Source code for niworkflows.interfaces.cifti

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# Copyright 2021 The NiPreps Developers <>
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"""Handling connectivity: combines FreeSurfer surfaces with subcortical volumes."""
from pathlib import Path
import json
import typing
import warnings

import nibabel as nb
from nibabel import cifti2 as ci
import numpy as np
from nilearn.image import resample_to_img
from nipype.utils.filemanip import split_filename
from nipype.interfaces.base import (
import templateflow.api as tf

from niworkflows.interfaces.nibabel import reorient_image

CIFTI_STRUCT_WITH_LABELS = {  # CITFI structures with corresponding labels

class _GenerateCiftiInputSpec(BaseInterfaceInputSpec):
    bold_file = File(mandatory=True, exists=True, desc="input BOLD file")
    volume_target = traits.Enum(
        desc="CIFTI volumetric output space",
    surface_target = traits.Enum(
        desc="CIFTI surface target space",
    grayordinates = traits.Enum(
        "91k", "170k", usedefault=True, desc="Final CIFTI grayordinates"
    TR = traits.Float(mandatory=True, desc="Repetition time")
    surface_bolds = traits.List(
        desc="list of surface BOLD GIFTI files (length 2 with order [L,R])",

class _GenerateCiftiOutputSpec(TraitedSpec):
    out_file = File(desc="generated CIFTI file")
    out_metadata = File(desc="CIFTI metadata JSON")

[docs] class GenerateCifti(SimpleInterface): """ Generate a HCP-style CIFTI image from BOLD file in target spaces. """ input_spec = _GenerateCiftiInputSpec output_spec = _GenerateCiftiOutputSpec def _run_interface(self, runtime): surface_labels, volume_labels, metadata = _prepare_cifti(self.inputs.grayordinates) self._results["out_file"] = _create_cifti_image( self.inputs.bold_file, volume_labels, self.inputs.surface_bolds, surface_labels, self.inputs.TR, metadata, ) metadata_file = Path("bold.dtseries.json").absolute() metadata_file.write_text(json.dumps(metadata, indent=2)) self._results["out_metadata"] = str(metadata_file) return runtime
class _CiftiNameSourceInputSpec(BaseInterfaceInputSpec): space = traits.Str( mandatory=True, desc="the space identifier", ) density = traits.Str(desc="density label") class _CiftiNameSourceOutputSpec(TraitedSpec): out_name = traits.Str(desc="(partial) filename formatted according to template")
[docs] class CiftiNameSource(SimpleInterface): """ Construct new filename based on unique label of spaces used to generate a CIFTI file. Examples -------- >>> namer = CiftiNameSource() >>> = 'fsLR' >>> res = >>> res.outputs.out_name 'space-fsLR_bold.dtseries' >>> namer.inputs.density = '32k' >>> res = >>> res.outputs.out_name 'space-fsLR_den-32k_bold.dtseries' """ input_spec = _CiftiNameSourceInputSpec output_spec = _CiftiNameSourceOutputSpec def _run_interface(self, runtime): entities = [('space',] if self.inputs.density: entities.append(('den', self.inputs.density)) out_name = '_'.join([f'{k}-{v}' for k, v in entities] + ['bold.dtseries']) self._results["out_name"] = out_name return runtime
def _prepare_cifti(grayordinates: str) -> typing.Tuple[list, str, dict]: """ Fetch the required templates needed for CIFTI-2 generation, based on input surface density. Parameters ---------- grayordinates : Total CIFTI grayordinates (91k, 170k) Returns ------- surface_labels Surface label files for vertex inclusion/exclusion. volume_label Volumetric label file of subcortical structures. metadata Dictionary with BIDS metadata. Examples -------- >>> surface_labels, volume_labels, metadata = _prepare_cifti('91k') >>> surface_labels # doctest: +ELLIPSIS +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE ['.../tpl-fsLR_hemi-L_den-32k_desc-nomedialwall_dparc.label.gii', \ '.../tpl-fsLR_hemi-R_den-32k_desc-nomedialwall_dparc.label.gii'] >>> volume_labels # doctest: +ELLIPSIS '.../tpl-MNI152NLin6Asym_res-02_atlas-HCP_dseg.nii.gz' >>> metadata # doctest: +ELLIPSIS {'Density': '91,282 grayordinates corresponding to all of the grey matter sampled at a \ 2mm average vertex spacing... 'SpatialReference': {'VolumeReference': ... """ grayord_key = { "91k": { "surface-den": "32k", "tf-res": "02", "grayords": "91,282", "res-mm": "2mm" }, "170k": { "surface-den": "59k", "tf-res": "06", "grayords": "170,494", "res-mm": "1.6mm" } } if grayordinates not in grayord_key: raise NotImplementedError("Grayordinates {grayordinates} is not supported.") tf_vol_res = grayord_key[grayordinates]['tf-res'] total_grayords = grayord_key[grayordinates]['grayords'] res_mm = grayord_key[grayordinates]['res-mm'] surface_density = grayord_key[grayordinates]['surface-den'] # Fetch templates surface_labels = [ str( tf.get( "fsLR", density=surface_density, hemi=hemi, desc="nomedialwall", suffix="dparc", raise_empty=True, ) ) for hemi in ("L", "R") ] volume_label = str( tf.get( "MNI152NLin6Asym", suffix="dseg", atlas="HCP", resolution=tf_vol_res, raise_empty=True ) ) tf_url = "" volume_url = f"{tf_url}/tpl-MNI152NLin6Asym/tpl-MNI152NLin6Asym_res-{tf_vol_res}_T1w.nii.gz" surfaces_url = ( # midthickness is the default, but varying levels of inflation are all valid f"{tf_url}/tpl-fsLR/tpl-fsLR_den-{surface_density}" ) metadata = { "Density": ( f"{total_grayords} grayordinates corresponding to all of the grey matter sampled at a " f"{res_mm} average vertex spacing on the surface and as {res_mm} voxels subcortically" ), "SpatialReference": { "VolumeReference": volume_url, "CIFTI_STRUCTURE_LEFT_CORTEX": surfaces_url % "L", "CIFTI_STRUCTURE_RIGHT_CORTEX": surfaces_url % "R", } } return surface_labels, volume_label, metadata def _create_cifti_image( bold_file: str, volume_label: str, bold_surfs: typing.Tuple[str, str], surface_labels: typing.Tuple[str, str], tr: float, metadata: typing.Optional[dict] = None, ): """ Generate CIFTI image in target space. Parameters ---------- bold_file BOLD volumetric timeseries volume_label Subcortical label file bold_surfs BOLD surface timeseries (L,R) surface_labels Surface label files used to remove medial wall (L,R) tr BOLD repetition time metadata Metadata to include in CIFTI header Returns ------- out : BOLD data saved as CIFTI dtseries """ bold_img = nb.load(bold_file) label_img = nb.load(volume_label) if label_img.shape != bold_img.shape[:3]: warnings.warn("Resampling bold volume to match label dimensions") bold_img = resample_to_img(bold_img, label_img) # ensure images match HCP orientation (LAS) bold_img = reorient_image(bold_img, target_ornt="LAS") label_img = reorient_image(label_img, target_ornt="LAS") bold_data = bold_img.get_fdata(dtype="float32") timepoints = bold_img.shape[3] label_data = np.asanyarray(label_img.dataobj).astype("int16") # Create brain models idx_offset = 0 brainmodels = [] bm_ts = np.empty((timepoints, 0), dtype="float32") for structure, labels in CIFTI_STRUCT_WITH_LABELS.items(): if labels is None: # surface model model_type = "CIFTI_MODEL_TYPE_SURFACE" # use the corresponding annotation hemi = structure.split("_")[-1] # currently only supports L/R cortex surf_ts = nb.load(bold_surfs[hemi == "RIGHT"]) surf_verts = len(surf_ts.darrays[0].data) labels = nb.load(surface_labels[hemi == "RIGHT"]) medial = np.nonzero(labels.darrays[0].data)[0] # extract values across volumes ts = np.array([[medial] for tsarr in surf_ts.darrays]) vert_idx = ci.Cifti2VertexIndices(medial) bm = ci.Cifti2BrainModel( index_offset=idx_offset, index_count=len(vert_idx), model_type=model_type, brain_structure=structure, vertex_indices=vert_idx, n_surface_vertices=surf_verts, ) idx_offset += len(vert_idx) bm_ts = np.column_stack((bm_ts, ts)) else: model_type = "CIFTI_MODEL_TYPE_VOXELS" vox = [] ts = [] for label in labels: # nonzero returns indices in row-major (C) order # NIfTI uses column-major (Fortran) order, so HCP generates indices in F order # Therefore flip the data and label the indices backwards k, j, i = np.nonzero(label_data.T == label) if k.size == 0: # skip label if nothing matches continue ts.append(bold_data[i, j, k]) vox.append(np.stack([i, j, k]).T) vox_indices_ijk = ci.Cifti2VoxelIndicesIJK(np.concatenate(vox)) bm = ci.Cifti2BrainModel( index_offset=idx_offset, index_count=len(vox_indices_ijk), model_type=model_type, brain_structure=structure, voxel_indices_ijk=vox_indices_ijk, ) idx_offset += len(vox_indices_ijk) bm_ts = np.column_stack((bm_ts, np.concatenate(ts).T)) # add each brain structure to list brainmodels.append(bm) # add volume information brainmodels.append( ci.Cifti2Volume( bold_img.shape[:3], ci.Cifti2TransformationMatrixVoxelIndicesIJKtoXYZ(-3, bold_img.affine), ) ) # generate Matrix information series_map = ci.Cifti2MatrixIndicesMap( (0,), "CIFTI_INDEX_TYPE_SERIES", number_of_series_points=timepoints, series_exponent=0, series_start=0.0, series_step=tr, series_unit="SECOND", ) geometry_map = ci.Cifti2MatrixIndicesMap( (1,), "CIFTI_INDEX_TYPE_BRAIN_MODELS", maps=brainmodels ) # provide some metadata to CIFTI matrix if not metadata: metadata = { "surface": "fsLR", "volume": "MNI152NLin6Asym", } # generate and save CIFTI image matrix = ci.Cifti2Matrix() matrix.append(series_map) matrix.append(geometry_map) matrix.metadata = ci.Cifti2MetaData(metadata) hdr = ci.Cifti2Header(matrix) img = ci.Cifti2Image(dataobj=bm_ts, header=hdr) img.set_data_dtype(bold_img.get_data_dtype()) img.nifti_header.set_intent("NIFTI_INTENT_CONNECTIVITY_DENSE_SERIES") out_file = "{}.dtseries.nii".format(split_filename(bold_file)[1]), out_file) return Path.cwd() / out_file