Source code for niworkflows.anat.ants

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# Copyright 2021 The NiPreps Developers <>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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"""Nipype translation of ANTs' workflows."""

# general purpose
from collections import OrderedDict
from multiprocessing import cpu_count
from warnings import warn

# nipype
from nipype.pipeline import engine as pe
from nipype.interfaces import utility as niu
from nipype.interfaces.ants import (

from import load as load_data
from ..utils.misc import get_template_specs
from ..utils.connections import pop_file as _pop

# niworkflows
from ..interfaces.fixes import (
    FixHeaderRegistration as Registration,
    FixHeaderApplyTransforms as ApplyTransforms,
from ..interfaces.nibabel import ApplyMask, RegridToZooms
from ..interfaces.header import CopyXForm

    "T1w": OrderedDict([("nclasses", 3), ("csf", 1), ("gm", 2), ("wm", 3)]),
    "T2w": OrderedDict([("nclasses", 3), ("csf", 3), ("gm", 2), ("wm", 1)]),
    "FLAIR": OrderedDict([("nclasses", 3), ("csf", 1), ("gm", 3), ("wm", 2)]),

[docs] def init_brain_extraction_wf( name="brain_extraction_wf", in_template="OASIS30ANTs", template_spec=None, use_float=True, normalization_quality="precise", omp_nthreads=None, mem_gb=3.0, bids_suffix="T1w", atropos_refine=True, atropos_use_random_seed=True, atropos_model=None, use_laplacian=True, bspline_fitting_distance=200, ): """ Build a workflow for atlas-based brain extraction on anatomical MRI data. This is a Nipype implementation of atlas-based brain extraction inspired by the official ANTs' ```` workflow (only for 3D images). The workflow follows the following structure: 1. Step 1 performs several clerical tasks (preliminary INU correction, calculating the Laplacian of inputs, affine initialization) and the core spatial normalization. 2. Maps the brain mask into target space using the normalization calculated in 1. 3. Superstep 1b: binarization of the brain mask 4. Maps the WM (white matter) probability map from the template, if such prior exists. Combines the BS (brainstem) probability map before mapping if the WM and BS are given separately (as it is the case for ``OASIS30ANTs``.) 5. Run a second N4 INU correction round, using the prior mapped into individual step in step 4 if available. 6. Superstep 6: apply ATROPOS on the INU-corrected result of step 5, and massage its outputs 7. Superstep 7: use results from 4 to refine the brain mask 8. If exist, use priors from step 4, calculate the overlap of the posteriors estimated in step 4 to select that overlapping the most with the WM+BS prior from the template. Combine that posterior with the refined brain mask and pass it on to the next step. 9. Apply a final N4 using the refined brain mask (or the map calculated in step 8 if priors were found) as weights map for the algorithm. Workflow Graph .. workflow:: :graph2use: orig :simple_form: yes from niworkflows.anat.ants import init_brain_extraction_wf wf = init_brain_extraction_wf() Parameters ---------- in_template : str Name of the skull-stripping template ('OASIS30ANTs', 'NKI', or path). The brain template from which regions will be projected Anatomical template created using e.g. LPBA40 data set with ```` in ANTs. The workflow will automatically search for a brain probability mask created using e.g. LPBA40 data set which have brain masks defined, and warped to anatomical template and averaged resulting in a probability image. use_float : bool Whether single precision should be used normalization_quality : str Use more precise or faster registration parameters (default: ``precise``, other possible values: ``testing``) omp_nthreads : int Maximum number of threads an individual process may use mem_gb : float Estimated peak memory consumption of the most hungry nodes in the workflow bids_suffix : str Sequence type of the first input image. For a list of acceptable values see\ 04-modality-specific-files/01-magnetic-resonance-imaging-data.html#anatomy-imaging-data atropos_refine : bool Enables or disables the whole ATROPOS sub-workflow atropos_use_random_seed : bool Whether ATROPOS should generate a random seed based on the system's clock atropos_model : tuple or None Allows to specify a particular segmentation model, overwriting the defaults based on ``bids_suffix`` use_laplacian : bool Enables or disables alignment of the Laplacian as an additional criterion for image registration quality (default: True) bspline_fitting_distance : float The size of the b-spline mesh grid elements, in mm (default: 200) name : str, optional Workflow name (default: antsBrainExtraction) Inputs ------ in_files : list List of input anatomical images to be brain-extracted, typically T1-weighted. If a list of anatomical images is provided, subsequently specified images are used during the segmentation process. However, only the first image is used in the registration of priors. Our suggestion would be to specify the T1w as the first image. in_mask : list, optional Mask used for registration to limit the metric computation to a specific region. Outputs ------- out_file : str Skull-stripped and :abbr:`INU (intensity non-uniformity)`-corrected ``in_files`` out_mask : str Calculated brain mask bias_corrected : str The ``in_files`` input images, after :abbr:`INU (intensity non-uniformity)` correction, before skull-stripping. bias_image : str The :abbr:`INU (intensity non-uniformity)` field estimated for each input in ``in_files`` out_segm : str Output segmentation by ATROPOS out_tpms : str Output :abbr:`TPMs (tissue probability maps)` by ATROPOS """ from packaging.version import parse as parseversion, Version from templateflow.api import get as get_template wf = pe.Workflow(name) template_spec = template_spec or {} # suffix passed via spec takes precedence template_spec["suffix"] = template_spec.get("suffix", bids_suffix) tpl_target_path, common_spec = get_template_specs( in_template, template_spec=template_spec, fallback=True, ) # Get probabilistic brain mask if available tpl_mask_path = get_template( in_template, label="brain", suffix="probseg", **common_spec ) or get_template(in_template, desc="brain", suffix="mask", **common_spec) if omp_nthreads is None or omp_nthreads < 1: omp_nthreads = cpu_count() inputnode = pe.Node( niu.IdentityInterface(fields=["in_files", "in_mask"]), name="inputnode" ) # Try to find a registration mask, set if available tpl_regmask_path = get_template( in_template, desc="BrainCerebellumExtraction", suffix="mask", **common_spec ) if tpl_regmask_path: inputnode.inputs.in_mask = str(tpl_regmask_path) outputnode = pe.Node( niu.IdentityInterface( fields=[ "out_file", "out_mask", "bias_corrected", "bias_image", "out_segm", "out_tpms", ] ), name="outputnode", ) trunc = pe.MapNode( ImageMath( operation="TruncateImageIntensity", op2="0.01 0.999 256", copy_header=True ), name="truncate_images", iterfield=["op1"], ) inu_n4 = pe.MapNode( N4BiasFieldCorrection( dimension=3, save_bias=False, copy_header=True, n_iterations=[50] * 4, convergence_threshold=1e-7, shrink_factor=4, bspline_fitting_distance=bspline_fitting_distance, ), n_procs=omp_nthreads, name="inu_n4", iterfield=["input_image"], ) res_tmpl = pe.Node( RegridToZooms(in_file=tpl_target_path, zooms=(4, 4, 4), smooth=True), name="res_tmpl", ) res_target = pe.Node(RegridToZooms(zooms=(4, 4, 4), smooth=True), name="res_target") lap_tmpl = pe.Node( ImageMath(operation="Laplacian", op2="1.5 1", copy_header=True), name="lap_tmpl" ) lap_tmpl.inputs.op1 = tpl_target_path lap_target = pe.Node( ImageMath(operation="Laplacian", op2="1.5 1", copy_header=True), name="lap_target", ) mrg_tmpl = pe.Node(niu.Merge(2), name="mrg_tmpl") mrg_tmpl.inputs.in1 = tpl_target_path mrg_target = pe.Node(niu.Merge(2), name="mrg_target") # Initialize transforms with antsAI init_aff = pe.Node( AI( metric=("Mattes", 32, "Regular", 0.25), transform=("Affine", 0.1), search_factor=(15, 0.1), principal_axes=False, convergence=(10, 1e-6, 10), verbose=True, ), name="init_aff", n_procs=omp_nthreads, ) # Tolerate missing ANTs at construction time try: init_aff.inputs.search_grid = (40, (0, 40, 40)) except ValueError: warn( "antsAI's option --search-grid was added in ANTS 2.3.0 " f"({init_aff.interface.version} found.)" ) # Set up spatial normalization settings_file = ( "antsBrainExtraction_%s.json" if use_laplacian else "antsBrainExtractionNoLaplacian_%s.json" ) norm = pe.Node( Registration(from_file=load_data(settings_file % normalization_quality)), name="norm", n_procs=omp_nthreads, mem_gb=mem_gb, ) norm.inputs.float = use_float fixed_mask_trait = "fixed_image_mask" if norm.interface.version and parseversion(norm.interface.version) >= Version( "2.2.0" ): fixed_mask_trait += "s" map_brainmask = pe.Node( ApplyTransforms(interpolation="Gaussian"), name="map_brainmask", mem_gb=1, ) map_brainmask.inputs.input_image = str(tpl_mask_path) thr_brainmask = pe.Node( ThresholdImage( dimension=3, th_low=0.5, th_high=1.0, inside_value=1, outside_value=0, copy_header=True, ), name="thr_brainmask", ) # Refine INU correction inu_n4_final = pe.MapNode( N4BiasFieldCorrection( dimension=3, save_bias=True, copy_header=True, n_iterations=[50] * 5, convergence_threshold=1e-7, shrink_factor=4, bspline_fitting_distance=bspline_fitting_distance, ), n_procs=omp_nthreads, name="inu_n4_final", iterfield=["input_image"], ) try: inu_n4_final.inputs.rescale_intensities = True except ValueError: warn( "N4BiasFieldCorrection's --rescale-intensities option was added in ANTS 2.1.0 " f"({inu_n4_final.interface.version} found.) Please consider upgrading.", UserWarning, ) # Apply mask apply_mask = pe.MapNode(ApplyMask(), iterfield=["in_file"], name="apply_mask") # fmt: off wf.connect([ (inputnode, trunc, [("in_files", "op1")]), (inputnode, inu_n4_final, [("in_files", "input_image")]), (inputnode, init_aff, [("in_mask", "fixed_image_mask")]), (inputnode, norm, [("in_mask", fixed_mask_trait)]), (inputnode, map_brainmask, [(("in_files", _pop), "reference_image")]), (trunc, inu_n4, [("output_image", "input_image")]), (inu_n4, res_target, [(("output_image", _pop), "in_file")]), (res_tmpl, init_aff, [("out_file", "fixed_image")]), (res_target, init_aff, [("out_file", "moving_image")]), (init_aff, norm, [("output_transform", "initial_moving_transform")]), (norm, map_brainmask, [ ("reverse_transforms", "transforms"), ("reverse_invert_flags", "invert_transform_flags"), ]), (map_brainmask, thr_brainmask, [("output_image", "input_image")]), (map_brainmask, inu_n4_final, [("output_image", "weight_image")]), (inu_n4_final, apply_mask, [("output_image", "in_file")]), (thr_brainmask, apply_mask, [("output_image", "in_mask")]), (thr_brainmask, outputnode, [("output_image", "out_mask")]), (inu_n4_final, outputnode, [("output_image", "bias_corrected"), ("bias_image", "bias_image")]), (apply_mask, outputnode, [("out_file", "out_file")]), ]) # fmt: on wm_tpm = ( get_template(in_template, label="WM", suffix="probseg", **common_spec) or None ) if wm_tpm: map_wmmask = pe.Node( ApplyTransforms(interpolation="Gaussian"), name="map_wmmask", mem_gb=1, ) # Add the brain stem if it is found. bstem_tpm = ( get_template(in_template, label="BS", suffix="probseg", **common_spec) or None ) if bstem_tpm: full_wm = pe.Node(niu.Function(function=_imsum), name="full_wm") full_wm.inputs.op1 = str(wm_tpm) full_wm.inputs.op2 = str(bstem_tpm) # fmt: off wf.connect([ (full_wm, map_wmmask, [("out", "input_image")]) ]) # fmt: on else: map_wmmask.inputs.input_image = str(wm_tpm) # fmt: off wf.disconnect([ (map_brainmask, inu_n4_final, [("output_image", "weight_image")]), ]) wf.connect([ (inputnode, map_wmmask, [(("in_files", _pop), "reference_image")]), (norm, map_wmmask, [ ("reverse_transforms", "transforms"), ("reverse_invert_flags", "invert_transform_flags"), ]), (map_wmmask, inu_n4_final, [("output_image", "weight_image")]), ]) # fmt: on if use_laplacian: lap_tmpl = pe.Node( ImageMath(operation="Laplacian", op2="1.5 1", copy_header=True), name="lap_tmpl", ) lap_tmpl.inputs.op1 = tpl_target_path lap_target = pe.Node( ImageMath(operation="Laplacian", op2="1.5 1", copy_header=True), name="lap_target", ) mrg_tmpl = pe.Node(niu.Merge(2), name="mrg_tmpl") mrg_tmpl.inputs.in1 = tpl_target_path mrg_target = pe.Node(niu.Merge(2), name="mrg_target") # fmt: off wf.connect([ (inu_n4, lap_target, [(("output_image", _pop), "op1")]), (lap_tmpl, mrg_tmpl, [("output_image", "in2")]), (inu_n4, mrg_target, [("output_image", "in1")]), (lap_target, mrg_target, [("output_image", "in2")]), (mrg_tmpl, norm, [("out", "fixed_image")]), (mrg_target, norm, [("out", "moving_image")]), ]) # fmt: on else: norm.inputs.fixed_image = tpl_target_path # fmt: off wf.connect([ (inu_n4, norm, [(("output_image", _pop), "moving_image")]), ]) # fmt: on if atropos_refine: atropos_model = atropos_model or list(ATROPOS_MODELS[bids_suffix].values()) atropos_wf = init_atropos_wf( use_random_seed=atropos_use_random_seed, omp_nthreads=omp_nthreads, mem_gb=mem_gb, in_segmentation_model=atropos_model, bspline_fitting_distance=bspline_fitting_distance, wm_prior=bool(wm_tpm), ) # fmt: off wf.disconnect([ (thr_brainmask, outputnode, [("output_image", "out_mask")]), (inu_n4_final, outputnode, [("output_image", "bias_corrected"), ("bias_image", "bias_image")]), (apply_mask, outputnode, [("out_file", "out_file")]), ]) wf.connect([ (inputnode, atropos_wf, [("in_files", "inputnode.in_files")]), (inu_n4_final, atropos_wf, [("output_image", "inputnode.in_corrected")]), (thr_brainmask, atropos_wf, [("output_image", "inputnode.in_mask")]), (atropos_wf, outputnode, [ ("outputnode.out_file", "out_file"), ("outputnode.bias_corrected", "bias_corrected"), ("outputnode.bias_image", "bias_image"), ("outputnode.out_mask", "out_mask"), ("outputnode.out_segm", "out_segm"), ("outputnode.out_tpms", "out_tpms"), ]), ]) # fmt: on if wm_tpm: # fmt: off wf.connect([ (map_wmmask, atropos_wf, [("output_image", "inputnode.wm_prior")]), ]) # fmt: on return wf
[docs] def init_atropos_wf( name="atropos_wf", use_random_seed=True, omp_nthreads=None, mem_gb=3.0, padding=10, in_segmentation_model=tuple(ATROPOS_MODELS["T1w"].values()), bspline_fitting_distance=200, wm_prior=False, ): """ Create an ANTs' ATROPOS workflow for brain tissue segmentation. Re-interprets supersteps 6 and 7 of ````, which refine the mask previously computed with the spatial normalization to the template. The workflow also executes steps 8 and 9 of the brain extraction workflow. Workflow Graph .. workflow:: :graph2use: orig :simple_form: yes from niworkflows.anat.ants import init_atropos_wf wf = init_atropos_wf() Parameters ---------- name : str, optional Workflow name (default: "atropos_wf"). use_random_seed : bool Whether ATROPOS should generate a random seed based on the system's clock omp_nthreads : int Maximum number of threads an individual process may use mem_gb : float Estimated peak memory consumption of the most hungry nodes in the workflow padding : int Pad images with zeros before processing in_segmentation_model : tuple A k-means segmentation is run to find gray or white matter around the edge of the initial brain mask warped from the template. This produces a segmentation image with :math:`$K$` classes, ordered by mean intensity in increasing order. With this option, you can control :math:`$K$` and tell the script which classes represent CSF, gray and white matter. Format (K, csfLabel, gmLabel, wmLabel). Examples: ``(3,1,2,3)`` for T1 with K=3, CSF=1, GM=2, WM=3 (default), ``(3,3,2,1)`` for T2 with K=3, CSF=3, GM=2, WM=1, ``(3,1,3,2)`` for FLAIR with K=3, CSF=1 GM=3, WM=2, ``(4,4,2,3)`` uses K=4, CSF=4, GM=2, WM=3. bspline_fitting_distance : float The size of the b-spline mesh grid elements, in mm (default: 200) wm_prior : :obj:`bool` Whether the WM posterior obtained with ATROPOS should be regularized with a prior map (typically, mapped from the template). When ``wm_prior`` is ``True`` the input field ``wm_prior`` of the input node must be connected. Inputs ------ in_files : list The original anatomical images passed in to the brain-extraction workflow. in_corrected : list :abbr:`INU (intensity non-uniformity)`-corrected files. in_mask : str Brain mask calculated previously. wm_prior : :obj:`str` Path to the WM prior probability map, aligned with the individual data. Outputs ------- out_file : :obj:`str` Path of the corrected and brain-extracted result, using the ATROPOS refinement. bias_corrected : :obj:`str` Path of the corrected and result, using the ATROPOS refinement. bias_image : :obj:`str` Path of the estimated INU bias field, using the ATROPOS refinement. out_mask : str Refined brain mask out_segm : str Output segmentation out_tpms : str Output :abbr:`TPMs (tissue probability maps)` """ wf = pe.Workflow(name) out_fields = ["bias_corrected", "bias_image", "out_mask", "out_segm", "out_tpms"] inputnode = pe.Node( niu.IdentityInterface( fields=["in_files", "in_corrected", "in_mask", "wm_prior"] ), name="inputnode", ) outputnode = pe.Node( niu.IdentityInterface(fields=["out_file"] + out_fields), name="outputnode" ) copy_xform = pe.Node( CopyXForm(fields=out_fields), name="copy_xform", run_without_submitting=True ) # Morphological dilation, radius=2 dil_brainmask = pe.Node( ImageMath(operation="MD", op2="2", copy_header=True), name="dil_brainmask" ) # Get largest connected component get_brainmask = pe.Node( ImageMath(operation="GetLargestComponent", copy_header=True), name="get_brainmask", ) # Run atropos (core node) atropos = pe.Node( Atropos( convergence_threshold=0.0, dimension=3, initialization="KMeans", likelihood_model="Gaussian", mrf_radius=[1, 1, 1], mrf_smoothing_factor=0.1, n_iterations=3, number_of_tissue_classes=in_segmentation_model[0], save_posteriors=True, use_random_seed=use_random_seed, ), name="01_atropos", n_procs=omp_nthreads, mem_gb=mem_gb, ) # massage outputs pad_segm = pe.Node( ImageMath(operation="PadImage", op2=f"{padding}", copy_header=False), name="02_pad_segm", ) pad_mask = pe.Node( ImageMath(operation="PadImage", op2=f"{padding}", copy_header=False), name="03_pad_mask", ) # Split segmentation in binary masks sel_labels = pe.Node( niu.Function( function=_select_labels, output_names=["out_wm", "out_gm", "out_csf"] ), name="04_sel_labels", ) sel_labels.inputs.labels = list(reversed(in_segmentation_model[1:])) # Select largest components (GM, WM) # ImageMath ${DIMENSION} ${EXTRACTION_WM} GetLargestComponent ${EXTRACTION_WM} get_wm = pe.Node(ImageMath(operation="GetLargestComponent"), name="05_get_wm") get_gm = pe.Node(ImageMath(operation="GetLargestComponent"), name="06_get_gm") # Fill holes and calculate intersection # ImageMath ${DIMENSION} ${EXTRACTION_TMP} FillHoles ${EXTRACTION_GM} 2 # MultiplyImages ${DIMENSION} ${EXTRACTION_GM} ${EXTRACTION_TMP} ${EXTRACTION_GM} fill_gm = pe.Node(ImageMath(operation="FillHoles", op2="2"), name="07_fill_gm") mult_gm = pe.Node( MultiplyImages(dimension=3, output_product_image="08_mult_gm.nii.gz"), name="08_mult_gm", ) # MultiplyImages ${DIMENSION} ${EXTRACTION_WM} ${ATROPOS_WM_CLASS_LABEL} ${EXTRACTION_WM} # ImageMath ${DIMENSION} ${EXTRACTION_TMP} ME ${EXTRACTION_CSF} 10 relabel_wm = pe.Node( MultiplyImages( dimension=3, second_input=in_segmentation_model[-1], output_product_image="09_relabel_wm.nii.gz", ), name="09_relabel_wm", ) me_csf = pe.Node(ImageMath(operation="ME", op2="10"), name="10_me_csf") # ImageMath ${DIMENSION} ${EXTRACTION_GM} addtozero ${EXTRACTION_GM} ${EXTRACTION_TMP} # MultiplyImages ${DIMENSION} ${EXTRACTION_GM} ${ATROPOS_GM_CLASS_LABEL} ${EXTRACTION_GM} # ImageMath ${DIMENSION} ${EXTRACTION_SEGMENTATION} addtozero ${EXTRACTION_WM} ${EXTRACTION_GM} add_gm = pe.Node(ImageMath(operation="addtozero"), name="11_add_gm") relabel_gm = pe.Node( MultiplyImages( dimension=3, second_input=in_segmentation_model[-2], output_product_image="12_relabel_gm.nii.gz", ), name="12_relabel_gm", ) add_gm_wm = pe.Node(ImageMath(operation="addtozero"), name="13_add_gm_wm") # Superstep 7 # Split segmentation in binary masks sel_labels2 = pe.Node( niu.Function(function=_select_labels, output_names=["out_gm", "out_wm"]), name="14_sel_labels2", ) sel_labels2.inputs.labels = in_segmentation_model[2:] # ImageMath ${DIMENSION} ${EXTRACTION_MASK} addtozero ${EXTRACTION_MASK} ${EXTRACTION_TMP} add_7 = pe.Node(ImageMath(operation="addtozero"), name="15_add_7") # ImageMath ${DIMENSION} ${EXTRACTION_MASK} ME ${EXTRACTION_MASK} 2 me_7 = pe.Node(ImageMath(operation="ME", op2="2"), name="16_me_7") # ImageMath ${DIMENSION} ${EXTRACTION_MASK} GetLargestComponent ${EXTRACTION_MASK} comp_7 = pe.Node(ImageMath(operation="GetLargestComponent"), name="17_comp_7") # ImageMath ${DIMENSION} ${EXTRACTION_MASK} MD ${EXTRACTION_MASK} 4 md_7 = pe.Node(ImageMath(operation="MD", op2="4"), name="18_md_7") # ImageMath ${DIMENSION} ${EXTRACTION_MASK} FillHoles ${EXTRACTION_MASK} 2 fill_7 = pe.Node(ImageMath(operation="FillHoles", op2="2"), name="19_fill_7") # ImageMath ${DIMENSION} ${EXTRACTION_MASK} addtozero ${EXTRACTION_MASK} \ # ${EXTRACTION_MASK_PRIOR_WARPED} add_7_2 = pe.Node(ImageMath(operation="addtozero"), name="20_add_7_2") # ImageMath ${DIMENSION} ${EXTRACTION_MASK} MD ${EXTRACTION_MASK} 5 md_7_2 = pe.Node(ImageMath(operation="MD", op2="5"), name="21_md_7_2") # ImageMath ${DIMENSION} ${EXTRACTION_MASK} ME ${EXTRACTION_MASK} 5 me_7_2 = pe.Node(ImageMath(operation="ME", op2="5"), name="22_me_7_2") # De-pad depad_mask = pe.Node( ImageMath(operation="PadImage", op2="-%d" % padding), name="23_depad_mask" ) depad_segm = pe.Node( ImageMath(operation="PadImage", op2="-%d" % padding), name="24_depad_segm" ) depad_gm = pe.Node( ImageMath(operation="PadImage", op2="-%d" % padding), name="25_depad_gm" ) depad_wm = pe.Node( ImageMath(operation="PadImage", op2="-%d" % padding), name="26_depad_wm" ) depad_csf = pe.Node( ImageMath(operation="PadImage", op2="-%d" % padding), name="27_depad_csf" ) msk_conform = pe.Node(niu.Function(function=_conform_mask), name="msk_conform") merge_tpms = pe.Node(niu.Merge(in_segmentation_model[0]), name="merge_tpms") sel_wm = pe.Node(niu.Select(), name="sel_wm", run_without_submitting=True) if not wm_prior: sel_wm.inputs.index = in_segmentation_model[-1] - 1 copy_xform_wm = pe.Node( CopyXForm(fields=["wm_map"]), name="copy_xform_wm", run_without_submitting=True ) # Refine INU correction inu_n4_final = pe.MapNode( N4BiasFieldCorrection( dimension=3, save_bias=True, copy_header=True, n_iterations=[50] * 5, convergence_threshold=1e-7, shrink_factor=4, bspline_fitting_distance=bspline_fitting_distance, ), n_procs=omp_nthreads, name="inu_n4_final", iterfield=["input_image"], ) try: inu_n4_final.inputs.rescale_intensities = True except ValueError: warn( "N4BiasFieldCorrection's --rescale-intensities option was added in ANTS 2.1.0 " f"({inu_n4_final.interface.version} found.) Please consider upgrading.", UserWarning, ) # Apply mask apply_mask = pe.MapNode(ApplyMask(), iterfield=["in_file"], name="apply_mask") # fmt: off wf.connect([ (inputnode, dil_brainmask, [("in_mask", "op1")]), (inputnode, copy_xform, [(("in_files", _pop), "hdr_file")]), (inputnode, copy_xform_wm, [(("in_files", _pop), "hdr_file")]), (inputnode, pad_mask, [("in_mask", "op1")]), (inputnode, atropos, [("in_corrected", "intensity_images")]), (inputnode, inu_n4_final, [("in_files", "input_image")]), (inputnode, msk_conform, [(("in_files", _pop), "in_reference")]), (dil_brainmask, get_brainmask, [("output_image", "op1")]), (get_brainmask, atropos, [("output_image", "mask_image")]), (atropos, pad_segm, [("classified_image", "op1")]), (pad_segm, sel_labels, [("output_image", "in_segm")]), (sel_labels, get_wm, [("out_wm", "op1")]), (sel_labels, get_gm, [("out_gm", "op1")]), (get_gm, fill_gm, [("output_image", "op1")]), (get_gm, mult_gm, [("output_image", "first_input")]), (fill_gm, mult_gm, [("output_image", "second_input")]), (get_wm, relabel_wm, [("output_image", "first_input")]), (sel_labels, me_csf, [("out_csf", "op1")]), (mult_gm, add_gm, [("output_product_image", "op1")]), (me_csf, add_gm, [("output_image", "op2")]), (add_gm, relabel_gm, [("output_image", "first_input")]), (relabel_wm, add_gm_wm, [("output_product_image", "op1")]), (relabel_gm, add_gm_wm, [("output_product_image", "op2")]), (add_gm_wm, sel_labels2, [("output_image", "in_segm")]), (sel_labels2, add_7, [("out_wm", "op1"), ("out_gm", "op2")]), (add_7, me_7, [("output_image", "op1")]), (me_7, comp_7, [("output_image", "op1")]), (comp_7, md_7, [("output_image", "op1")]), (md_7, fill_7, [("output_image", "op1")]), (fill_7, add_7_2, [("output_image", "op1")]), (pad_mask, add_7_2, [("output_image", "op2")]), (add_7_2, md_7_2, [("output_image", "op1")]), (md_7_2, me_7_2, [("output_image", "op1")]), (me_7_2, depad_mask, [("output_image", "op1")]), (add_gm_wm, depad_segm, [("output_image", "op1")]), (relabel_wm, depad_wm, [("output_product_image", "op1")]), (relabel_gm, depad_gm, [("output_product_image", "op1")]), (sel_labels, depad_csf, [("out_csf", "op1")]), (depad_csf, merge_tpms, [("output_image", "in1")]), (depad_gm, merge_tpms, [("output_image", "in2")]), (depad_wm, merge_tpms, [("output_image", "in3")]), (depad_mask, msk_conform, [("output_image", "in_mask")]), (msk_conform, copy_xform, [("out", "out_mask")]), (depad_segm, copy_xform, [("output_image", "out_segm")]), (merge_tpms, copy_xform, [("out", "out_tpms")]), (atropos, sel_wm, [("posteriors", "inlist")]), (sel_wm, copy_xform_wm, [("out", "wm_map")]), (copy_xform_wm, inu_n4_final, [("wm_map", "weight_image")]), (inu_n4_final, copy_xform, [("output_image", "bias_corrected"), ("bias_image", "bias_image")]), (copy_xform, apply_mask, [("bias_corrected", "in_file"), ("out_mask", "in_mask")]), (apply_mask, outputnode, [("out_file", "out_file")]), (copy_xform, outputnode, [ ("bias_corrected", "bias_corrected"), ("bias_image", "bias_image"), ("out_mask", "out_mask"), ("out_segm", "out_segm"), ("out_tpms", "out_tpms"), ]), ]) # fmt: on if wm_prior: from nipype.algorithms.metrics import FuzzyOverlap def _argmax(in_dice): import numpy as np return np.argmax(in_dice) match_wm = pe.Node( niu.Function(function=_matchlen), name="match_wm", run_without_submitting=True, ) overlap = pe.Node(FuzzyOverlap(), name="overlap", run_without_submitting=True) apply_wm_prior = pe.Node(niu.Function(function=_improd), name="apply_wm_prior") # fmt: off wf.disconnect([ (copy_xform_wm, inu_n4_final, [("wm_map", "weight_image")]), ]) wf.connect([ (inputnode, apply_wm_prior, [("in_mask", "in_mask"), ("wm_prior", "op2")]), (inputnode, match_wm, [("wm_prior", "value")]), (atropos, match_wm, [("posteriors", "reference")]), (atropos, overlap, [("posteriors", "in_ref")]), (match_wm, overlap, [("out", "in_tst")]), (overlap, sel_wm, [(("class_fdi", _argmax), "index")]), (copy_xform_wm, apply_wm_prior, [("wm_map", "op1")]), (apply_wm_prior, inu_n4_final, [("out", "weight_image")]), ]) # fmt: on return wf
[docs] def init_n4_only_wf( atropos_model=None, atropos_refine=True, atropos_use_random_seed=True, bids_suffix="T1w", mem_gb=3.0, name="n4_only_wf", omp_nthreads=None, ): """ Build a workflow to sidetrack brain extraction on skull-stripped datasets. An alternative workflow to "init_brain_extraction_wf", for anatomical images which have already been brain extracted. 1. Creates brain mask assuming all zero voxels are outside the brain 2. Applies N4 bias field correction 3. (Optional) apply ATROPOS and massage its outputs 4. Use results from 3 to refine N4 bias field correction Workflow Graph .. workflow:: :graph2use: orig :simple_form: yes from niworkflows.anat.ants import init_n4_only_wf wf = init_n4_only_wf() Parameters ---------- omp_nthreads : int Maximum number of threads an individual process may use mem_gb : float Estimated peak memory consumption of the most hungry nodes bids_suffix : str Sequence type of the first input image. For a list of acceptable values see atropos_refine : bool Enables or disables the whole ATROPOS sub-workflow atropos_use_random_seed : bool Whether ATROPOS should generate a random seed based on the system's clock atropos_model : tuple or None Allows to specify a particular segmentation model, overwriting the defaults based on ``bids_suffix`` name : str, optional Workflow name (default: ``'n4_only_wf'``). Inputs ------ in_files List of input anatomical images to be bias corrected, typically T1-weighted. If a list of anatomical images is provided, subsequently specified images are used during the segmentation process. However, only the first image is used in the registration of priors. Our suggestion would be to specify the T1w as the first image. Outputs ------- out_file :abbr:`INU (intensity non-uniformity)`-corrected ``in_files`` out_mask Calculated brain mask bias_corrected Same as "out_file", provided for consistency with brain extraction bias_image The :abbr:`INU (intensity non-uniformity)` field estimated for each input in ``in_files`` out_segm Output segmentation by ATROPOS out_tpms Output :abbr:`TPMs (tissue probability maps)` by ATROPOS """ from ..interfaces.nibabel import Binarize wf = pe.Workflow(name) inputnode = pe.Node( niu.IdentityInterface(fields=["in_files", "in_mask"]), name="inputnode" ) outputnode = pe.Node( niu.IdentityInterface( fields=[ "out_file", "out_mask", "bias_corrected", "bias_image", "out_segm", "out_tpms", ] ), name="outputnode", ) # Create brain mask thr_brainmask = pe.Node(Binarize(thresh_low=2), name="binarize") # INU correction inu_n4_final = pe.MapNode( N4BiasFieldCorrection( dimension=3, save_bias=True, copy_header=True, n_iterations=[50] * 5, convergence_threshold=1e-7, shrink_factor=4, bspline_fitting_distance=200, ), n_procs=omp_nthreads, name="inu_n4_final", iterfield=["input_image"], ) # Check ANTs version try: inu_n4_final.inputs.rescale_intensities = True except ValueError: warn( "N4BiasFieldCorrection's --rescale-intensities option was added in ANTS 2.1.0 " f"({inu_n4_final.interface.version} found.) Please consider upgrading.", UserWarning, ) # fmt: off wf.connect([ (inputnode, inu_n4_final, [("in_files", "input_image")]), (inputnode, thr_brainmask, [(("in_files", _pop), "in_file")]), (thr_brainmask, outputnode, [("out_mask", "out_mask")]), (inu_n4_final, outputnode, [("output_image", "out_file"), ("output_image", "bias_corrected"), ("bias_image", "bias_image")]), ]) # fmt: on # If atropos refine, do in4 twice if atropos_refine: atropos_model = atropos_model or list(ATROPOS_MODELS[bids_suffix].values()) atropos_wf = init_atropos_wf( use_random_seed=atropos_use_random_seed, omp_nthreads=omp_nthreads, mem_gb=mem_gb, in_segmentation_model=atropos_model, ) # fmt: off wf.disconnect([ (inu_n4_final, outputnode, [("output_image", "out_file"), ("output_image", "bias_corrected"), ("bias_image", "bias_image")]), ]) wf.connect([ (inputnode, atropos_wf, [("in_files", "inputnode.in_files")]), (inu_n4_final, atropos_wf, [("output_image", "inputnode.in_corrected")]), (thr_brainmask, atropos_wf, [("out_mask", "inputnode.in_mask")]), (atropos_wf, outputnode, [ ("outputnode.out_file", "out_file"), ("outputnode.bias_corrected", "bias_corrected"), ("outputnode.bias_image", "bias_image"), ("outputnode.out_segm", "out_segm"), ("outputnode.out_tpms", "out_tpms"), ]), ]) # fmt: on return wf
def _select_labels(in_segm, labels): from os import getcwd import numpy as np import nibabel as nb from nipype.utils.filemanip import fname_presuffix out_files = [] cwd = getcwd() nii = nb.load(in_segm) label_data = np.asanyarray(nii.dataobj).astype("uint8") for label in labels: newnii = nii.__class__(np.uint8(label_data == label), nii.affine, nii.header) newnii.set_data_dtype("uint8") out_file = fname_presuffix(in_segm, suffix="_class-%02d" % label, newpath=cwd) newnii.to_filename(out_file) out_files.append(out_file) return out_files def _conform_mask(in_mask, in_reference): """Ensures the mask headers make sense and match those of the T1w""" from pathlib import Path import numpy as np import nibabel as nb from nipype.utils.filemanip import fname_presuffix ref = nb.load(in_reference) nii = nb.load(in_mask) hdr = nii.header.copy() hdr.set_data_dtype("int16") hdr.set_slope_inter(1, 0) qform, qcode = ref.header.get_qform(coded=True) if qcode is not None: hdr.set_qform(qform, int(qcode)) sform, scode = ref.header.get_sform(coded=True) if scode is not None: hdr.set_sform(sform, int(scode)) if "_maths" in in_mask: # Cut the name at first _maths occurrence ext = "".join(Path(in_mask).suffixes) basename = Path(in_mask).name in_mask = basename.split("_maths")[0] + ext out_file = fname_presuffix(in_mask, suffix="_mask", newpath=str(Path())) nii.__class__( np.asanyarray(nii.dataobj).astype("int16"), ref.affine, hdr ).to_filename(out_file) return out_file def _matchlen(value, reference): return [value] * len(reference) def _imsum(op1, op2, out_file=None): import nibabel as nb im1 = nb.load(op1) data = im1.get_fdata(dtype="float32") + nb.load(op2).get_fdata(dtype="float32") data /= data.max() nii = nb.Nifti1Image(data, im1.affine, im1.header) if out_file is None: from pathlib import Path out_file = str((Path() / "summap.nii.gz").absolute()) nii.to_filename(out_file) return out_file def _improd(op1, op2, in_mask, out_file=None): import nibabel as nb im1 = nb.load(op1) data = im1.get_fdata(dtype="float32") * nb.load(op2).get_fdata(dtype="float32") mskdata = nb.load(in_mask).get_fdata() > 0 data[~mskdata] = 0 data[data < 0] = 0 data /= data.max() data = 0.5 * (data + mskdata) nii = nb.Nifti1Image(data, im1.affine, im1.header) if out_file is None: from pathlib import Path out_file = str((Path() / "prodmap.nii.gz").absolute()) nii.to_filename(out_file) return out_file