Warning: This document is for the development version of smriprep.

Source code for smriprep.workflows.anatomical

# emacs: -*- mode: python; py-indent-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# vi: set ft=python sts=4 ts=4 sw=4 et:
# Copyright 2021 The NiPreps Developers <nipreps@gmail.com>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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"""Anatomical reference preprocessing workflows."""

import typing as ty

from nipype import logging
from nipype.interfaces import (
    freesurfer as fs,
from nipype.interfaces import (
from nipype.interfaces import (
    utility as niu,
from nipype.interfaces.ants import DenoiseImage, N4BiasFieldCorrection
from nipype.interfaces.ants.base import Info as ANTsInfo
from nipype.pipeline import engine as pe
from niworkflows.anat.ants import init_brain_extraction_wf, init_n4_only_wf
from niworkflows.engine.workflows import LiterateWorkflow as Workflow
from niworkflows.interfaces.fixes import FixHeaderApplyTransforms as ApplyTransforms
from niworkflows.interfaces.freesurfer import (
    PatchedLTAConvert as LTAConvert,
from niworkflows.interfaces.freesurfer import (
from niworkflows.interfaces.header import ValidateImage
from niworkflows.interfaces.images import Conform, TemplateDimensions
from niworkflows.interfaces.nibabel import ApplyMask, Binarize
from niworkflows.interfaces.nitransforms import ConcatenateXFMs
from niworkflows.utils.misc import add_suffix
from niworkflows.utils.spaces import Reference, SpatialReferences

import smriprep

from ..interfaces import DerivativesDataSink
from ..utils.misc import apply_lut as _apply_bids_lut
from ..utils.misc import fs_isRunning as _fs_isRunning
from .fit.registration import init_register_template_wf
from .outputs import (
from .surfaces import (

LOGGER = logging.getLogger('nipype.workflow')

[docs] def init_anat_preproc_wf( *, bids_root: str, output_dir: str, freesurfer: bool, hires: bool, longitudinal: bool, msm_sulc: bool, t1w: list, t2w: list, skull_strip_mode: str, skull_strip_template: Reference, spaces: SpatialReferences, precomputed: dict, omp_nthreads: int, flair: list = (), # Remove default after callers start passing it debug: bool = False, sloppy: bool = False, cifti_output: ty.Literal['91k', '170k', False] = False, name: str = 'anat_preproc_wf', skull_strip_fixed_seed: bool = False, fs_no_resume: bool = False, ): """ Stage the anatomical preprocessing steps of *sMRIPrep*. This workflow is a compatibility wrapper around :py:func:`init_anat_fit_wf` that emits all derivatives that were present in sMRIPrep 0.9.x and before. Workflow Graph .. workflow:: :graph2use: orig :simple_form: yes from niworkflows.utils.spaces import SpatialReferences, Reference from smriprep.workflows.anatomical import init_anat_preproc_wf spaces = SpatialReferences(spaces=['MNI152NLin2009cAsym', 'fsaverage5']) spaces.checkpoint() wf = init_anat_preproc_wf( bids_root='.', output_dir='.', freesurfer=True, hires=True, longitudinal=False, msm_sulc=False, t1w=['t1w.nii.gz'], t2w=[], skull_strip_mode='force', skull_strip_template=Reference('OASIS30ANTs'), spaces=spaces, precomputed={}, omp_nthreads=1, ) Parameters ---------- bids_root : :obj:`str` Path of the input BIDS dataset root output_dir : :obj:`str` Directory in which to save derivatives freesurfer : :obj:`bool` Enable FreeSurfer surface reconstruction (increases runtime by 6h, at the very least) hires : :obj:`bool` Enable sub-millimeter preprocessing in FreeSurfer longitudinal : :obj:`bool` Create unbiased structural template, regardless of number of inputs (may increase runtime) t1w : :obj:`list` List of T1-weighted structural images. skull_strip_mode : :obj:`str` Determiner for T1-weighted skull stripping (`force` ensures skull stripping, `skip` ignores skull stripping, and `auto` automatically ignores skull stripping if pre-stripped brains are detected). skull_strip_template : :py:class:`~niworkflows.utils.spaces.Reference` Spatial reference to use in atlas-based brain extraction. spaces : :py:class:`~niworkflows.utils.spaces.SpatialReferences` Object containing standard and nonstandard space specifications. precomputed : :obj:`dict` Dictionary mapping output specification attribute names and paths to precomputed derivatives. omp_nthreads : :obj:`int` Maximum number of threads an individual process may use debug : :obj:`bool` Enable debugging outputs sloppy: :obj:`bool` Quick, impercise operations. Used to decrease workflow duration. name : :obj:`str`, optional Workflow name (default: anat_fit_wf) skull_strip_fixed_seed : :obj:`bool` Do not use a random seed for skull-stripping - will ensure run-to-run replicability when used with --omp-nthreads 1 (default: ``False``). fs_no_resume : bool EXPERT: Import pre-computed FreeSurfer reconstruction without resuming. The user is responsible for ensuring that all necessary files are present. (default: ``False``). Inputs ------ t1w List of T1-weighted structural images t2w List of T2-weighted structural images roi A mask to exclude regions during standardization flair List of FLAIR images subjects_dir FreeSurfer SUBJECTS_DIR subject_id FreeSurfer subject ID Outputs ------- t1w_preproc The T1w reference map, which is calculated as the average of bias-corrected and preprocessed T1w images, defining the anatomical space. t1w_mask Brain (binary) mask estimated by brain extraction. t1w_dseg Brain tissue segmentation of the preprocessed structural image, including gray-matter (GM), white-matter (WM) and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). t1w_tpms List of tissue probability maps corresponding to ``t1w_dseg``. template List of template names to which the structural image has been registered anat2std_xfm List of nonlinear spatial transforms to resample data from subject anatomical space into standard template spaces. Collated with template. std2anat_xfm List of nonlinear spatial transforms to resample data from standard template spaces into subject anatomical space. Collated with template. subjects_dir FreeSurfer SUBJECTS_DIR; use as input to a node to ensure that it is run after FreeSurfer reconstruction is completed. subject_id FreeSurfer subject ID; use as input to a node to ensure that it is run after FreeSurfer reconstruction is completed. fsnative2t1w_xfm ITK-style affine matrix translating from FreeSurfer-conformed subject space to T1w """ workflow = Workflow(name=name) inputnode = pe.Node( niu.IdentityInterface(fields=['t1w', 't2w', 'roi', 'flair', 'subjects_dir', 'subject_id']), name='inputnode', ) outputnode = pe.Node( niu.IdentityInterface( fields=[ 'template', 'subjects_dir', 'subject_id', 't1w_preproc', 't1w_mask', 't1w_dseg', 't1w_tpms', 'anat2std_xfm', 'std2anat_xfm', 'fsnative2t1w_xfm', 't1w_aparc', 't1w_aseg', 'sphere_reg', 'sphere_reg_fsLR', ] ), name='outputnode', ) anat_fit_wf = init_anat_fit_wf( bids_root=bids_root, output_dir=output_dir, freesurfer=freesurfer, hires=hires, longitudinal=longitudinal, msm_sulc=msm_sulc, skull_strip_mode=skull_strip_mode, skull_strip_template=skull_strip_template, spaces=spaces, t1w=t1w, t2w=t2w, flair=flair, precomputed=precomputed, debug=debug, sloppy=sloppy, omp_nthreads=omp_nthreads, skull_strip_fixed_seed=skull_strip_fixed_seed, fs_no_resume=fs_no_resume, ) template_iterator_wf = init_template_iterator_wf(spaces=spaces, sloppy=sloppy) ds_std_volumes_wf = init_ds_anat_volumes_wf( bids_root=bids_root, output_dir=output_dir, ) workflow.connect([ (inputnode, anat_fit_wf, [ ('t1w', 'inputnode.t1w'), ('t2w', 'inputnode.t2w'), ('roi', 'inputnode.roi'), ('flair', 'inputnode.flair'), ('subjects_dir', 'inputnode.subjects_dir'), ('subject_id', 'inputnode.subject_id'), ]), (anat_fit_wf, outputnode, [ ('outputnode.template', 'template'), ('outputnode.subjects_dir', 'subjects_dir'), ('outputnode.subject_id', 'subject_id'), ('outputnode.t1w_preproc', 't1w_preproc'), ('outputnode.t1w_mask', 't1w_mask'), ('outputnode.t1w_dseg', 't1w_dseg'), ('outputnode.t1w_tpms', 't1w_tpms'), ('outputnode.anat2std_xfm', 'anat2std_xfm'), ('outputnode.std2anat_xfm', 'std2anat_xfm'), ('outputnode.fsnative2t1w_xfm', 'fsnative2t1w_xfm'), ('outputnode.sphere_reg', 'sphere_reg'), (f"outputnode.sphere_reg_{'msm' if msm_sulc else 'fsLR'}", 'sphere_reg_fsLR'), ('outputnode.anat_ribbon', 'anat_ribbon'), ]), (anat_fit_wf, template_iterator_wf, [ ('outputnode.template', 'inputnode.template'), ('outputnode.anat2std_xfm', 'inputnode.anat2std_xfm'), ]), (anat_fit_wf, ds_std_volumes_wf, [ ('outputnode.t1w_valid_list', 'inputnode.source_files'), ('outputnode.t1w_preproc', 'inputnode.anat_preproc'), ('outputnode.t1w_mask', 'inputnode.anat_mask'), ('outputnode.t1w_dseg', 'inputnode.anat_dseg'), ('outputnode.t1w_tpms', 'inputnode.anat_tpms'), ]), (template_iterator_wf, ds_std_volumes_wf, [ ('outputnode.std_t1w', 'inputnode.ref_file'), ('outputnode.anat2std_xfm', 'inputnode.anat2std_xfm'), ('outputnode.space', 'inputnode.space'), ('outputnode.cohort', 'inputnode.cohort'), ('outputnode.resolution', 'inputnode.resolution'), ]), ]) # fmt:skip if freesurfer: ds_fs_segs_wf = init_ds_fs_segs_wf( bids_root=bids_root, output_dir=output_dir, ) surface_derivatives_wf = init_surface_derivatives_wf() ds_surfaces_wf = init_ds_surfaces_wf(output_dir=output_dir, surfaces=['inflated']) ds_curv_wf = init_ds_surface_metrics_wf( bids_root=bids_root, output_dir=output_dir, metrics=['curv'], name='ds_curv_wf' ) workflow.connect([ (anat_fit_wf, surface_derivatives_wf, [ ('outputnode.t1w_preproc', 'inputnode.reference'), ('outputnode.subjects_dir', 'inputnode.subjects_dir'), ('outputnode.subject_id', 'inputnode.subject_id'), ('outputnode.fsnative2t1w_xfm', 'inputnode.fsnative2anat_xfm'), ]), (anat_fit_wf, ds_surfaces_wf, [ ('outputnode.t1w_valid_list', 'inputnode.source_files'), ]), (surface_derivatives_wf, ds_surfaces_wf, [ ('outputnode.inflated', 'inputnode.inflated'), ]), (anat_fit_wf, ds_curv_wf, [ ('outputnode.t1w_valid_list', 'inputnode.source_files'), ]), (surface_derivatives_wf, ds_curv_wf, [ ('outputnode.curv', 'inputnode.curv'), ]), (anat_fit_wf, ds_fs_segs_wf, [ ('outputnode.t1w_valid_list', 'inputnode.source_files'), ]), (surface_derivatives_wf, ds_fs_segs_wf, [ ('outputnode.out_aseg', 'inputnode.anat_fs_aseg'), ('outputnode.out_aparc', 'inputnode.anat_fs_aparc'), ]), (surface_derivatives_wf, outputnode, [ ('outputnode.out_aseg', 't1w_aseg'), ('outputnode.out_aparc', 't1w_aparc'), ]), ]) # fmt:skip if cifti_output: hcp_morphometrics_wf = init_hcp_morphometrics_wf(omp_nthreads=omp_nthreads) resample_surfaces_wf = init_resample_surfaces_wf( surfaces=['white', 'pial', 'midthickness'], grayord_density=cifti_output, ) morph_grayords_wf = init_morph_grayords_wf( grayord_density=cifti_output, omp_nthreads=omp_nthreads ) ds_fsLR_surfaces_wf = init_ds_surfaces_wf( output_dir=output_dir, surfaces=['white', 'pial', 'midthickness'], entities={ 'space': 'fsLR', 'density': '32k' if cifti_output == '91k' else '59k', }, name='ds_fsLR_surfaces_wf', ) ds_grayord_metrics_wf = init_ds_grayord_metrics_wf( bids_root=bids_root, output_dir=output_dir, metrics=['curv', 'thickness', 'sulc'], cifti_output=cifti_output, ) workflow.connect([ (anat_fit_wf, hcp_morphometrics_wf, [ ('outputnode.subject_id', 'inputnode.subject_id'), ('outputnode.sulc', 'inputnode.sulc'), ('outputnode.thickness', 'inputnode.thickness'), ('outputnode.midthickness', 'inputnode.midthickness'), ]), (surface_derivatives_wf, hcp_morphometrics_wf, [ ('outputnode.curv', 'inputnode.curv'), ]), (anat_fit_wf, resample_surfaces_wf, [ ('outputnode.white', 'inputnode.white'), ('outputnode.pial', 'inputnode.pial'), ('outputnode.midthickness', 'inputnode.midthickness'), ( f"outputnode.sphere_reg_{'msm' if msm_sulc else 'fsLR'}", 'inputnode.sphere_reg_fsLR', ), ]), (anat_fit_wf, morph_grayords_wf, [ ('outputnode.midthickness', 'inputnode.midthickness'), ( f"outputnode.sphere_reg_{'msm' if msm_sulc else 'fsLR'}", 'inputnode.sphere_reg_fsLR', ), ]), (hcp_morphometrics_wf, morph_grayords_wf, [ ('outputnode.curv', 'inputnode.curv'), ('outputnode.sulc', 'inputnode.sulc'), ('outputnode.thickness', 'inputnode.thickness'), ('outputnode.roi', 'inputnode.roi'), ]), (resample_surfaces_wf, morph_grayords_wf, [ ('outputnode.midthickness_fsLR', 'inputnode.midthickness_fsLR'), ]), (anat_fit_wf, ds_fsLR_surfaces_wf, [ ('outputnode.t1w_valid_list', 'inputnode.source_files'), ]), (anat_fit_wf, ds_grayord_metrics_wf, [ ('outputnode.t1w_valid_list', 'inputnode.source_files'), ]), (resample_surfaces_wf, ds_fsLR_surfaces_wf, [ ('outputnode.white_fsLR', 'inputnode.white'), ('outputnode.pial_fsLR', 'inputnode.pial'), ('outputnode.midthickness_fsLR', 'inputnode.midthickness'), ]), (morph_grayords_wf, ds_grayord_metrics_wf, [ ('outputnode.curv_fsLR', 'inputnode.curv'), ('outputnode.curv_metadata', 'inputnode.curv_metadata'), ('outputnode.thickness_fsLR', 'inputnode.thickness'), ('outputnode.thickness_metadata', 'inputnode.thickness_metadata'), ('outputnode.sulc_fsLR', 'inputnode.sulc'), ('outputnode.sulc_metadata', 'inputnode.sulc_metadata'), ]), ]) # fmt:skip return workflow
[docs] def init_anat_fit_wf( *, bids_root: str, output_dir: str, freesurfer: bool, hires: bool, longitudinal: bool, msm_sulc: bool, t1w: list, t2w: list, skull_strip_mode: str, skull_strip_template: Reference, spaces: SpatialReferences, precomputed: dict, omp_nthreads: int, flair: list = (), # Remove default after callers start passing it debug: bool = False, sloppy: bool = False, name='anat_fit_wf', skull_strip_fixed_seed: bool = False, fs_no_resume: bool = False, ): """ Stage the anatomical preprocessing steps of *sMRIPrep*. This includes: - T1w reference: realigning and then averaging T1w images. - Brain extraction and INU (bias field) correction. - Brain tissue segmentation. - Spatial normalization to standard spaces. - Surface reconstruction with FreeSurfer_. .. include:: ../links.rst Workflow Graph .. workflow:: :graph2use: orig :simple_form: yes from niworkflows.utils.spaces import SpatialReferences, Reference from smriprep.workflows.anatomical import init_anat_fit_wf wf = init_anat_fit_wf( bids_root='.', output_dir='.', freesurfer=True, hires=True, longitudinal=False, msm_sulc=True, t1w=['t1w.nii.gz'], t2w=['t2w.nii.gz'], flair=[], skull_strip_mode='force', skull_strip_template=Reference('OASIS30ANTs'), spaces=SpatialReferences(spaces=['MNI152NLin2009cAsym', 'fsaverage5']), precomputed={}, debug=False, sloppy=False, omp_nthreads=1, ) Parameters ---------- bids_root : :obj:`str` Path of the input BIDS dataset root output_dir : :obj:`str` Directory in which to save derivatives freesurfer : :obj:`bool` Enable FreeSurfer surface reconstruction (increases runtime by 6h, at the very least) hires : :obj:`bool` Enable sub-millimeter preprocessing in FreeSurfer longitudinal : :obj:`bool` Create unbiased structural template, regardless of number of inputs (may increase runtime) t1w : :obj:`list` List of T1-weighted structural images. skull_strip_mode : :obj:`str` Determiner for T1-weighted skull stripping (`force` ensures skull stripping, `skip` ignores skull stripping, and `auto` automatically ignores skull stripping if pre-stripped brains are detected). skull_strip_template : :py:class:`~niworkflows.utils.spaces.Reference` Spatial reference to use in atlas-based brain extraction. spaces : :py:class:`~niworkflows.utils.spaces.SpatialReferences` Object containing standard and nonstandard space specifications. precomputed : :obj:`dict` Dictionary mapping output specification attribute names and paths to precomputed derivatives. omp_nthreads : :obj:`int` Maximum number of threads an individual process may use debug : :obj:`bool` Enable debugging outputs sloppy: :obj:`bool` Quick, impercise operations. Used to decrease workflow duration. name : :obj:`str`, optional Workflow name (default: anat_fit_wf) skull_strip_fixed_seed : :obj:`bool` Do not use a random seed for skull-stripping - will ensure run-to-run replicability when used with --omp-nthreads 1 (default: ``False``). Inputs ------ t1w List of T1-weighted structural images t2w List of T2-weighted structural images roi A mask to exclude regions during standardization flair List of FLAIR images subjects_dir FreeSurfer SUBJECTS_DIR subject_id FreeSurfer subject ID Outputs ------- t1w_preproc The T1w reference map, which is calculated as the average of bias-corrected and preprocessed T1w images, defining the anatomical space. t1w_mask Brain (binary) mask estimated by brain extraction. t1w_dseg Brain tissue segmentation of the preprocessed structural image, including gray-matter (GM), white-matter (WM) and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). t1w_tpms List of tissue probability maps corresponding to ``t1w_dseg``. t1w_valid_list List of input T1w images accepted for preprocessing. If t1w_preproc is precomputed, this is always a list containing that image. template List of template names to which the structural image has been registered anat2std_xfm List of nonlinear spatial transforms to resample data from subject anatomical space into standard template spaces. Collated with template. std2anat_xfm List of nonlinear spatial transforms to resample data from standard template spaces into subject anatomical space. Collated with template. subjects_dir FreeSurfer SUBJECTS_DIR; use as input to a node to ensure that it is run after FreeSurfer reconstruction is completed. subject_id FreeSurfer subject ID; use as input to a node to ensure that it is run after FreeSurfer reconstruction is completed. fsnative2t1w_xfm ITK-style affine matrix translating from FreeSurfer-conformed subject space to T1w See Also -------- * :py:func:`~niworkflows.anat.ants.init_brain_extraction_wf` * :py:func:`~smriprep.workflows.surfaces.init_surface_recon_wf` """ workflow = Workflow(name=name) num_t1w = len(t1w) desc = f""" Anatomical data preprocessing : A total of {num_t1w} T1-weighted (T1w) images were found within the input BIDS dataset.""" have_t1w = 't1w_preproc' in precomputed have_t2w = 't2w_preproc' in precomputed have_mask = 't1w_mask' in precomputed have_dseg = 't1w_dseg' in precomputed have_tpms = 't1w_tpms' in precomputed # Organization # ------------ # This workflow takes the usual (inputnode -> graph -> outputnode) format # The graph consists of (input -> compute -> datasink -> buffer) units, # and all inputs to outputnode are buffer. # If precomputed inputs are found, then these units are replaced with (buffer) # At the time of writing, t1w_mask is an exception, which takes the form # (t1w_buffer -> refined_buffer -> datasink -> outputnode) # All outputnode components should therefore point to files in the input or # output directories. inputnode = pe.Node( niu.IdentityInterface(fields=['t1w', 't2w', 'roi', 'flair', 'subjects_dir', 'subject_id']), name='inputnode', ) outputnode = pe.Node( niu.IdentityInterface( fields=[ # Primary derivatives 't1w_preproc', 't2w_preproc', 't1w_mask', 't1w_dseg', 't1w_tpms', 'anat2std_xfm', 'fsnative2t1w_xfm', # Surface and metric derivatives for fsLR resampling 'white', 'pial', 'midthickness', 'sphere', 'thickness', 'sulc', 'sphere_reg', 'sphere_reg_fsLR', 'sphere_reg_msm', 'anat_ribbon', # Reverse transform; not computable from forward transform 'std2anat_xfm', # Metadata 'template', 'subjects_dir', 'subject_id', 't1w_valid_list', ] ), name='outputnode', ) # If all derivatives exist, inputnode could go unconnected, so add explicitly workflow.add_nodes([inputnode]) # Stage 1 inputs (filtered) sourcefile_buffer = pe.Node( niu.IdentityInterface(fields=['source_files']), name='sourcefile_buffer', ) # Stage 2 results t1w_buffer = pe.Node( niu.IdentityInterface(fields=['t1w_preproc', 't1w_mask', 't1w_brain', 'ants_seg']), name='t1w_buffer', ) # Stage 3 results seg_buffer = pe.Node( niu.IdentityInterface(fields=['t1w_dseg', 't1w_tpms']), name='seg_buffer', ) # Stage 4 results: collated template names, forward and reverse transforms template_buffer = pe.Node(niu.Merge(2), name='template_buffer') anat2std_buffer = pe.Node(niu.Merge(2), name='anat2std_buffer') std2anat_buffer = pe.Node(niu.Merge(2), name='std2anat_buffer') # Stage 6 results: Refined stage 2 results; may be direct copy if no refinement refined_buffer = pe.Node( niu.IdentityInterface(fields=['t1w_mask', 't1w_brain']), name='refined_buffer', ) # Stage 8 results: GIFTI surfaces surfaces_buffer = pe.Node( niu.IdentityInterface( fields=['white', 'pial', 'midthickness', 'sphere', 'sphere_reg', 'thickness', 'sulc'] ), name='surfaces_buffer', ) # Stage 9 and 10 results: fsLR sphere registration fsLR_buffer = pe.Node(niu.IdentityInterface(fields=['sphere_reg_fsLR']), name='fsLR_buffer') msm_buffer = pe.Node(niu.IdentityInterface(fields=['sphere_reg_msm']), name='msm_buffer') # fmt:off workflow.connect([ (seg_buffer, outputnode, [ ('t1w_dseg', 't1w_dseg'), ('t1w_tpms', 't1w_tpms'), ]), (anat2std_buffer, outputnode, [('out', 'anat2std_xfm')]), (std2anat_buffer, outputnode, [('out', 'std2anat_xfm')]), (template_buffer, outputnode, [('out', 'template')]), (sourcefile_buffer, outputnode, [('source_files', 't1w_valid_list')]), (surfaces_buffer, outputnode, [ ('white', 'white'), ('pial', 'pial'), ('midthickness', 'midthickness'), ('sphere', 'sphere'), ('sphere_reg', 'sphere_reg'), ('thickness', 'thickness'), ('sulc', 'sulc'), ]), (fsLR_buffer, outputnode, [('sphere_reg_fsLR', 'sphere_reg_fsLR')]), (msm_buffer, outputnode, [('sphere_reg_msm', 'sphere_reg_msm')]), ]) # fmt:on # Reporting anat_reports_wf = init_anat_reports_wf( spaces=spaces, freesurfer=freesurfer, output_dir=output_dir, sloppy=sloppy, ) # fmt:off workflow.connect([ (outputnode, anat_reports_wf, [ ('t1w_valid_list', 'inputnode.source_file'), ('t1w_preproc', 'inputnode.t1w_preproc'), ('t1w_mask', 'inputnode.t1w_mask'), ('t1w_dseg', 'inputnode.t1w_dseg'), ('template', 'inputnode.template'), ('anat2std_xfm', 'inputnode.anat2std_xfm'), ('subjects_dir', 'inputnode.subjects_dir'), ('subject_id', 'inputnode.subject_id'), ]), ]) # fmt:on # Stage 1: Conform images and validate # If desc-preproc_T1w.nii.gz is provided, just validate it anat_validate = pe.Node(ValidateImage(), name='anat_validate', run_without_submitting=True) if not have_t1w: LOGGER.info('ANAT Stage 1: Adding template workflow') ants_ver = ANTsInfo.version() or '(version unknown)' desc += f"""\ {'Each' if num_t1w > 1 else 'The'} T1w image was corrected for intensity non-uniformity (INU) with `N4BiasFieldCorrection` [@n4], distributed with ANTs {ants_ver} [@ants, RRID:SCR_004757]""" desc += '.\n' if num_t1w > 1 else ', and used as T1w-reference throughout the workflow.\n' anat_template_wf = init_anat_template_wf( longitudinal=longitudinal, omp_nthreads=omp_nthreads, num_files=num_t1w, image_type='T1w', name='anat_template_wf', ) ds_template_wf = init_ds_template_wf( output_dir=output_dir, num_anat=num_t1w, image_type='T1w' ) # fmt:off workflow.connect([ (inputnode, anat_template_wf, [('t1w', 'inputnode.anat_files')]), (anat_template_wf, anat_validate, [('outputnode.anat_ref', 'in_file')]), (anat_template_wf, sourcefile_buffer, [ ('outputnode.anat_valid_list', 'source_files'), ]), (anat_template_wf, anat_reports_wf, [ ('outputnode.out_report', 'inputnode.t1w_conform_report'), ]), (anat_template_wf, ds_template_wf, [ ('outputnode.anat_realign_xfm', 'inputnode.anat_ref_xfms'), ]), (sourcefile_buffer, ds_template_wf, [('source_files', 'inputnode.source_files')]), (t1w_buffer, ds_template_wf, [('t1w_preproc', 'inputnode.anat_preproc')]), (ds_template_wf, outputnode, [('outputnode.anat_preproc', 't1w_preproc')]), ]) # fmt:on else: LOGGER.info('ANAT Found preprocessed T1w - skipping Stage 1') desc += """ A preprocessed T1w image was provided as a precomputed input and used as T1w-reference throughout the workflow. """ anat_validate.inputs.in_file = precomputed['t1w_preproc'] sourcefile_buffer.inputs.source_files = [precomputed['t1w_preproc']] # fmt:off workflow.connect([ (anat_validate, t1w_buffer, [('out_file', 't1w_preproc')]), (t1w_buffer, outputnode, [('t1w_preproc', 't1w_preproc')]), ]) # fmt:on # Stage 2: INU correction and masking # We always need to generate t1w_brain; how to do that depends on whether we have # a pre-corrected T1w or precomputed mask, or are given an already masked image if not have_mask: LOGGER.info('ANAT Stage 2: Preparing brain extraction workflow') if skull_strip_mode == 'auto': run_skull_strip = not all(_is_skull_stripped(img) for img in t1w) else: run_skull_strip = {'force': True, 'skip': False}[skull_strip_mode] # Brain extraction if run_skull_strip: desc += f"""\ The T1w-reference was then skull-stripped with a *Nipype* implementation of the `antsBrainExtraction.sh` workflow (from ANTs), using {skull_strip_template.fullname} as target template. """ brain_extraction_wf = init_brain_extraction_wf( in_template=skull_strip_template.space, template_spec=skull_strip_template.spec, atropos_use_random_seed=not skull_strip_fixed_seed, omp_nthreads=omp_nthreads, normalization_quality='precise' if not sloppy else 'testing', ) # fmt:off workflow.connect([ (anat_validate, brain_extraction_wf, [('out_file', 'inputnode.in_files')]), (brain_extraction_wf, t1w_buffer, [ ('outputnode.out_mask', 't1w_mask'), (('outputnode.out_file', _pop), 't1w_brain'), ('outputnode.out_segm', 'ants_seg'), ]), ]) if not have_t1w: workflow.connect([ (brain_extraction_wf, t1w_buffer, [ (('outputnode.bias_corrected', _pop), 't1w_preproc'), ]), ]) # fmt:on # Determine mask from T1w and uniformize elif not have_t1w: LOGGER.info('ANAT Stage 2: Skipping skull-strip, INU-correction only') desc += """\ The provided T1w image was previously skull-stripped; a brain mask was derived from the input image. """ n4_only_wf = init_n4_only_wf( omp_nthreads=omp_nthreads, atropos_use_random_seed=not skull_strip_fixed_seed, ) # fmt:off workflow.connect([ (anat_validate, n4_only_wf, [('out_file', 'inputnode.in_files')]), (n4_only_wf, t1w_buffer, [ (('outputnode.bias_corrected', _pop), 't1w_preproc'), ('outputnode.out_mask', 't1w_mask'), (('outputnode.out_file', _pop), 't1w_brain'), ('outputnode.out_segm', 'ants_seg'), ]), ]) # fmt:on # Binarize the already uniformized image else: LOGGER.info('ANAT Stage 2: Skipping skull-strip, generating mask from input') desc += """\ The provided T1w image was previously skull-stripped; a brain mask was derived from the input image. """ binarize = pe.Node(Binarize(thresh_low=2), name='binarize') # fmt:off workflow.connect([ (anat_validate, binarize, [('out_file', 'in_file')]), (anat_validate, t1w_buffer, [('out_file', 't1w_brain')]), (binarize, t1w_buffer, [('out_file', 't1w_mask')]), ]) # fmt:on ds_t1w_mask_wf = init_ds_mask_wf( bids_root=bids_root, output_dir=output_dir, mask_type='brain', name='ds_t1w_mask_wf', ) # fmt:off workflow.connect([ (sourcefile_buffer, ds_t1w_mask_wf, [('source_files', 'inputnode.source_files')]), (refined_buffer, ds_t1w_mask_wf, [('t1w_mask', 'inputnode.mask_file')]), (ds_t1w_mask_wf, outputnode, [('outputnode.mask_file', 't1w_mask')]), ]) # fmt:on else: LOGGER.info('ANAT Found brain mask') desc += """\ A pre-computed brain mask was provided as input and used throughout the workflow. """ t1w_buffer.inputs.t1w_mask = precomputed['t1w_mask'] # If we have a mask, always apply it apply_mask = pe.Node(ApplyMask(in_mask=precomputed['t1w_mask']), name='apply_mask') workflow.connect([(anat_validate, apply_mask, [('out_file', 'in_file')])]) # Run N4 if it hasn't been pre-run if not have_t1w: LOGGER.info('ANAT Skipping skull-strip, INU-correction only') n4_only_wf = init_n4_only_wf( omp_nthreads=omp_nthreads, atropos_use_random_seed=not skull_strip_fixed_seed, ) # fmt:off workflow.connect([ (apply_mask, n4_only_wf, [('out_file', 'inputnode.in_files')]), (n4_only_wf, t1w_buffer, [ (('outputnode.bias_corrected', _pop), 't1w_preproc'), (('outputnode.out_file', _pop), 't1w_brain'), ]), ]) # fmt:on else: LOGGER.info('ANAT Skipping Stage 2') workflow.connect([(apply_mask, t1w_buffer, [('out_file', 't1w_brain')])]) workflow.connect([(refined_buffer, outputnode, [('t1w_mask', 't1w_mask')])]) # Stage 3: Segmentation if not (have_dseg and have_tpms): LOGGER.info('ANAT Stage 3: Preparing segmentation workflow') fsl_ver = fsl.FAST().version or '(version unknown)' desc += f"""\ Brain tissue segmentation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), white-matter (WM) and gray-matter (GM) was performed on the brain-extracted T1w using `fast` [FSL {fsl_ver}, RRID:SCR_002823, @fsl_fast]. """ fast = pe.Node( fsl.FAST(segments=True, no_bias=True, probability_maps=True), name='fast', mem_gb=3, ) lut_t1w_dseg = pe.Node(niu.Function(function=_apply_bids_lut), name='lut_t1w_dseg') lut_t1w_dseg.inputs.lut = (0, 3, 1, 2) # Maps: 0 -> 0, 3 -> 1, 1 -> 2, 2 -> 3. fast2bids = pe.Node( niu.Function(function=_probseg_fast2bids), name='fast2bids', run_without_submitting=True, ) workflow.connect([(refined_buffer, fast, [('t1w_brain', 'in_files')])]) # fmt:off if not have_dseg: ds_dseg_wf = init_ds_dseg_wf(output_dir=output_dir) workflow.connect([ (fast, lut_t1w_dseg, [('partial_volume_map', 'in_dseg')]), (sourcefile_buffer, ds_dseg_wf, [('source_files', 'inputnode.source_files')]), (lut_t1w_dseg, ds_dseg_wf, [('out', 'inputnode.anat_dseg')]), (ds_dseg_wf, seg_buffer, [('outputnode.anat_dseg', 't1w_dseg')]), ]) if not have_tpms: ds_tpms_wf = init_ds_tpms_wf(output_dir=output_dir) workflow.connect([ (fast, fast2bids, [('partial_volume_files', 'inlist')]), (sourcefile_buffer, ds_tpms_wf, [('source_files', 'inputnode.source_files')]), (fast2bids, ds_tpms_wf, [('out', 'inputnode.anat_tpms')]), (ds_tpms_wf, seg_buffer, [('outputnode.anat_tpms', 't1w_tpms')]), ]) # fmt:on else: LOGGER.info('ANAT Skipping Stage 3') if have_dseg: LOGGER.info('ANAT Found discrete segmentation') desc += 'Precomputed discrete tissue segmentations were provided as inputs.\n' seg_buffer.inputs.t1w_dseg = precomputed['t1w_dseg'] if have_tpms: LOGGER.info('ANAT Found tissue probability maps') desc += 'Precomputed tissue probabiilty maps were provided as inputs.\n' seg_buffer.inputs.t1w_tpms = precomputed['t1w_tpms'] # Stage 4: Normalization templates = [] found_xfms = {} for template in spaces.get_spaces(nonstandard=False, dim=(3,)): xfms = precomputed.get('transforms', {}).get(template, {}) if set(xfms) != {'forward', 'reverse'}: templates.append(template) else: found_xfms[template] = xfms template_buffer.inputs.in1 = list(found_xfms) anat2std_buffer.inputs.in1 = [xfm['forward'] for xfm in found_xfms.values()] std2anat_buffer.inputs.in1 = [xfm['reverse'] for xfm in found_xfms.values()] if templates: LOGGER.info(f'ANAT Stage 4: Preparing normalization workflow for {templates}') register_template_wf = init_register_template_wf( sloppy=sloppy, omp_nthreads=omp_nthreads, templates=templates, ) ds_template_registration_wf = init_ds_template_registration_wf( output_dir=output_dir, image_type='T1w' ) # fmt:off workflow.connect([ (inputnode, register_template_wf, [('roi', 'inputnode.lesion_mask')]), (t1w_buffer, register_template_wf, [('t1w_preproc', 'inputnode.moving_image')]), (refined_buffer, register_template_wf, [('t1w_mask', 'inputnode.moving_mask')]), (sourcefile_buffer, ds_template_registration_wf, [ ('source_files', 'inputnode.source_files') ]), (register_template_wf, ds_template_registration_wf, [ ('outputnode.template', 'inputnode.template'), ('outputnode.anat2std_xfm', 'inputnode.anat2std_xfm'), ('outputnode.std2anat_xfm', 'inputnode.std2anat_xfm'), ]), (register_template_wf, template_buffer, [('outputnode.template', 'in2')]), (ds_template_registration_wf, std2anat_buffer, [('outputnode.std2anat_xfm', 'in2')]), (ds_template_registration_wf, anat2std_buffer, [('outputnode.anat2std_xfm', 'in2')]), ]) # fmt:on if found_xfms: LOGGER.info(f'ANAT Stage 4: Found pre-computed registrations for {found_xfms}') # Do not attempt refinement (Stage 6, below) if have_mask or not freesurfer: # fmt:off workflow.connect([ (t1w_buffer, refined_buffer, [ ('t1w_mask', 't1w_mask'), ('t1w_brain', 't1w_brain'), ]), ]) # fmt:on workflow.__desc__ = desc if not freesurfer: LOGGER.info('ANAT Skipping Stages 5+') return workflow fs_isrunning = pe.Node( niu.Function(function=_fs_isRunning), overwrite=True, name='fs_isrunning' ) fs_isrunning.inputs.logger = LOGGER # Stage 5: Surface reconstruction (--fs-no-reconall not set) LOGGER.info('ANAT Stage 5: Preparing surface reconstruction workflow') surface_recon_wf = init_surface_recon_wf( name='surface_recon_wf', omp_nthreads=omp_nthreads, hires=hires, fs_no_resume=fs_no_resume, precomputed=precomputed, ) if t2w or flair: t2w_or_flair = 'T2-weighted' if t2w else 'FLAIR' surface_recon_wf.__desc__ += f"""\ A {t2w_or_flair} image was used to improve pial surface refinement. """ # fmt:off workflow.connect([ (inputnode, fs_isrunning, [ ('subjects_dir', 'subjects_dir'), ('subject_id', 'subject_id'), ]), (inputnode, surface_recon_wf, [ ('t2w', 'inputnode.t2w'), ('flair', 'inputnode.flair'), ('subject_id', 'inputnode.subject_id'), ]), (fs_isrunning, surface_recon_wf, [('out', 'inputnode.subjects_dir')]), (anat_validate, surface_recon_wf, [('out_file', 'inputnode.t1w')]), (t1w_buffer, surface_recon_wf, [('t1w_brain', 'inputnode.skullstripped_t1')]), (surface_recon_wf, outputnode, [ ('outputnode.subjects_dir', 'subjects_dir'), ('outputnode.subject_id', 'subject_id'), ]), ]) # fmt:on fsnative_xfms = precomputed.get('transforms', {}).get('fsnative') if not fsnative_xfms: ds_fs_registration_wf = init_ds_fs_registration_wf(output_dir=output_dir, image_type='T1w') # fmt:off workflow.connect([ (sourcefile_buffer, ds_fs_registration_wf, [ ('source_files', 'inputnode.source_files'), ]), (surface_recon_wf, ds_fs_registration_wf, [ ('outputnode.fsnative2t1w_xfm', 'inputnode.fsnative2anat_xfm'), ]), (ds_fs_registration_wf, outputnode, [ ('outputnode.fsnative2anat_xfm', 'fsnative2t1w_xfm'), ]), ]) # fmt:on elif 'reverse' in fsnative_xfms: LOGGER.info('ANAT Found fsnative-T1w transform - skipping registration') outputnode.inputs.fsnative2t1w_xfm = fsnative_xfms['reverse'] else: raise RuntimeError( 'Found a T1w-to-fsnative transform without the reverse. Time to handle this.' ) if not have_mask: LOGGER.info('ANAT Stage 6: Preparing mask refinement workflow') # Stage 6: Refine ANTs mask with FreeSurfer segmentation refinement_wf = init_refinement_wf() applyrefined = pe.Node(fsl.ApplyMask(), name='applyrefined') # fmt:off workflow.connect([ (surface_recon_wf, refinement_wf, [ ('outputnode.subjects_dir', 'inputnode.subjects_dir'), ('outputnode.subject_id', 'inputnode.subject_id'), ('outputnode.fsnative2t1w_xfm', 'inputnode.fsnative2anat_xfm'), ]), (t1w_buffer, refinement_wf, [ ('t1w_preproc', 'inputnode.reference_image'), ('ants_seg', 'inputnode.ants_segs'), ]), (t1w_buffer, applyrefined, [('t1w_preproc', 'in_file')]), (refinement_wf, applyrefined, [('outputnode.out_brainmask', 'mask_file')]), (refinement_wf, refined_buffer, [('outputnode.out_brainmask', 't1w_mask')]), (applyrefined, refined_buffer, [('out_file', 't1w_brain')]), ]) # fmt:on else: LOGGER.info('ANAT Found brain mask - skipping Stage 6') if t2w and not have_t2w: LOGGER.info('ANAT Stage 7: Creating T2w template') t2w_template_wf = init_anat_template_wf( longitudinal=longitudinal, omp_nthreads=omp_nthreads, num_files=len(t2w), image_type='T2w', name='t2w_template_wf', ) bbreg = pe.Node( fs.BBRegister( contrast_type='t2', init='coreg', dof=6, out_lta_file=True, args='--gm-proj-abs 2 --wm-proj-abs 1', ), name='bbreg', ) coreg_xfms = pe.Node(niu.Merge(2), name='merge_xfms', run_without_submitting=True) t2wtot1w_xfm = pe.Node(ConcatenateXFMs(), name='t2wtot1w_xfm', run_without_submitting=True) t2w_resample = pe.Node( ApplyTransforms( dimension=3, default_value=0, float=True, interpolation='LanczosWindowedSinc', ), name='t2w_resample', ) ds_t2w_preproc = pe.Node( DerivativesDataSink(base_directory=output_dir, desc='preproc', compress=True), name='ds_t2w_preproc', run_without_submitting=True, ) ds_t2w_preproc.inputs.SkullStripped = False workflow.connect([ (inputnode, t2w_template_wf, [('t2w', 'inputnode.anat_files')]), (t2w_template_wf, bbreg, [('outputnode.anat_ref', 'source_file')]), (surface_recon_wf, bbreg, [ ('outputnode.subject_id', 'subject_id'), ('outputnode.subjects_dir', 'subjects_dir'), ]), (bbreg, coreg_xfms, [('out_lta_file', 'in1')]), (surface_recon_wf, coreg_xfms, [('outputnode.fsnative2t1w_xfm', 'in2')]), (coreg_xfms, t2wtot1w_xfm, [('out', 'in_xfms')]), (t2w_template_wf, t2w_resample, [('outputnode.anat_ref', 'input_image')]), (t1w_buffer, t2w_resample, [('t1w_preproc', 'reference_image')]), (t2wtot1w_xfm, t2w_resample, [('out_xfm', 'transforms')]), (inputnode, ds_t2w_preproc, [('t2w', 'source_file')]), (t2w_resample, ds_t2w_preproc, [('output_image', 'in_file')]), (ds_t2w_preproc, outputnode, [('out_file', 't2w_preproc')]), ]) # fmt:skip elif not t2w: LOGGER.info('ANAT No T2w images provided - skipping Stage 7') else: LOGGER.info('ANAT Found preprocessed T2w - skipping Stage 7') # Stages 8-10: Surface conversion and registration # sphere_reg is needed to generate sphere_reg_fsLR # sphere and sulc are needed to generate sphere_reg_msm # white, pial, midthickness and thickness are needed to resample in the cortical ribbon # TODO: Consider paring down or splitting into a subworkflow that can be called on-demand # A subworkflow would still need to check for precomputed outputs needed_anat_surfs = ['white', 'pial', 'midthickness'] needed_metrics = ['thickness', 'sulc'] needed_spheres = ['sphere_reg', 'sphere'] # Detect pre-computed surfaces found_surfs = { surf: sorted(precomputed[surf]) for surf in needed_anat_surfs + needed_metrics + needed_spheres if len(precomputed.get(surf, [])) == 2 } if found_surfs: LOGGER.info(f'ANAT Stage 8: Found pre-converted surfaces for {list(found_surfs)}') surfaces_buffer.inputs.trait_set(**found_surfs) # Stage 8: Surface conversion surfs = [surf for surf in needed_anat_surfs if surf not in found_surfs] spheres = [sphere for sphere in needed_spheres if sphere not in found_surfs] if surfs or spheres: LOGGER.info(f'ANAT Stage 8: Creating GIFTI surfaces for {surfs + spheres}') if surfs: gifti_surfaces_wf = init_gifti_surfaces_wf(surfaces=surfs) ds_surfaces_wf = init_ds_surfaces_wf(output_dir=output_dir, surfaces=surfs) # fmt:off workflow.connect([ (surface_recon_wf, gifti_surfaces_wf, [ ('outputnode.subject_id', 'inputnode.subject_id'), ('outputnode.subjects_dir', 'inputnode.subjects_dir'), ('outputnode.fsnative2t1w_xfm', 'inputnode.fsnative2anat_xfm'), ]), (gifti_surfaces_wf, surfaces_buffer, [ (f'outputnode.{surf}', surf) for surf in surfs ]), (sourcefile_buffer, ds_surfaces_wf, [('source_files', 'inputnode.source_files')]), (gifti_surfaces_wf, ds_surfaces_wf, [ (f'outputnode.{surf}', f'inputnode.{surf}') for surf in surfs ]), ]) # fmt:on if spheres: gifti_spheres_wf = init_gifti_surfaces_wf( surfaces=spheres, to_scanner=False, name='gifti_spheres_wf' ) ds_spheres_wf = init_ds_surfaces_wf( output_dir=output_dir, surfaces=spheres, name='ds_spheres_wf' ) # fmt:off workflow.connect([ (surface_recon_wf, gifti_spheres_wf, [ ('outputnode.subject_id', 'inputnode.subject_id'), ('outputnode.subjects_dir', 'inputnode.subjects_dir'), # No transform for spheres, following HCP pipelines' lead ]), (gifti_spheres_wf, surfaces_buffer, [ (f'outputnode.{sphere}', sphere) for sphere in spheres ]), (sourcefile_buffer, ds_spheres_wf, [('source_files', 'inputnode.source_files')]), (gifti_spheres_wf, ds_spheres_wf, [ (f'outputnode.{sphere}', f'inputnode.{sphere}') for sphere in spheres ]), ]) # fmt:on metrics = [metric for metric in needed_metrics if metric not in found_surfs] if metrics: LOGGER.info(f'ANAT Stage 8: Creating GIFTI metrics for {metrics}') gifti_morph_wf = init_gifti_morphometrics_wf(morphometrics=metrics) ds_morph_wf = init_ds_surface_metrics_wf( bids_root=bids_root, output_dir=output_dir, metrics=metrics, name='ds_morph_wf' ) # fmt:off workflow.connect([ (surface_recon_wf, gifti_morph_wf, [ ('outputnode.subject_id', 'inputnode.subject_id'), ('outputnode.subjects_dir', 'inputnode.subjects_dir'), ]), (gifti_morph_wf, surfaces_buffer, [ (f'outputnode.{metric}', metric) for metric in metrics ]), (sourcefile_buffer, ds_morph_wf, [('source_files', 'inputnode.source_files')]), (gifti_morph_wf, ds_morph_wf, [ (f'outputnode.{metric}', f'inputnode.{metric}') for metric in metrics ]), ]) # fmt:on if 'anat_ribbon' not in precomputed: LOGGER.info('ANAT Stage 8a: Creating cortical ribbon mask') anat_ribbon_wf = init_anat_ribbon_wf() ds_ribbon_mask_wf = init_ds_mask_wf( bids_root=bids_root, output_dir=output_dir, mask_type='ribbon', name='ds_ribbon_mask_wf', ) # fmt:off workflow.connect([ (t1w_buffer, anat_ribbon_wf, [ ('t1w_preproc', 'inputnode.ref_file'), ]), (surfaces_buffer, anat_ribbon_wf, [ ('white', 'inputnode.white'), ('pial', 'inputnode.pial'), ]), (sourcefile_buffer, ds_ribbon_mask_wf, [('source_files', 'inputnode.source_files')]), (anat_ribbon_wf, ds_ribbon_mask_wf, [ ('outputnode.anat_ribbon', 'inputnode.mask_file'), ]), (ds_ribbon_mask_wf, outputnode, [('outputnode.mask_file', 'anat_ribbon')]), ]) # fmt:on else: LOGGER.info('ANAT Stage 8a: Found pre-computed cortical ribbon mask') outputnode.inputs.anat_ribbon = precomputed['anat_ribbon'] # Stage 9: Baseline fsLR registration if len(precomputed.get('sphere_reg_fsLR', [])) < 2: LOGGER.info('ANAT Stage 9: Creating fsLR registration sphere') fsLR_reg_wf = init_fsLR_reg_wf() ds_fsLR_reg_wf = init_ds_surfaces_wf( output_dir=output_dir, surfaces=['sphere_reg_fsLR'], name='ds_fsLR_reg_wf', ) # fmt:off workflow.connect([ (surfaces_buffer, fsLR_reg_wf, [('sphere_reg', 'inputnode.sphere_reg')]), (sourcefile_buffer, ds_fsLR_reg_wf, [('source_files', 'inputnode.source_files')]), (fsLR_reg_wf, ds_fsLR_reg_wf, [ ('outputnode.sphere_reg_fsLR', 'inputnode.sphere_reg_fsLR') ]), (ds_fsLR_reg_wf, fsLR_buffer, [('outputnode.sphere_reg_fsLR', 'sphere_reg_fsLR')]), ]) # fmt:on else: LOGGER.info('ANAT Stage 9: Found pre-computed fsLR registration sphere') fsLR_buffer.inputs.sphere_reg_fsLR = sorted(precomputed['sphere_reg_fsLR']) # Stage 10: MSMSulc if msm_sulc and len(precomputed.get('sphere_reg_msm', [])) < 2: LOGGER.info('ANAT Stage 10: Creating MSM-Sulc registration sphere') msm_sulc_wf = init_msm_sulc_wf(sloppy=sloppy) ds_msmsulc_wf = init_ds_surfaces_wf( output_dir=output_dir, surfaces=['sphere_reg_msm'], name='ds_msmsulc_wf', ) # fmt:off workflow.connect([ (surfaces_buffer, msm_sulc_wf, [ ('sulc', 'inputnode.sulc'), ('sphere', 'inputnode.sphere'), ]), (fsLR_buffer, msm_sulc_wf, [('sphere_reg_fsLR', 'inputnode.sphere_reg_fsLR')]), (sourcefile_buffer, ds_msmsulc_wf, [('source_files', 'inputnode.source_files')]), (msm_sulc_wf, ds_msmsulc_wf, [ ('outputnode.sphere_reg_fsLR', 'inputnode.sphere_reg_msm') ]), (ds_msmsulc_wf, msm_buffer, [('outputnode.sphere_reg_msm', 'sphere_reg_msm')]), ]) # fmt:on elif msm_sulc: LOGGER.info('ANAT Stage 10: Found pre-computed MSM-Sulc registration sphere') msm_buffer.inputs.sphere_reg_msm = sorted(precomputed['sphere_reg_msm']) else: LOGGER.info('ANAT Stage 10: MSM-Sulc disabled') return workflow
[docs] def init_anat_template_wf( *, longitudinal: bool, omp_nthreads: int, num_files: int, image_type: ty.Literal['T1w', 'T2w'], name: str = 'anat_template_wf', ): """ Generate a canonically-oriented, structural average from all input images. Workflow Graph .. workflow:: :graph2use: orig :simple_form: yes from smriprep.workflows.anatomical import init_anat_template_wf wf = init_anat_template_wf( longitudinal=False, omp_nthreads=1, num_files=1, image_type="T1w" ) Parameters ---------- longitudinal : :obj:`bool` Create unbiased structural average, regardless of number of inputs (may increase runtime) omp_nthreads : :obj:`int` Maximum number of threads an individual process may use num_files : :obj:`int` Number of images image_type : :obj:`str` MR image type (T1w, T2w, etc.) name : :obj:`str`, optional Workflow name (default: anat_template_wf) Inputs ------ anat_files List of structural images Outputs ------- anat_ref Structural reference averaging input images anat_valid_list List of structural images accepted for combination anat_realign_xfm List of affine transforms to realign input images to final reference out_report Conformation report """ workflow = Workflow(name=name) if num_files > 1: fs_ver = fs.Info().looseversion() or '(version unknown)' workflow.__desc__ = f"""\ An anatomical {image_type}-reference map was computed after registration of {num_files} {image} images (after INU-correction) using `mri_robust_template` [FreeSurfer {fs_ver}, @fs_template]. """ inputnode = pe.Node(niu.IdentityInterface(fields=['anat_files']), name='inputnode') outputnode = pe.Node( niu.IdentityInterface( fields=['anat_ref', 'anat_valid_list', 'anat_realign_xfm', 'out_report'] ), name='outputnode', ) # 0. Denoise and reorient T1w image(s) to RAS and resample to common voxel space anat_ref_dimensions = pe.Node(TemplateDimensions(), name='anat_ref_dimensions') denoise = pe.MapNode( DenoiseImage(noise_model='Rician', num_threads=omp_nthreads), iterfield='input_image', name='denoise', ) anat_conform = pe.MapNode(Conform(), iterfield='in_file', name='anat_conform') # fmt:off workflow.connect([ (inputnode, anat_ref_dimensions, [('anat_files', 'anat_list')]), (anat_ref_dimensions, denoise, [('anat_valid_list', 'input_image')]), (anat_ref_dimensions, anat_conform, [ ('target_zooms', 'target_zooms'), ('target_shape', 'target_shape'), ]), (denoise, anat_conform, [('output_image', 'in_file')]), (anat_ref_dimensions, outputnode, [ ('out_report', 'out_report'), ('anat_valid_list', 'anat_valid_list'), ]), ]) # fmt:on if num_files == 1: get1st = pe.Node(niu.Select(index=[0]), name='get1st') outputnode.inputs.anat_realign_xfm = [str(smriprep.load_data('itkIdentityTransform.txt'))] # fmt:off workflow.connect([ (anat_conform, get1st, [('out_file', 'inlist')]), (get1st, outputnode, [('out', 'anat_ref')]), ]) # fmt:on return workflow anat_conform_xfm = pe.MapNode( LTAConvert(in_lta='identity.nofile', out_lta=True), iterfield=['source_file', 'target_file'], name='anat_conform_xfm', ) # 1. Template (only if several T1w images) # 1a. Correct for bias field: the bias field is an additive factor # in log-transformed intensity units. Therefore, it is not a linear # combination of fields and N4 fails with merged images. # 1b. Align and merge if several T1w images are provided n4_correct = pe.MapNode( N4BiasFieldCorrection(dimension=3, copy_header=True), iterfield='input_image', name='n4_correct', n_procs=1, ) # n_procs=1 for reproducibility # StructuralReference is fs.RobustTemplate if > 1 volume, copying otherwise anat_merge = pe.Node( StructuralReference( auto_detect_sensitivity=True, initial_timepoint=1, # For deterministic behavior intensity_scaling=True, # 7-DOF (rigid + intensity) subsample_threshold=200, fixed_timepoint=not longitudinal, no_iteration=not longitudinal, transform_outputs=True, ), mem_gb=2 * num_files - 1, name='anat_merge', ) # 2. Reorient template to RAS, if needed (mri_robust_template may set to LIA) anat_reorient = pe.Node(image.Reorient(), name='anat_reorient') merge_xfm = pe.MapNode( niu.Merge(2), name='merge_xfm', iterfield=['in1', 'in2'], run_without_submitting=True, ) concat_xfms = pe.MapNode( ConcatenateXFMs(inverse=True), name='concat_xfms', iterfield=['in_xfms'], run_without_submitting=True, ) def _set_threads(in_list, maximum): return min(len(in_list), maximum) # fmt:off workflow.connect([ (anat_ref_dimensions, anat_conform_xfm, [('anat_valid_list', 'source_file')]), (anat_conform, anat_conform_xfm, [('out_file', 'target_file')]), (anat_conform, n4_correct, [('out_file', 'input_image')]), (anat_conform, anat_merge, [ (('out_file', _set_threads, omp_nthreads), 'num_threads'), (('out_file', add_suffix, '_template'), 'out_file')]), (n4_correct, anat_merge, [('output_image', 'in_files')]), (anat_merge, anat_reorient, [('out_file', 'in_file')]), # Combine orientation and template transforms (anat_conform_xfm, merge_xfm, [('out_lta', 'in1')]), (anat_merge, merge_xfm, [('transform_outputs', 'in2')]), (merge_xfm, concat_xfms, [('out', 'in_xfms')]), # Output (anat_reorient, outputnode, [('out_file', 'anat_ref')]), (concat_xfms, outputnode, [('out_xfm', 'anat_realign_xfm')]), ]) # fmt:on return workflow
def _pop(inlist): if isinstance(inlist, list | tuple): return inlist[0] return inlist def _aseg_to_three(): """ Map FreeSurfer's segmentation onto a brain (3-)tissue segmentation. This function generates an index of 255+0 labels and maps them into zero (bg), 1 (GM), 2 (WM), or 3 (CSF). The new values are set according to BIDS-Derivatives. Then the index is populated (e.g., label 3 in the original segmentation maps to label 1 in the output). The `aseg lookup table <https://github.com/freesurfer/freesurfer/blob/2beb96c6099d96508246c14a24136863124566a3/distribution/ASegStatsLUT.txt>`__ is available in the FreeSurfer source. """ import numpy as np # Base struct aseg_lut = np.zeros((256,), dtype='int') # GM aseg_lut[3] = 1 aseg_lut[8:14] = 1 aseg_lut[17:21] = 1 aseg_lut[26:40] = 1 aseg_lut[42] = 1 aseg_lut[47:73] = 1 # CSF aseg_lut[4:6] = 3 aseg_lut[14:16] = 3 aseg_lut[24] = 3 aseg_lut[43:45] = 3 aseg_lut[72] = 3 # WM aseg_lut[2] = 2 aseg_lut[7] = 2 aseg_lut[16] = 2 aseg_lut[28] = 2 aseg_lut[41] = 2 aseg_lut[46] = 2 aseg_lut[60] = 2 aseg_lut[77:80] = 2 aseg_lut[250:256] = 2 return tuple(aseg_lut) def _split_segments(in_file): from pathlib import Path import nibabel as nb import numpy as np segimg = nb.load(in_file) data = np.int16(segimg.dataobj) hdr = segimg.header.copy() hdr.set_data_dtype('uint8') out_files = [] for i, label in enumerate(('GM', 'WM', 'CSF'), 1): out_fname = str(Path.cwd() / f'aseg_label-{label}_mask.nii.gz') segimg.__class__(data == i, segimg.affine, hdr).to_filename(out_fname) out_files.append(out_fname) return out_files def _probseg_fast2bids(inlist): """Reorder a list of probseg maps from FAST (CSF, WM, GM) to BIDS (GM, WM, CSF).""" return (inlist[1], inlist[2], inlist[0]) def _is_skull_stripped(img): """Check if T1w images are skull-stripped.""" import nibabel as nb import numpy as np data = nb.load(img).dataobj sidevals = ( np.abs(data[0, :, :]).sum() + np.abs(data[-1, :, :]).sum() + np.abs(data[:, 0, :]).sum() + np.abs(data[:, -1, :]).sum() + np.abs(data[:, :, 0]).sum() + np.abs(data[:, :, -1]).sum() ) return sidevals < 10