Source code for niworkflows.interfaces.header

# emacs: -*- mode: python; py-indent-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# vi: set ft=python sts=4 ts=4 sw=4 et:
# Copyright 2021 The NiPreps Developers <>
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"""Handling NIfTI headers."""
import os
import shutil
from textwrap import indent
import numpy as np
import nibabel as nb
import transforms3d

from nipype import logging
from nipype.utils.filemanip import fname_presuffix
from nipype.interfaces.base import (
from import add_traits
from ..utils.images import _copyxform
from .. import __version__

LOGGER = logging.getLogger("nipype.interface")

class _CopyXFormInputSpec(DynamicTraitedSpec, BaseInterfaceInputSpec):
    hdr_file = File(exists=True, mandatory=True, desc="the file we get the header from")

[docs] class CopyXForm(SimpleInterface): """ Copy the *x-form* orientation headers from ``hdr_file`` to an arbitrary set of images. Target images that will get their x-form headers replaced should be prescribed using the ``fields`` argument at interface instantiation. """ input_spec = _CopyXFormInputSpec output_spec = DynamicTraitedSpec def __init__(self, fields=None, **inputs): self._fields = fields or ["in_file"] if isinstance(self._fields, str): self._fields = [self._fields] super().__init__(**inputs) add_traits(self.inputs, self._fields) for f in set(self._fields).intersection(list(inputs.keys())): setattr(self.inputs, f, inputs[f]) def _outputs(self): base = super()._outputs() if self._fields: fields = self._fields.copy() if "in_file" in fields: idx = fields.index("in_file") fields.pop(idx) fields.insert(idx, "out_file") base = add_traits(base, fields) return base def _run_interface(self, runtime): for f in self._fields: in_files = getattr(self.inputs, f) self._results[f] = [] if isinstance(in_files, str): in_files = [in_files] for in_file in in_files: out_name = fname_presuffix( in_file, suffix="_xform", newpath=runtime.cwd ) # Copy and replace header shutil.copy(in_file, out_name) _copyxform( self.inputs.hdr_file, out_name, message="CopyXForm (niworkflows v%s)" % __version__, ) self._results[f].append(out_name) # Flatten out one-element lists if len(self._results[f]) == 1: self._results[f] = self._results[f][0] default = self._results.pop("in_file", None) if default: self._results["out_file"] = default return runtime
class _CopyHeaderInputSpec(BaseInterfaceInputSpec): in_file = File(exists=True, mandatory=True, desc="the file we get the data from") hdr_file = File(exists=True, mandatory=True, desc="the file we get the header from") class _CopyHeaderOutputSpec(TraitedSpec): out_file = File(exists=True, desc="written file path")
[docs] class CopyHeader(SimpleInterface): """ Copy a header from the `hdr_file` to `out_file` with data drawn from `in_file`. """ input_spec = _CopyHeaderInputSpec output_spec = _CopyHeaderOutputSpec def _run_interface(self, runtime): in_img = nb.load(self.inputs.hdr_file) out_img = nb.load(self.inputs.in_file) new_img = out_img.__class__(out_img.dataobj, in_img.affine, in_img.header) new_img.set_data_dtype(out_img.get_data_dtype()) out_name = fname_presuffix(self.inputs.in_file, suffix="_fixhdr", newpath=".") new_img.to_filename(out_name) self._results["out_file"] = out_name return runtime
class _ValidateImageInputSpec(BaseInterfaceInputSpec): in_file = File(exists=True, mandatory=True, desc="input image") class _ValidateImageOutputSpec(TraitedSpec): out_file = File(exists=True, desc="validated image") out_report = File(exists=True, desc="HTML segment containing warning")
[docs] class ValidateImage(SimpleInterface): """ Check the correctness of x-form headers (matrix and code). This interface implements the `following logic <>`__: .. list-table:: ``ValidateImage`` truth table :widths: 15 15 15 15 40 :header-rows: 1 * - valid quaternions - ``qform_code`` > 0 - ``sform_code`` > 0 - ``qform == sform`` - actions * - ``True`` - ``True`` - ``True`` - ``True`` - None * - ``True`` - ``True`` - ``False`` - \\* - sform, scode <- qform, qcode * - \\* - \\* - ``True`` - ``False`` - qform, qcode <- sform, scode * - \\* - ``False`` - ``True`` - \\* - qform, qcode <- sform, scode * - \\* - ``False`` - ``False`` - \\* - sform, qform <- best affine; scode, qcode <- 1 * - ``False`` - \\* - ``False`` - \\* - sform, qform <- best affine; scode, qcode <- 1 """ input_spec = _ValidateImageInputSpec output_spec = _ValidateImageOutputSpec def _run_interface(self, runtime): img = nb.load(self.inputs.in_file) out_report = os.path.join(runtime.cwd, "report.html") # Retrieve xform codes sform_code = int(img.header._structarr["sform_code"]) qform_code = int(img.header._structarr["qform_code"]) # Check qform is valid valid_qform = False try: qform = img.get_qform() valid_qform = True except ValueError: pass sform = img.get_sform() if np.linalg.det(sform) == 0: valid_sform = False else: RZS = sform[:3, :3] zooms = np.sqrt(np.sum(RZS * RZS, axis=0)) valid_sform = np.allclose(zooms, img.header.get_zooms()[:3]) # Matching affines matching_affines = valid_qform and np.allclose(qform, sform) # Both match, qform valid (implicit with match), codes okay -> do nothing, empty report if matching_affines and qform_code > 0 and sform_code > 0: self._results["out_file"] = self.inputs.in_file open(out_report, "w").close() self._results["out_report"] = out_report return runtime # A new file will be written out_fname = fname_presuffix( self.inputs.in_file, suffix="_valid", newpath=runtime.cwd ) self._results["out_file"] = out_fname # Row 2: if valid_qform and qform_code > 0 and (sform_code == 0 or not valid_sform): img.set_sform(qform, qform_code) warning_txt = "Note on orientation: sform matrix set" description = """\ <p class="elem-desc">The sform has been copied from qform.</p> """ # Rows 3-4: # Note: if qform is not valid, matching_affines is False elif (valid_sform and sform_code > 0) and ( not matching_affines or qform_code == 0 ): img.set_qform(sform, sform_code) new_qform = img.get_qform() if valid_qform: # False alarm - the difference is due to precision loss of qform if np.allclose(new_qform, qform) and qform_code > 0: self._results["out_file"] = self.inputs.in_file open(out_report, "w").close() self._results["out_report"] = out_report return runtime # Replacing an existing, valid qform. Report magnitude of change. diff = np.linalg.inv(qform) @ new_qform trans, rot, _, _ = transforms3d.affines.decompose44(diff) angle = transforms3d.axangles.mat2axangle(rot)[1] xyz_unit = img.header.get_xyzt_units()[0] if xyz_unit == "unknown": xyz_unit = "mm" total_trans = np.sqrt( np.sum(trans * trans) ) # Add angle and total_trans to report warning_txt = "Note on orientation: qform matrix overwritten" description = f"""\ <p class="elem-desc"> The qform has been copied from sform. The difference in angle is {angle:.02g} radians. The difference in translation is {total_trans:.02g}{xyz_unit}. </p> """ elif qform_code > 0: # qform code indicates the qform is supposed to be valid. Use more stridency. warning_txt = "WARNING - Invalid qform information" description = """\ <p class="elem-desc"> The qform matrix found in the file header is invalid. The qform has been copied from sform. Checking the original qform information from the data produced by the scanner is advised. </p> """ else: # qform_code == 0 # qform is not expected to be valids. Simple note. warning_txt = "Note on orientation: qform matrix overwritten" description = ( '<p class="elem-desc">The qform has been copied from sform.</p>' ) # Rows 5-6: else: affine = img.header.get_base_affine() img.set_sform(affine, nb.nifti1.xform_codes["scanner"]) img.set_qform(affine, nb.nifti1.xform_codes["scanner"]) warning_txt = "WARNING - Missing orientation information" description = """\ <p class="elem-desc"> FMRIPREP could not retrieve orientation information from the image header. The qform and sform matrices have been set to a default, LAS-oriented affine. Analyses of this dataset MAY BE INVALID. </p> """ snippet = '<h3 class="elem-title">%s</h3>\n%s\n' % (warning_txt, description) # Store new file and report img.to_filename(out_fname) with open(out_report, "w") as fobj: fobj.write(indent(snippet, "\t" * 3)) self._results["out_report"] = out_report return runtime
class _MatchHeaderInputSpec(BaseInterfaceInputSpec): reference = File( exists=True, mandatory=True, desc="NIfTI file with reference header" ) in_file = File( exists=True, mandatory=True, desc="NIfTI file which header will be checked" ) class _MatchHeaderOutputSpec(TraitedSpec): out_file = File(exists=True, desc="NIfTI file with fixed header")
[docs] class MatchHeader(SimpleInterface): input_spec = _MatchHeaderInputSpec output_spec = _MatchHeaderOutputSpec def _run_interface(self, runtime): refhdr = nb.load(self.inputs.reference).header.copy() imgnii = nb.load(self.inputs.in_file) imghdr = imgnii.header.copy() imghdr["dim_info"] = refhdr["dim_info"] # dim_info is lost sometimes # Set qform qform = refhdr.get_qform() qcode = int(refhdr["qform_code"]) if not np.allclose(qform, imghdr.get_qform()): LOGGER.warning("q-forms of reference and mask are substantially different") imghdr.set_qform(qform, qcode) # Set sform sform = refhdr.get_sform() scode = int(refhdr["sform_code"]) if not np.allclose(sform, imghdr.get_sform()): LOGGER.warning("s-forms of reference and mask are substantially different") imghdr.set_sform(sform, scode) out_file = fname_presuffix( self.inputs.in_file, suffix="_hdr", newpath=runtime.cwd ) imgnii.__class__(imgnii.dataobj, imghdr.get_best_affine(), imghdr).to_filename( out_file ) self._results["out_file"] = out_file return runtime
class _SanitizeImageInputSpec(BaseInterfaceInputSpec): in_file = File(exists=True, mandatory=True, desc="input image") n_volumes_to_discard = traits.Int( 0, usedefault=True, desc="discard n first volumes" ) max_32bit = traits.Bool( False, usedefault=True, desc="cast data to float32 if higher precision is encountered", ) class _SanitizeImageOutputSpec(TraitedSpec): out_file = File(exists=True, desc="validated image") out_report = File(exists=True, desc="HTML segment containing warning")
[docs] class SanitizeImage(SimpleInterface): """ Check the correctness of x-form headers (matrix and code) and fixes problematic combinations of values. Removes any extension form the header if present. This interface implements the `following logic <>`_: .. list-table:: ``SanitizeImage`` truth table :widths: 15 15 15 15 40 :header-rows: 1 * - valid quaternions - ``qform_code`` > 0 - ``sform_code`` > 0 - ``qform == sform`` - actions * - ``True`` - ``True`` - ``True`` - ``True`` - None * - ``True`` - ``True`` - ``False`` - \\* - sform, scode <- qform, qcode * - \\* - ``True`` - \\* - ``False`` - sform, scode <- qform, qcode * - \\* - ``False`` - ``True`` - \\* - qform, qcode <- sform, scode * - \\* - ``False`` - ``False`` - \\* - sform, qform <- best affine; scode, qcode <- 1 * - ``False`` - \\* - ``False`` - \\* - sform, qform <- best affine; scode, qcode <- 1 """ input_spec = _SanitizeImageInputSpec output_spec = _SanitizeImageOutputSpec def _run_interface(self, runtime): img = nb.load(self.inputs.in_file) out_report = os.path.join(runtime.cwd, "report.html") # Retrieve xform codes sform_code = int(img.header._structarr["sform_code"]) qform_code = int(img.header._structarr["qform_code"]) # Check qform is valid valid_qform = False try: img.get_qform() valid_qform = True except ValueError: pass # Matching affines matching_affines = valid_qform and np.allclose(img.get_qform(), img.get_sform()) save_file = False warning_txt = "" # Both match, qform valid (implicit with match), codes okay -> do nothing, empty report if matching_affines and qform_code > 0 and sform_code > 0: self._results["out_file"] = self.inputs.in_file open(out_report, "w").close() # Row 2: elif valid_qform and qform_code > 0: img.set_sform(img.get_qform(), qform_code) save_file = True warning_txt = "Note on orientation: sform matrix set" description = """\ <p class="elem-desc">The sform has been copied from qform.</p> """ # Rows 3-4: # Note: if qform is not valid, matching_affines is False elif sform_code > 0 and (not matching_affines or qform_code == 0): img.set_qform(img.get_sform(), sform_code) save_file = True warning_txt = "Note on orientation: qform matrix overwritten" description = """\ <p class="elem-desc">The qform has been copied from sform.</p> """ if not valid_qform and qform_code > 0: warning_txt = "WARNING - Invalid qform information" description = """\ <p class="elem-desc"> The qform matrix found in the file header is invalid. The qform has been copied from sform. Checking the original qform information from the data produced by the scanner is advised. </p> """ # Rows 5-6: else: affine = img.affine img.set_sform(affine, nb.nifti1.xform_codes["scanner"]) img.set_qform(affine, nb.nifti1.xform_codes["scanner"]) save_file = True warning_txt = "WARNING - Missing orientation information" description = """\ <p class="elem-desc"> Orientation information could not be retrieved from the image header. The qform and sform matrices have been set to a default, LAS-oriented affine. Analyses of this dataset MAY BE INVALID. </p> """ if ( self.inputs.max_32bit and np.dtype(img.get_data_dtype()).itemsize > 4 ) or self.inputs.n_volumes_to_discard: # force float32 only if 64 bit dtype is detected if self.inputs.max_32bit and np.dtype(img.get_data_dtype()).itemsize > 4: in_data = img.get_fdata(dtype=np.float32) else: in_data = img.dataobj img = nb.Nifti1Image( in_data[:, :, :, self.inputs.n_volumes_to_discard:], img.affine, img.header, ) save_file = True if len(img.header.extensions) != 0: img.header.extensions.clear() save_file = True # Store new file if save_file: out_fname = fname_presuffix( self.inputs.in_file, suffix="_valid", newpath=runtime.cwd ) self._results["out_file"] = out_fname img.to_filename(out_fname) if warning_txt: snippet = '<h3 class="elem-title">%s</h3>\n%s\n' % ( warning_txt, description, ) with open(out_report, "w") as fobj: fobj.write(indent(snippet, "\t" * 3)) self._results["out_report"] = out_report return runtime