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smriprep.interfaces.cifti module

class smriprep.interfaces.cifti.GenerateDScalar(from_file=None, resource_monitor=None, **inputs)[source]

Bases: SimpleInterface

Generate a HCP-style CIFTI-2 image from scalar surface files.

Mandatory Inputs:
  • scalar_name (a string) – Name of scalar.

  • scalar_surfs (a list of items which are a pathlike object or string representing an existing file) – List of surface BOLD GIFTI files (length 2 with order [L,R]).

Optional Inputs:
  • grayordinates (‘91k’ or ‘170k’) – Final CIFTI grayordinates. (Nipype default value: 91k)

  • surface_target (‘fsLR’) – CIFTI surface target space. (Nipype default value: fsLR)

  • out_file (a pathlike object or string representing a file) – Generated CIFTI file.

  • out_metadata (a pathlike object or string representing a file) – CIFTI metadata JSON.