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Source code for smriprep.interfaces.freesurfer

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# Copyright 2021 The NiPreps Developers <nipreps@gmail.com>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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"""Nipype's recon-all replacement."""

import os

from looseversion import LooseVersion
from nipype import logging
from nipype.interfaces import freesurfer as fs
from nipype.interfaces.base import File, InputMultiObject, isdefined, traits
from nipype.utils.filemanip import check_depends
from niworkflows.interfaces import freesurfer as nwfs

iflogger = logging.getLogger('nipype.interface')

class _ReconAllInputSpec(fs.preprocess.ReconAllInputSpec):
    directive = traits.Enum(
        # autorecon2 variants
        # autorecon3 variants
        # Mix of autorecon2 and autorecon3 steps
        # Not "multi-stage flags"
        desc='process directive',
    steps = InputMultiObject(
            # autorecon1
            # autorecon2-volonly
            'careginv',  # 5.3
            'rmneck',  # 5.3
            'skull-lta',  # 5.3
            # autorecon2 per-hemi
            'curvHK',  # 6.0
            # autorecon3 per-hemi
            # autorecon vol
            'hyporelabel',  # 6.0
            'apas2aseg',  # 6.0
        desc='specific process directives',
    hemi = traits.Enum('lh', 'rh', desc='hemisphere to process', argstr='-%s-only')

[docs] class ReconAll(fs.ReconAll): input_spec = _ReconAllInputSpec @property def cmdline(self): cmd = super(fs.ReconAll, self).cmdline # Adds '-expert' flag if expert flags are passed # Mutually exclusive with 'expert' input parameter cmd += self._prep_expert_file() if not self._is_resuming(): return cmd subjects_dir = self.inputs.subjects_dir if not isdefined(subjects_dir): subjects_dir = self._gen_subjects_dir() # Check only relevant steps directive = self.inputs.directive if not isdefined(directive): steps = [] if isdefined(self.inputs.steps): steps = [step for step in self._steps if step[0] in self.inputs.steps] elif directive == 'autorecon1': steps = self._autorecon1_steps elif directive == 'autorecon2-volonly': steps = self._autorecon2_volonly_steps elif directive == 'autorecon2-perhemi': steps = self._autorecon2_perhemi_steps elif directive.startswith('autorecon2'): if isdefined(self.inputs.hemi): if self.inputs.hemi == 'lh': steps = self._autorecon2_volonly_steps + self._autorecon2_lh_steps else: steps = self._autorecon2_volonly_steps + self._autorecon2_rh_steps else: steps = self._autorecon2_steps elif directive == 'autorecon-hemi': if self.inputs.hemi == 'lh': steps = self._autorecon_lh_steps else: steps = self._autorecon_rh_steps elif directive == 'autorecon3': steps = self._autorecon3_steps else: steps = self._steps no_run = True flags = [] for step, outfiles, infiles in steps: flag = f'-{step}' noflag = f'-no{step}' if noflag in cmd: continue elif flag in cmd: no_run = False continue # FreeSurfer changed the meaning and order of -apas2aseg without # updating the recon table on the wiki. Hack it until fixed in nipype. if step == 'apas2aseg' and fs.Info.looseversion() >= LooseVersion('7.3.0'): infiles = [] subj_dir = os.path.join(subjects_dir, self.inputs.subject_id) if check_depends( [os.path.join(subj_dir, f) for f in outfiles], [os.path.join(subj_dir, f) for f in infiles], ): flags.append(noflag) else: if isdefined(self.inputs.steps): flags.append(flag) no_run = False if no_run and not self.force_run: iflogger.info('recon-all complete : Not running') return 'echo recon-all: nothing to do' cmd += ' ' + ' '.join(flags) iflogger.info('resume recon-all : %s', cmd) return cmd def _format_arg(self, name, trait_spec, value): # Nipype disables this if -autorecon-hemi is passed # We need to use it either way to prevent undesired behavior if name == 'hemi': return trait_spec.argstr % value return super()._format_arg(name, trait_spec, value)
class _MRIsConvertDataInputSpec(fs.utils.MRIsConvertInputSpec): in_file = File( exists=True, position=-2, genfile=True, argstr='%s', desc='Surface file', ) _xor = ('annot_file', 'parcstats_file', 'label_file', 'scalarcurv_file', 'functional_file') annot_file = File( exists=True, argstr='--annot %s', mandatory=True, xor=_xor, desc='input is annotation or gifti label data', ) parcstats_file = File( exists=True, argstr='--parcstats %s', mandatory=True, xor=_xor, desc='infile is name of text file containing label/val pairs', ) label_file = File( exists=True, argstr='--label %s', mandatory=True, xor=_xor, desc='infile is .label file, label is name of this label', ) scalarcurv_file = File( exists=True, argstr='-c %s', mandatory=True, xor=_xor, desc='input is scalar curv overlay file (must still specify surface)', ) functional_file = File( exists=True, argstr='-f %s', mandatory=True, xor=_xor, desc='input is functional time-series or other multi-frame data (must specify surface)', )
[docs] class MRIsConvertData(fs.utils.MRIsConvert): """Convert surface data files (label, curvature, functional, etc) Wraps mris_convert to automatically select the correct ?h.white surface if passed a file from the subject's surf/ directory """ input_spec = _MRIsConvertDataInputSpec def _gen_filename(self, name): if name == 'in_file': if isdefined(self.inputs.in_file): return self.inputs.in_file # Find file we're trying to convert fname = None for opt in ('annot', 'parcstats', 'label', 'scalarcurv', 'functional'): input_file = getattr(self.inputs, f'{opt}_file') if isdefined(input_file): fname = input_file break if fname is None: raise ValueError('Missing file to derive filename from.') # $SUB/lh.curv -> $SUB/lh.white, etc dirname, basename = os.path.split(fname) hemi = basename.split('.', 1)[0] if hemi not in ('lh', 'rh'): return None self.inputs.in_file = os.path.join(dirname, f'{hemi}.white') return self.inputs.in_file return super()._gen_filename(name)
class MakeMidthicknessInputSpec(nwfs._MakeMidthicknessInputSpec, fs.base.FSTraitedSpecOpenMP): pass
[docs] class MakeMidthickness(nwfs.MakeMidthickness, fs.base.FSCommandOpenMP): """Patched MakeMidthickness interface Ensures output filenames are specified with hemisphere labels, when appropriate. This may not cover all use-cases in MRIsExpand, but we're just making midthickness files. This interface also sets the OMP_NUM_THREADS environment variable to floor(1.5x) the number of threads requested by the user, as tests indicate that cores are underutilized by a factor of 2/3. >>> from smriprep.interfaces.freesurfer import MakeMidthickness >>> mris_expand = MakeMidthickness(thickness=True, distance=0.5) >>> mris_expand.inputs.in_file = 'lh.white' >>> mris_expand.cmdline 'mris_expand -thickness lh.white 0.5 lh.expanded' >>> mris_expand.inputs.out_name = 'graymid' >>> mris_expand.cmdline 'mris_expand -thickness lh.white 0.5 lh.graymid' Explicit hemisphere labels should still be respected: >>> mris_expand.inputs.out_name = 'rh.graymid' >>> mris_expand.cmdline 'mris_expand -thickness lh.white 0.5 rh.graymid' """ input_spec = MakeMidthicknessInputSpec def _format_arg(self, name, trait_spec, value): # FreeSurfer at some point changed whether it would add the hemi label onto the # surface. Therefore we'll do it ourselves. if name == 'out_name': value = self._associated_file(self.inputs.in_file, value) return super()._format_arg(name, trait_spec, value) def _num_threads_update(self): if self.inputs.num_threads: self.inputs.environ.update({'OMP_NUM_THREADS': str(self.inputs.num_threads * 3 // 2)})