Warning: This document is for the development version of smriprep.

Source code for smriprep.workflows.base

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"""*sMRIPrep* base processing workflows."""

import os
import sys
from copy import deepcopy

from nipype import __version__ as nipype_ver
from nipype.interfaces import utility as niu
from nipype.pipeline import engine as pe
from niworkflows.engine.workflows import LiterateWorkflow as Workflow
from niworkflows.interfaces.bids import BIDSDataGrabber, BIDSFreeSurferDir, BIDSInfo
from niworkflows.utils.bids import collect_data
from niworkflows.utils.misc import fix_multi_T1w_source_name

from ..__about__ import __version__
from ..interfaces import DerivativesDataSink
from .anatomical import init_anat_preproc_wf

[docs] def init_smriprep_wf( *, sloppy, debug, derivatives, freesurfer, fs_subjects_dir, hires, fs_no_resume, layout, longitudinal, low_mem, msm_sulc, omp_nthreads, output_dir, run_uuid, skull_strip_mode, skull_strip_fixed_seed, skull_strip_template, spaces, subject_list, work_dir, bids_filters, cifti_output, ): """ Create the execution graph of *sMRIPrep*, with a sub-workflow for each subject. If FreeSurfer's ``recon-all`` is to be run, a FreeSurfer derivatives folder is created and populated with any needed template subjects. Workflow Graph .. workflow:: :graph2use: orig :simple_form: yes import os from collections import namedtuple BIDSLayout = namedtuple('BIDSLayout', ['root']) os.environ['FREESURFER_HOME'] = os.getcwd() from smriprep.workflows.base import init_smriprep_wf from niworkflows.utils.spaces import SpatialReferences, Reference spaces = SpatialReferences(spaces=['MNI152NLin2009cAsym', 'fsaverage5']) spaces.checkpoint() wf = init_smriprep_wf( sloppy=False, debug=False, derivatives=[], freesurfer=True, fs_subjects_dir=None, hires=True, fs_no_resume=False, layout=BIDSLayout('.'), longitudinal=False, low_mem=False, msm_sulc=False, omp_nthreads=1, output_dir='.', run_uuid='testrun', skull_strip_fixed_seed=False, skull_strip_mode='force', skull_strip_template=Reference('OASIS30ANTs'), spaces=spaces, subject_list=['smripreptest'], work_dir='.', bids_filters=None, cifti_output=None, ) Parameters ---------- sloppy: :obj:`bool` Quick, impercise operations. Used to decrease workflow duration. debug : :obj:`bool` Enable debugging outputs derivatives : :obj:`list` of directories Fast-track the workflow by searching for existing derivatives. freesurfer : :obj:`bool` Enable FreeSurfer surface reconstruction (may increase runtime) fs_subjects_dir : os.PathLike or None Use existing FreeSurfer subjects directory if provided hires : :obj:`bool` Enable sub-millimeter preprocessing in FreeSurfer layout : BIDSLayout object BIDS dataset layout longitudinal : :obj:`bool` Treat multiple sessions as longitudinal (may increase runtime) See sub-workflows for specific differences low_mem : :obj:`bool` Write uncompressed .nii files in some cases to reduce memory usage msm_sulc : :obj:`bool` Run Multimodal Surface Matching with sulcal depth maps omp_nthreads : :obj:`int` Maximum number of threads an individual process may use output_dir : :obj:`str` Directory in which to save derivatives run_uuid : :obj:`str` Unique identifier for execution instance skull_strip_fixed_seed : :obj:`bool` Do not use a random seed for skull-stripping - will ensure run-to-run replicability when used with --omp-nthreads 1 skull_strip_mode : :obj:`str` Determiner for T1-weighted skull stripping (`force` ensures skull stripping, `skip` ignores skull stripping, and `auto` automatically ignores skull stripping if pre-stripped brains are detected). skull_strip_template : :py:class:`~niworkflows.utils.spaces.Reference` Spatial reference to use in atlas-based brain extraction. spaces : :py:class:`~niworkflows.utils.spaces.SpatialReferences` Object containing standard and nonstandard space specifications. subject_list : :obj:`list` List of subject labels work_dir : :obj:`str` Directory in which to store workflow execution state and temporary files bids_filters : dict Provides finer specification of the pipeline input files through pybids entities filters. A dict with the following structure {<suffix>:{<entity>:<filter>,...},...} """ smriprep_wf = Workflow(name='smriprep_wf') smriprep_wf.base_dir = work_dir if freesurfer: fsdir = pe.Node( BIDSFreeSurferDir( derivatives=output_dir, freesurfer_home=os.getenv('FREESURFER_HOME'), spaces=spaces.get_fs_spaces(), ), name='fsdir_run_{}'.format(run_uuid.replace('-', '_')), run_without_submitting=True, ) if fs_subjects_dir is not None: fsdir.inputs.subjects_dir = str(fs_subjects_dir.absolute()) for subject_id in subject_list: single_subject_wf = init_single_subject_wf( sloppy=sloppy, debug=debug, freesurfer=freesurfer, derivatives=derivatives, hires=hires, fs_no_resume=fs_no_resume, layout=layout, longitudinal=longitudinal, low_mem=low_mem, msm_sulc=msm_sulc, name=f'single_subject_{subject_id}_wf', omp_nthreads=omp_nthreads, output_dir=output_dir, skull_strip_fixed_seed=skull_strip_fixed_seed, skull_strip_mode=skull_strip_mode, skull_strip_template=skull_strip_template, spaces=spaces, subject_id=subject_id, bids_filters=bids_filters, cifti_output=cifti_output, ) single_subject_wf.config['execution']['crashdump_dir'] = os.path.join( output_dir, 'smriprep', 'sub-' + subject_id, 'log', run_uuid ) for node in single_subject_wf._get_all_nodes(): node.config = deepcopy(single_subject_wf.config) if freesurfer: smriprep_wf.connect(fsdir, 'subjects_dir', single_subject_wf, 'inputnode.subjects_dir') else: smriprep_wf.add_nodes([single_subject_wf]) return smriprep_wf
[docs] def init_single_subject_wf( *, sloppy, debug, derivatives, freesurfer, hires, fs_no_resume, layout, longitudinal, low_mem, msm_sulc, name, omp_nthreads, output_dir, skull_strip_fixed_seed, skull_strip_mode, skull_strip_template, spaces, subject_id, bids_filters, cifti_output, ): """ Create a single subject workflow. This workflow organizes the preprocessing pipeline for a single subject. It collects and reports information about the subject, and prepares sub-workflows to perform anatomical and functional preprocessing. Anatomical preprocessing is performed in a single workflow, regardless of the number of sessions. Functional preprocessing is performed using a separate workflow for each individual BOLD series. Workflow Graph .. workflow:: :graph2use: orig :simple_form: yes from collections import namedtuple from niworkflows.utils.spaces import SpatialReferences, Reference from smriprep.workflows.base import init_single_subject_wf BIDSLayout = namedtuple('BIDSLayout', ['root']) spaces = SpatialReferences(spaces=['MNI152NLin2009cAsym', 'fsaverage5']) spaces.checkpoint() wf = init_single_subject_wf( sloppy=False, debug=False, freesurfer=True, derivatives=[], hires=True, fs_no_resume=False, layout=BIDSLayout('.'), longitudinal=False, low_mem=False, msm_sulc=False, name='single_subject_wf', omp_nthreads=1, output_dir='.', skull_strip_fixed_seed=False, skull_strip_mode='force', skull_strip_template=Reference('OASIS30ANTs'), spaces=spaces, subject_id='test', bids_filters=None, cifti_output=None, ) Parameters ---------- sloppy: :obj:`bool` Quick, impercise operations. Used to decrease workflow duration. debug : :obj:`bool` Enable debugging outputs derivatives : :obj:`list` of directories Fast-track the workflow by searching for existing derivatives. freesurfer : :obj:`bool` Enable FreeSurfer surface reconstruction (may increase runtime) hires : :obj:`bool` Enable sub-millimeter preprocessing in FreeSurfer fs_no_resume : bool Adjust pipeline to reuse base template of an existing longitudinal freesurfer output layout : BIDSLayout object BIDS dataset layout longitudinal : :obj:`bool` Treat multiple sessions as longitudinal (may increase runtime) See sub-workflows for specific differences low_mem : :obj:`bool` Write uncompressed .nii files in some cases to reduce memory usage name : :obj:`str` Name of workflow omp_nthreads : :obj:`int` Maximum number of threads an individual process may use output_dir : :obj:`str` Directory in which to save derivatives skull_strip_fixed_seed : :obj:`bool` Do not use a random seed for skull-stripping - will ensure run-to-run replicability when used with --omp-nthreads 1 skull_strip_mode : :obj:`str` Determiner for T1-weighted skull stripping (`force` ensures skull stripping, `skip` ignores skull stripping, and `auto` automatically ignores skull stripping if pre-stripped brains are detected). skull_strip_template : :py:class:`~niworkflows.utils.spaces.Reference` Spatial reference to use in atlas-based brain extraction. spaces : :py:class:`~niworkflows.utils.spaces.SpatialReferences` Object containing standard and nonstandard space specifications. subject_id : :obj:`str` List of subject labels bids_filters : dict Provides finer specification of the pipeline input files through pybids entities filters. A dict with the following structure {<suffix>:{<entity>:<filter>,...},...} Inputs ------ subjects_dir FreeSurfer SUBJECTS_DIR """ from ..interfaces.reports import AboutSummary, SubjectSummary if name in ('single_subject_wf', 'single_subject_smripreptest_wf'): # for documentation purposes subject_data = { 't1w': ['/completely/made/up/path/sub-01_T1w.nii.gz'], 't2w': [], 'flair': [], } else: subject_data = collect_data(layout, subject_id, bids_filters=bids_filters)[0] if not subject_data['t1w']: raise Exception( f'No T1w images found for participant {subject_id}. All workflows require T1w images.' ) workflow = Workflow(name=name) workflow.__desc__ = f""" Results included in this manuscript come from preprocessing performed using *sMRIPprep* {__version__} (@fmriprep1; @fmriprep2; RRID:SCR_016216), which is based on *Nipype* {nipype_ver} (@nipype1; @nipype2; RRID:SCR_002502). """ workflow.__postdesc__ = """ For more details of the pipeline, see [the section corresponding to workflows in *sMRIPrep*'s documentation]\ (https://smriprep.readthedocs.io/en/latest/workflows.html \ "sMRIPrep's documentation"). ### References """ from ..utils.bids import collect_derivatives deriv_cache = {} std_spaces = spaces.get_spaces(nonstandard=False, dim=(3,)) std_spaces.append('fsnative') for deriv_dir in derivatives: deriv_cache.update(collect_derivatives(deriv_dir, subject_id, std_spaces)) inputnode = pe.Node(niu.IdentityInterface(fields=['subjects_dir']), name='inputnode') bidssrc = pe.Node(BIDSDataGrabber(subject_data=subject_data, anat_only=True), name='bidssrc') bids_info = pe.Node( BIDSInfo(bids_dir=layout.root), name='bids_info', run_without_submitting=True ) summary = pe.Node( SubjectSummary(output_spaces=spaces.get_spaces(nonstandard=False)), name='summary', run_without_submitting=True, ) about = pe.Node( AboutSummary(version=__version__, command=' '.join(sys.argv)), name='about', run_without_submitting=True, ) ds_report_summary = pe.Node( DerivativesDataSink( base_directory=output_dir, dismiss_entities=('session',), desc='summary', datatype='figures', ), name='ds_report_summary', run_without_submitting=True, ) ds_report_about = pe.Node( DerivativesDataSink( base_directory=output_dir, dismiss_entities=('session',), desc='about', datatype='figures', ), name='ds_report_about', run_without_submitting=True, ) # Preprocessing of T1w (includes registration to MNI) anat_preproc_wf = init_anat_preproc_wf( bids_root=layout.root, sloppy=sloppy, debug=debug, precomputed=deriv_cache, freesurfer=freesurfer, hires=hires, fs_no_resume=fs_no_resume, longitudinal=longitudinal, msm_sulc=msm_sulc, name='anat_preproc_wf', t1w=subject_data['t1w'], t2w=subject_data['t2w'], flair=subject_data['flair'], omp_nthreads=omp_nthreads, output_dir=output_dir, skull_strip_fixed_seed=skull_strip_fixed_seed, skull_strip_mode=skull_strip_mode, skull_strip_template=skull_strip_template, spaces=spaces, cifti_output=cifti_output, ) # fmt:off workflow.connect([ (inputnode, anat_preproc_wf, [('subjects_dir', 'inputnode.subjects_dir')]), (bidssrc, bids_info, [(('t1w', fix_multi_T1w_source_name), 'in_file')]), (inputnode, summary, [('subjects_dir', 'subjects_dir')]), (bidssrc, summary, [('t1w', 't1w'), ('t2w', 't2w')]), (bids_info, summary, [('subject', 'subject_id')]), (bids_info, anat_preproc_wf, [(('subject', _prefix), 'inputnode.subject_id')]), (bidssrc, anat_preproc_wf, [('t1w', 'inputnode.t1w'), ('t2w', 'inputnode.t2w'), ('roi', 'inputnode.roi'), ('flair', 'inputnode.flair')]), (bidssrc, ds_report_summary, [(('t1w', fix_multi_T1w_source_name), 'source_file')]), (summary, ds_report_summary, [('out_report', 'in_file')]), (bidssrc, ds_report_about, [(('t1w', fix_multi_T1w_source_name), 'source_file')]), (about, ds_report_about, [('out_report', 'in_file')]), ]) # fmt:on return workflow
def _prefix(subid): if subid.startswith('sub-'): return subid return '-'.join(('sub', subid))