _warn_redirect # Precedence: --fs-license-file, $FS_LICENSE, default_license if opts.fs_license_file is not None: os.environ['FS_LICENSE'] = os.path.abspath(opts.fs_license_file) if not check_valid_fs_license(): raise RuntimeError( 'ERROR: a valid license file is required for FreeSurfer to run. ' 'sMRIPrep looked for an existing license file at several paths, in this ' 'order: 1) command line argument ``--fs-license-file``; 2) ``$FS_LICENSE`` ' 'environment variable; and 3) the ``$FREESURFER_HOME/license.txt`` path. ' 'Get it (for free) by registering at https://' 'surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/registration.html' ) # Retrieve logging level log_level = int(max(25 - 5 * opts.verbose_count, logging.DEBUG)) # Set logging logger.setLevel(log_level) nlogging.getLogger('nipype.workflow').setLevel(log_level) nlogging.getLogger('nipype.interface').setLevel(log_level) nlogging.getLogger('nipype.utils').setLevel(log_level) errno = 0 # Call build_workflow(opts, retval) with Manager() as mgr: retval = mgr.dict() p = Process(target=build_workflow, args=(opts, retval)) p.start() p.join() if p.exitcode != 0: sys.exit(p.exitcode) smriprep_wf = retval['workflow'] plugin_settings = retval['plugin_settings'] bids_dir = retval['bids_dir'] output_dir = retval['output_dir'] subject_list = retval['subject_list'] run_uuid = retval['run_uuid'] retcode = retval['return_code'] if smriprep_wf is None: sys.exit(1) if opts.write_graph: smriprep_wf.write_graph(graph2use='colored', format='svg', simple_form=True) if opts.reports_only: sys.exit(int(retcode > 0)) if opts.boilerplate: sys.exit(int(retcode > 0)) # Check workflow for missing commands missing = check_deps(smriprep_wf) if missing: print('Cannot run sMRIPrep. Missing dependencies:') for iface, cmd in missing: print(f'\t{cmd} (Interface: {iface})') sys.exit(2) # Clean up master process before running workflow, which may create forks gc.collect() try: smriprep_wf.run(**plugin_settings) except RuntimeError: errno = 1 else: if opts.run_reconall: from niworkflows.utils.misc import _copy_any from templateflow import api dseg_tsv = str( api.get( 'fsaverage', hemi=None, atlas=None, segmentation='aparc', suffix='dseg', extension=['.tsv'], ) ) _copy_any(dseg_tsv, str(Path(output_dir) / 'smriprep' / 'desc-aseg_dseg.tsv')) _copy_any(dseg_tsv, str(Path(output_dir) / 'smriprep' / 'desc-aparcaseg_dseg.tsv')) logger.log(25, 'sMRIPrep finished without errors') finally: from niworkflows.reports import generate_reports from ..utils.bids import write_bidsignore, write_derivative_description logger.log(25, 'Writing reports for participants: %s', ', '.join(subject_list)) # Generate reports phase errno += generate_reports(subject_list, output_dir, run_uuid, packagename='smriprep') write_derivative_description(bids_dir, str(Path(output_dir) / 'smriprep')) write_bidsignore(Path(output_dir) / 'smriprep') sys.exit(int(errno > 0))
[docs] def build_workflow(opts, retval): """ Create the Nipype Workflow that supports the whole execution graph, given the inputs. All the checks and the construction of the workflow are done inside this function that has pickleable inputs and output dictionary (``retval``) to allow isolation using a ``multiprocessing.Process`` that allows smriprep to enforce a hard-limited memory-scope. """ import json import uuid import warnings from os import cpu_count from shutil import copyfile from subprocess import CalledProcessError, TimeoutExpired, check_call from time import strftime from bids import BIDSLayout from nipype import config as ncfg from nipype import logging from niworkflows.utils.bids import collect_participants import smriprep from smriprep.workflows.base import init_smriprep_wf logger = logging.getLogger('nipype.workflow') INIT_MSG = """ Running sMRIPrep version {version}: * BIDS dataset path: {bids_dir}. * Participant list: {subject_list}. * Run identifier: {uuid}. {spaces} """.format # Set up some instrumental utilities run_uuid = '{}_{}'.format(strftime('%Y%m%d-%H%M%S'), uuid.uuid4()) # First check that bids_dir looks like a BIDS folder bids_dir = opts.bids_dir.resolve() layout = BIDSLayout(str(bids_dir), validate=False) subject_list = collect_participants(layout, participant_label=opts.participant_label) bids_filters = json.loads(opts.bids_filter_file.read_text()) if opts.bids_filter_file else None # Load base plugin_settings from file if --use-plugin if opts.use_plugin is not None: from yaml import safe_load as loadyml with open(opts.use_plugin) as f: plugin_settings = loadyml(f) plugin_settings.setdefault('plugin_args', {}) else: # Defaults plugin_settings = { 'plugin': 'MultiProc', 'plugin_args': { 'raise_insufficient': False, 'maxtasksperchild': 1, }, } # Resource management options # Note that we're making strong assumptions about valid plugin args # This may need to be revisited if people try to use batch plugins nprocs = plugin_settings['plugin_args'].get('n_procs') # Permit overriding plugin config with specific CLI options if nprocs is None or opts.nprocs is not None: nprocs = opts.nprocs if nprocs is None or nprocs < 1: nprocs = cpu_count() plugin_settings['plugin_args']['n_procs'] = nprocs if opts.mem_gb: plugin_settings['plugin_args']['memory_gb'] = opts.mem_gb omp_nthreads = opts.omp_nthreads if omp_nthreads == 0: omp_nthreads = min(nprocs - 1 if nprocs > 1 else cpu_count(), 8) if 1 < nprocs < omp_nthreads: logger.warning( 'Per-process threads (--omp-nthreads=%d) exceed total ' 'available CPUs (--nprocs/--ncpus=%d)', omp_nthreads, nprocs, ) # Set up directories output_dir = opts.output_dir.resolve() log_dir = output_dir / 'smriprep' / 'logs' work_dir = opts.work_dir.resolve() # Check and create output and working directories log_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) work_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Nipype config (logs and execution) ncfg.update_config( { 'logging': {'log_directory': str(log_dir), 'log_to_file': True}, 'execution': { 'crashdump_dir': str(log_dir), 'crashfile_format': 'txt', 'get_linked_libs': False, 'stop_on_first_crash': opts.stop_on_first_crash, }, 'monitoring': { 'enabled': opts.resource_monitor, 'sample_frequency': '0.5', 'summary_append': True, }, } ) if opts.resource_monitor: ncfg.enable_resource_monitor() retval['return_code'] = 0 retval['plugin_settings'] = plugin_settings retval['bids_dir'] = str(bids_dir) retval['output_dir'] = str(output_dir) retval['work_dir'] = str(work_dir) retval['subject_list'] = subject_list retval['run_uuid'] = run_uuid retval['workflow'] = None # Called with reports only if opts.reports_only: from niworkflows.reports import generate_reports logger.log(25, 'Running --reports-only on participants %s', ', '.join(subject_list)) if opts.run_uuid is not None: run_uuid = opts.run_uuid retval['return_code'] = generate_reports( subject_list, str(output_dir), run_uuid, packagename='smriprep' ) return retval output_spaces = opts.output_spaces if not output_spaces.is_cached(): output_spaces.checkpoint() logger.log( 25, INIT_MSG( version=smriprep.__version__, bids_dir=bids_dir, subject_list=subject_list, uuid=run_uuid, spaces=output_spaces, ), ) derivatives = opts.derivatives or [] if opts.fast_track: # XXX Makes strong assumption of legacy layout smriprep_dir = str(output_dir / 'smriprep') warnings.warn( f'Received DEPRECATED --fast-track flag. Adding {smriprep_dir} to --derivatives list.' f'Received DEPRECATED --fast-track flag. Adding {smriprep_dir} to --derivatives list.', stacklevel=1, ) derivatives.append(smriprep_dir) # Build main workflow retval['workflow'] = init_smriprep_wf( sloppy=opts.sloppy, debug=False, derivatives=derivatives, freesurfer=opts.run_reconall, fs_subjects_dir=opts.fs_subjects_dir, hires=opts.hires, fs_no_resume=opts.fs_no_resume, layout=layout, longitudinal=opts.longitudinal, low_mem=opts.low_mem, msm_sulc=opts.msm_sulc, omp_nthreads=omp_nthreads, output_dir=str(output_dir), run_uuid=run_uuid, skull_strip_fixed_seed=opts.skull_strip_fixed_seed, skull_strip_mode=opts.skull_strip_mode, skull_strip_template=opts.skull_strip_template[0], spaces=output_spaces, subject_list=subject_list, work_dir=str(work_dir), bids_filters=bids_filters, cifti_output=opts.cifti_output, ) retval['return_code'] = 0 boilerplate = retval['workflow'].visit_desc() (log_dir / 'CITATION.md').write_text(boilerplate) logger.log( 25, 'Works derived from this sMRIPrep execution should ' 'include the following boilerplate:\n\n%s', boilerplate, ) boilerplate_bib = smriprep.load_data('boilerplate.bib') # Generate HTML file resolving citations cmd = [ 'pandoc', '-s', '--bibliography', str(boilerplate_bib), '--citeproc', '--metadata', 'pagetitle="sMRIPrep citation boilerplate"', str(log_dir / 'CITATION.md'), '-o', str(log_dir / 'CITATION.html'), ] try: check_call(cmd, timeout=10) # noqa: S603 except (FileNotFoundError, CalledProcessError, TimeoutExpired): logger.warning('Could not generate CITATION.html file:\n%s', ' '.join(cmd)) # Generate LaTex file resolving citations cmd = [ 'pandoc', '-s', '--bibliography', str(boilerplate_bib), '--natbib', str(log_dir / 'CITATION.md'), '-o', str(log_dir / 'CITATION.tex'), ] try: check_call(cmd, timeout=10) # noqa: S603 except (FileNotFoundError, CalledProcessError, TimeoutExpired): logger.warning('Could not generate CITATION.tex file:\n%s', ' '.join(cmd)) else: copyfile(str(boilerplate_bib), str(log_dir / 'CITATION.bib')) return retval
if __name__ == '__main__': raise RuntimeError( 'smriprep/cli/run.py should not be run directly;\n' 'Please `pip install` smriprep and use the `smriprep` command' )