Source code for niworkflows.engine.plugin

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# Copyright 2022 The NiPreps Developers <>
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"""A lightweight NiPype MultiProc execution plugin."""

# Import packages
import os
import sys
from copy import deepcopy
from time import sleep, time
import multiprocessing as mp
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor
from traceback import format_exception
import gc

# Run node
[docs] def run_node(node, updatehash, taskid): """ Execute, catch and log any errors and get a result. Parameters ---------- node : nipype Node instance the node to run updatehash : boolean flag for updating hash taskid : int an identifier for this task Returns ------- result : dictionary dictionary containing the node runtime results and stats """ # Init variables result = dict(result=None, traceback=None, taskid=taskid) # Try and execute the node via try: result["result"] = except: # noqa: E722, intendedly catch all here result["traceback"] = format_exception(*sys.exc_info()) result["result"] = node.result # Return the result dictionary return result
[docs] class PluginBase: """Base class for plugins.""" def __init__(self, plugin_args=None): """Initialize plugin.""" if plugin_args is None: plugin_args = {} self.plugin_args = plugin_args self._config = None self._status_callback = plugin_args.get("status_callback")
[docs] def run(self, graph, config, updatehash=False): """ Instruct the plugin to execute the workflow graph. The core plugin member that should be implemented by all plugins. Parameters ---------- graph : a networkx, flattened :abbr:`DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph)` to be executed config : :obj:`~nipype.config` a nipype.config object updatehash : :obj:`bool` whether cached nodes with stale hash should be just updated. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] class DistributedPluginBase(PluginBase): """ Execute workflow with a distribution engine. Combinations of ``proc_done`` and ``proc_pending``: +------------+---------------+--------------------------------+ | proc_done | proc_pending | outcome | +============+===============+================================+ | True | False | Process is finished | +------------+---------------+--------------------------------+ | True | True | Process is currently being run | +------------+---------------+--------------------------------+ | False | False | Process is queued | +------------+---------------+--------------------------------+ | False | True | INVALID COMBINATION | +------------+---------------+--------------------------------+ Attributes ---------- procs : :obj:`list` list (N) of underlying interface elements to be processed proc_done : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` a boolean numpy array (N,) signifying whether a process has been submitted for execution proc_pending : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` a boolean numpy array (N,) signifying whether a process is currently running. depidx : :obj:`numpy.matrix` a boolean matrix (NxN) storing the dependency structure across processes. Process dependencies are derived from each column. """ def __init__(self, plugin_args=None): """Initialize runtime attributes to none.""" super().__init__(plugin_args=plugin_args) self.procs = None self.depidx = None self.refidx = None self.mapnodes = None self.mapnodesubids = None self.proc_done = None self.proc_pending = None self.pending_tasks = [] self.max_jobs = self.plugin_args.get("max_jobs", None) def _prerun_check(self, graph): """Stub method to validate/massage graph and nodes before running.""" def _postrun_check(self): """Stub method to close any open resources."""
[docs] def run(self, graph, config, updatehash=False): """Execute a pre-defined pipeline using distributed approaches.""" import numpy as np self._config = config poll_sleep_secs = float(config["execution"]["poll_sleep_duration"]) self._prerun_check(graph) # Generate appropriate structures for worker-manager model self._generate_dependency_list(graph) self.mapnodes = [] self.mapnodesubids = {} # setup polling - TODO: change to threaded model notrun = [] errors = [] while not np.all(self.proc_done) or np.any(self.proc_pending): loop_start = time() toappend = [] # trigger callbacks for any pending results while self.pending_tasks: taskid, jobid = self.pending_tasks.pop() try: result = self._get_result(taskid) except Exception as exc: notrun.append(self._clean_queue(jobid, graph)) errors.append(exc) else: if result: if result["traceback"]: notrun.append(self._clean_queue(jobid, graph, result=result)) errors.append("".join(result["traceback"])) else: self._task_finished_cb(jobid) self._remove_node_dirs() self._clear_task(taskid) else: assert self.proc_done[jobid] and self.proc_pending[jobid] toappend.insert(0, (taskid, jobid)) if toappend: self.pending_tasks.extend(toappend) num_jobs = len(self.pending_tasks) if self.max_jobs is None or num_jobs < self.max_jobs: self._send_procs_to_workers(updatehash=updatehash, graph=graph) sleep_til = loop_start + poll_sleep_secs sleep(max(0, sleep_til - time())) self._remove_node_dirs() # close any open resources self._postrun_check() if errors: # If one or more nodes failed, re-rise first of them error, cause = errors[0], None if isinstance(error, str): error = RuntimeError(error) if len(errors) > 1: error, cause = ( RuntimeError(f"{len(errors)} raised. Re-raising first."), error, ) raise error from cause
def _get_result(self, taskid): raise NotImplementedError def _submit_job(self, node, updatehash=False): raise NotImplementedError def _report_crash(self, node, result=None): from import report_crash tb = None if result is not None: node._result = result["result"] tb = result["traceback"] node._traceback = tb return report_crash(node, traceback=tb) def _clear_task(self, taskid): raise NotImplementedError def _clean_queue(self, jobid, graph, result=None): from mriqc import config if self._status_callback: self._status_callback(self.procs[jobid], "exception") if result is None: result = { "result": None, "traceback": "\n".join(format_exception(*sys.exc_info())), } crashfile = self._report_crash(self.procs[jobid], result=result) if config.nipype.stop_on_first_crash: raise RuntimeError("".join(result["traceback"])) if jobid in self.mapnodesubids: # remove current jobid self.proc_pending[jobid] = False self.proc_done[jobid] = True # remove parent mapnode jobid = self.mapnodesubids[jobid] self.proc_pending[jobid] = False self.proc_done[jobid] = True # remove dependencies from queue return self._remove_node_deps(jobid, crashfile, graph) def _send_procs_to_workers(self, updatehash=False, graph=None): """Submit tasks to workers when system resources are available.""" def _submit_mapnode(self, jobid): import numpy as np import scipy.sparse as ssp if jobid in self.mapnodes: return True self.mapnodes.append(jobid) mapnodesubids = self.procs[jobid].get_subnodes() numnodes = len(mapnodesubids) for i in range(numnodes): self.mapnodesubids[self.depidx.shape[0] + i] = jobid self.procs.extend(mapnodesubids) self.depidx = ssp.vstack( (self.depidx, ssp.lil_matrix(np.zeros((numnodes, self.depidx.shape[1])))), "lil", ) self.depidx = ssp.hstack( (self.depidx, ssp.lil_matrix(np.zeros((self.depidx.shape[0], numnodes)))), "lil", ) self.depidx[-numnodes:, jobid] = 1 self.proc_done = np.concatenate((self.proc_done, np.zeros(numnodes, dtype=bool))) self.proc_pending = np.concatenate((self.proc_pending, np.zeros(numnodes, dtype=bool))) return False def _local_hash_check(self, jobid, graph): from mriqc import config if not config.nipype.local_hash_check: return False try: cached, updated = self.procs[jobid].is_cached() except Exception: return False overwrite = self.procs[jobid].overwrite always_run = self.procs[jobid].interface.always_run if cached and updated and (overwrite is False or overwrite is None and not always_run): try: self._task_finished_cb(jobid, cached=True) self._remove_node_dirs() except Exception: self._clean_queue(jobid, graph) self.proc_pending[jobid] = False return True return False def _task_finished_cb(self, jobid, cached=False): """ Extract outputs and assign to inputs of dependent tasks. This is called when a job is completed. """ if self._status_callback: self._status_callback(self.procs[jobid], "end") # Update job and worker queues self.proc_pending[jobid] = False # update the job dependency structure rowview = self.depidx.getrowview(jobid) rowview[rowview.nonzero()] = 0 if jobid not in self.mapnodesubids: try: self.refidx[self.refidx[:, jobid].nonzero()[0], jobid] = 0 except NotImplementedError: self.refidx[self.refidx[:, [jobid]].nonzero()[0], jobid] = 0 def _generate_dependency_list(self, graph): """Generate a dependency list for a list of graphs.""" import numpy as np from nipype.pipeline.engine.utils import topological_sort try: from networkx import to_scipy_sparse_array except ImportError: # NetworkX < 2.7 from networkx import to_scipy_sparse_matrix as to_scipy_sparse_array self.procs, _ = topological_sort(graph) self.depidx = to_scipy_sparse_array(graph, nodelist=self.procs, format="lil") self.refidx = self.depidx.astype(int) self.proc_done = np.zeros(len(self.procs), dtype=bool) self.proc_pending = np.zeros(len(self.procs), dtype=bool) def _remove_node_deps(self, jobid, crashfile, graph): import networkx as nx try: dfs_preorder = nx.dfs_preorder except AttributeError: dfs_preorder = nx.dfs_preorder_nodes subnodes = [s for s in dfs_preorder(graph, self.procs[jobid])] for node in subnodes: idx = self.procs.index(node) self.proc_done[idx] = True self.proc_pending[idx] = False return dict(node=self.procs[jobid], dependents=subnodes, crashfile=crashfile) def _remove_node_dirs(self): """Remove directories whose outputs have already been used up.""" import numpy as np from shutil import rmtree from mriqc import config if config.nipype.remove_node_directories: indices = np.nonzero((self.refidx.sum(axis=1) == 0).__array__())[0] for idx in indices: if idx in self.mapnodesubids: continue if self.proc_done[idx] and (not self.proc_pending[idx]): self.refidx[idx, idx] = -1 outdir = self.procs[idx].output_dir() rmtree(outdir)
[docs] class MultiProcPlugin(DistributedPluginBase): """ A lightweight re-implementation of NiPype's MultiProc plugin. Execute workflow with multiprocessing, not sending more jobs at once than the system can support. The plugin_args input to run can be used to control the multiprocessing execution and defining the maximum amount of memory and threads that should be used. When those parameters are not specified, the number of threads and memory of the system is used. System consuming nodes should be tagged:: memory_consuming_node.mem_gb = 8 thread_consuming_node.n_procs = 16 The default number of threads and memory are set at node creation, and are 1 and 0.25GB respectively. """ def __init__(self, pool=None, plugin_args=None): """ Initialize the plugin. Arguments --------- pool : :obj:`~concurrent.futures.Executor` A process pool that has been already initialized. plugin_args : :obj:`dict` A Nipype-compatible dictionary of settings. """ from mriqc import config super().__init__(plugin_args=plugin_args) self._taskresult = {} self._task_obj = {} self._taskid = 0 # Cache current working directory and make sure we # change to it when workers are set up self._cwd = os.getcwd() # Read in options or set defaults. self.processors = self.plugin_args.get("n_procs", mp.cpu_count()) self.memory_gb = self.plugin_args.get( "memory_gb", # Allocate 90% of system memory config.environment.total_memory * 0.9, ) self.raise_insufficient = self.plugin_args.get("raise_insufficient", False) # Instantiate different thread pools for non-daemon processes mp_context = mp.get_context(self.plugin_args.get("mp_context")) self.pool = pool or ProcessPoolExecutor( max_workers=self.processors, initializer=config._process_initializer, initargs=(config.file_path,), mp_context=mp_context, ) self._stats = None def _async_callback(self, args): result = args.result() self._taskresult[result["taskid"]] = result def _get_result(self, taskid): return self._taskresult.get(taskid) def _clear_task(self, taskid): del self._task_obj[taskid] def _submit_job(self, node, updatehash=False): self._taskid += 1 # Don't allow streaming outputs if getattr(node.interface, "terminal_output", "") == "stream": node.interface.terminal_output = "allatonce" result_future = self.pool.submit(run_node, node, updatehash, self._taskid) result_future.add_done_callback(self._async_callback) self._task_obj[self._taskid] = result_future return self._taskid def _prerun_check(self, graph): """Check if any node exceeds the available resources.""" import numpy as np tasks_mem_gb = [] tasks_num_th = [] for node in graph.nodes(): tasks_mem_gb.append(node.mem_gb) tasks_num_th.append(node.n_procs) if self.raise_insufficient and ( np.any(np.array(tasks_mem_gb) > self.memory_gb) or np.any(np.array(tasks_num_th) > self.processors) ): raise RuntimeError("Insufficient resources available for job") def _postrun_check(self): self.pool.shutdown() def _check_resources(self, running_tasks): """Make sure there are resources available.""" free_memory_gb = self.memory_gb free_processors = self.processors for _, jobid in running_tasks: free_memory_gb -= min(self.procs[jobid].mem_gb, free_memory_gb) free_processors -= min(self.procs[jobid].n_procs, free_processors) return free_memory_gb, free_processors def _send_procs_to_workers(self, updatehash=False, graph=None): """Submit tasks to workers when system resources are available.""" import numpy as np # Check to see if a job is available (jobs with all dependencies run) # See # See also jobids = np.flatnonzero(~self.proc_done & (self.depidx.sum(axis=0) == 0).__array__()) # Check available resources by summing all threads and memory used free_memory_gb, free_processors = self._check_resources(self.pending_tasks) stats = ( len(self.pending_tasks), len(jobids), free_memory_gb, self.memory_gb, free_processors, self.processors, ) if self._stats != stats: self._stats = stats if free_memory_gb < 0.01 or free_processors == 0: return if len(jobids) + len(self.pending_tasks) == 0: return jobids = self._sort_jobs(jobids, scheduler=self.plugin_args.get("scheduler")) # Run garbage collector before potentially submitting jobs gc.collect() # Submit jobs for jobid in jobids: # First expand mapnodes if self.procs[jobid].__class__.__name__ == "MapNode": try: num_subnodes = self.procs[jobid].num_subnodes() except Exception: traceback = format_exception(*sys.exc_info()) self._clean_queue( jobid, graph, result={"result": None, "traceback": traceback} ) self.proc_pending[jobid] = False continue if num_subnodes > 1: submit = self._submit_mapnode(jobid) if not submit: continue # Check requirements of this job next_job_gb = min(self.procs[jobid].mem_gb, self.memory_gb) next_job_th = min(self.procs[jobid].n_procs, self.processors) # If node does not fit, skip at this moment if next_job_th > free_processors or next_job_gb > free_memory_gb: continue free_memory_gb -= next_job_gb free_processors -= next_job_th # change job status in appropriate queues self.proc_done[jobid] = True self.proc_pending[jobid] = True # If cached and up-to-date just retrieve it, don't run if self._local_hash_check(jobid, graph): continue # updatehash and run_without_submitting are also run locally if updatehash or self.procs[jobid].run_without_submitting: try: self.procs[jobid].run(updatehash=updatehash) except Exception: traceback = format_exception(*sys.exc_info()) self._clean_queue( jobid, graph, result={"result": None, "traceback": traceback} ) # Release resources self._task_finished_cb(jobid) self._remove_node_dirs() free_memory_gb += next_job_gb free_processors += next_job_th # Display stats next loop self._stats = None # Clean up any debris from running node in main process gc.collect() continue # Task should be submitted to workers # Send job to task manager and add to pending tasks if self._status_callback: self._status_callback(self.procs[jobid], "start") tid = self._submit_job(deepcopy(self.procs[jobid]), updatehash=updatehash) if tid is None: self.proc_done[jobid] = False self.proc_pending[jobid] = False else: self.pending_tasks.insert(0, (tid, jobid)) # Display stats next loop self._stats = None def _sort_jobs(self, jobids, scheduler="tsort"): if scheduler == "mem_thread": return sorted( jobids, key=lambda item: (self.procs[item].mem_gb, self.procs[item].n_procs), ) return jobids