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Example 2: Recruitment pool

(Example adapted from the DMCC Project)


Notes about recruitment pools: We currently have access to several different recruitment pools, and were released participants at approximately 3 different time points (6 clustering together). Participants released to us through STRATA expire every 6 months, so in order to have continued access to these participants, we must renew them about a month before they expire.

  • To contact participants, log in to STRATA tracking by logging into the medical school VPN (use cisco anyconnect app and type “” as the address), proceeding with username and password to access the VPN
    • Navigate on chrome to “” and follow the link on the homepage to the tracking system
    • Log in using STRATA username and password
    • Choose “DMCC2” when prompted to choose a study (FOR BOTH DMCC2 and 3)
  • Search for participant in database either by name or MFR ID (which is listed in the recruitment spreadsheet from Box that should be open on your desktop) and once participant is located, select by clicking “view subject” while name is highlighted to navigate to subject page
  • Look under the “Phones” section to find the best calling number.
  • Call the number listed on the lab telephone (dial 9 before the number to make external calls [numbers with 314 area code], dial 91 before the number to make long distance calls) to get a hold of the subject.
    • Use the DMCC phone script (found in myIRB, within DMCC3 IRB's attachments) to conduct the screening procedure.


Within the call, follow the screening procedure:

  • Print and label phone script with participant's MFR ID and record participant responses to questions on script.
  • Make sure that the participant's questions about the study are all addressed and answered.
  • If participant consents to the phone screen, conduct it and mark the results (screener date, if responded “yes” to any medical questions, whether or not passed screener) in the appropriate columns of the recruitment spreadsheet.
  • Make sure to address any “yes” responses to medical questions by following up with the questions provided at the back of the screener.
    • For HCP participants, also ask if their condition has changed since the HCP scans.
    • For new participants, ask about past MRI experience and any changes medically since then.
  • Make sure to ask about MBSR availability and commitment. In order for both MZ twins to be enrolled in test-retest w/ MBSR, we will need the twin counterbalanced for the MBSR intervention to commit to the time demands of an MBSR class at some point in the future (without divulging which group they are sorted into).
  • If the candidate participant does not pass the phone screen, then end the interview, informing them that they do not meet our inclusion criteria, and mark the screen fail in the recruitment spreadsheet.
    • If an MZ non-HCP twin, this excludes their twin too.
    • If an MZ HCP twin, can still run as an individual if one twin fails.
  • If participant does pass the phone screen, mark the results in the recruitment spreadsheet and attempt to schedule a time for the participant to come in and complete the study (continue with the next subsection).


  • To schedule the participant, coordinate with p to find a time that works with their schedule that also is reserved for the Braver lab on the Prisma calendar.
    • To see which times are reserved for the Braver lab on the Prisma, check the Google Calendar “DMCC HCP Scanning”.
    • The slots that are available will say “unfilled scan slot”.
  • Once a mutually agreeable three or four-session time slot is agreed upon (the first session is 5 hours, the second is 3.5 hours and the third is 3.5 hours- with behavioral session, behavioral session is 2 hours, session 1 is 3.5 hours, 2 is 3.5 hours, and 3 is 3.5 hours), record the date for later purposes and ask if p has an email address to which you can send p further materials about the session.
    • If yes, record and add to p's subject page in STRATA. If not, gather participant's mailing address or establish some other alternative way to contact p with the important address and driving information for the appointment.
  • Try to schedule sessions all within one week of each other, if possible.
  • Before ending the call, ensure that the participant has a phone number to contact in case they need to call back with questions or concerns.

Once the call is concluded:

  • Record the results of the phone contact in STRATA by copying the number used to contact p (even if p was not reached or a voicemail was left instead of successful contact) and press “new” under the Contacts section of the participant page, pasting the number in the body of the note and indicating whether or not p was reached and the outcome of the phone call, marking the relevant tracking code.
  • Also record contact type, date, general overview, and initials in the appropriate recruitment spreadsheet. Example note by KN:
    2/14/19 called but participant said to call back in 6 months-KN
  • Send an email to the participant (with copy to all RAs running the session) providing more information about the session. As for all email communication with participants, use the *********** account.

    E-mail communication template

    Hello ~enter participant name~,

    Thanks so much for taking the time to talk with me today. We are so excited that you'll be able to participate in our study on ~enter the days of sessions (e.g., Wednesday 1/1, Friday 1/3, and Saturday 1/4)~.

    Here is some more information about your sessions.

    Your appointments will take place over three to four sessions:

    1. ~enter day of week, calendar date, and time frame of session 1 (scanning or behavioral), e.g., Wednesday, January 1 st, from 6:00pm until about 8:00pm~

    2. ~enter day of week, calendar date, and time frame of session 2~

    3. ~enter day of week, calendar date, and time frame of session 3~

    4. ~enter day of week, calendar date, and time frame of session 4 (if behavioral)~

    For all of these appointments, please meet us in the main waiting area of the East Imaging Building on University of Los Angeles' Medical School campus. The address of this building is 251 N Bristol Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90049.

    There is a parking lot directly across the street from the entrance to the building, in which there are spots marked with red and white signs that say "For Research Participants Only." Please, park in one of those designated spots, and when you come inside, we will give you an authorizing permit to place on your dashboard.

    You do not have to bring anything in particular to your sessions. Due to changing MRI facility policies, we are now asking participants to change into scrubs before entering the scanner. We will ask you to remove your underwear if they are not 100% cotton. Please do not wear nail polish or heavy eye makeup to your sessions. We have snacks available, but if you prefer a full meal please feel free to bring one along.

    During your visits, you'll be doing computerized tasks both while inside and outside of the MRI scanner, filling out some questionnaires, and providing saliva samples.

    If you have any questions before your appointment, feel free to email me here to ask them, or call me at the office at ###-###-####.

    If you have trouble finding us on the day of your appointment, you can call me (or my colleague) at ~enter first scanner's cell phone number: (Jane: ###-###-####, Claire: ###-###-####, Rob: ###-###-####)~.

    Thanks again for your interest in participating.

    Have a great day!


    ~enter your name~

  • Ensure that time slot of session appointments are reserved for the Braver Lab both on the Bay 3 outlook calendar (Bay 3 Prisma from directory) by emailing ***** (Bay 3 Users) and ***** (NIL Scheduling) with requested times, indicating that the protocol is NP# 1025 or 1095 (DMCC2 and 3, respectively), and reserve parking space.

  • Create a session on the Google calendar on the “DMCC HCP Scanning” calendar that lists the two responsible RAs (email them if necessary, to inform them of these appointments) and dates and times of the sessions, along with the participant ID and session number.
  • Introduce the new appointments into the STRATA scheduling system
  • Log in to STRATA as indicated above (remember to choose “DMCC2” when prompted)
  • Make yourself or another RA available as a resource during the time during which the appointment will be scheduled by choosing ‘update availability’ and following prompts. Mark your availability from 7:00am until 11:45pm and set to repeat for the next 8 weeks). It does not matter which RAs are marked as available- this is just a formality
  • Click anywhere on the calendar to create an event, and fill in the pop-up window with the following details:
    • MFR group ID (without :001 or :002) of subject, 001=mark PROBAND for relationship, 002=mark TWIN for relationship
    • For session 1, mark as “baseline session”, and for session 2 and 3, mark as “follow-up session”. Mark the behavioral session as a baseline session if the participant has a behavioral session.
    • Time appointment starts and ends
    • Mark “N” for Contact Resource