Source code for niworkflows.interfaces.itk

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"""ITK files handling."""
import os
from mimetypes import guess_type
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory

import nibabel as nb
import nitransforms as nt
import numpy as np
from nipype import logging
from nipype.interfaces.base import (
from nipype.utils.filemanip import fname_presuffix

from .fixes import _FixTraitApplyTransformsInputSpec

LOGGER = logging.getLogger("nipype.interface")

class _MCFLIRT2ITKInputSpec(BaseInterfaceInputSpec):
    in_files = InputMultiObject(
        File(exists=True), mandatory=True, desc="list of MAT files from MCFLIRT"
    in_reference = File(exists=True, mandatory=True, desc="input image for spatial reference")
    in_source = File(exists=True, mandatory=True, desc="input image for spatial source")
    num_threads = traits.Int(nohash=True, desc="number of parallel processes")

class _MCFLIRT2ITKOutputSpec(TraitedSpec):
    out_file = File(desc="the output ITKTransform file")

[docs] class MCFLIRT2ITK(SimpleInterface): """Convert a list of MAT files from MCFLIRT into an ITK Transform file.""" input_spec = _MCFLIRT2ITKInputSpec output_spec = _MCFLIRT2ITKOutputSpec def _run_interface(self, runtime): if isdefined(self.inputs.num_threads): LOGGER.warning("Multithreading is deprecated. Remove the num_threads input.") source = nb.load(self.inputs.in_source) reference = nb.load(self.inputs.in_reference) affines = [ nt.linear.load(mat, fmt='fsl', reference=reference, moving=source) for mat in self.inputs.in_files ] affarray = np.stack([a.matrix for a in affines], axis=0), ) self._results["out_file"] = os.path.join(runtime.cwd, "mat2itk.txt") affarray.to_filename(self._results["out_file"]) return runtime
class _MultiApplyTransformsInputSpec(_FixTraitApplyTransformsInputSpec): input_image = InputMultiObject( File(exists=True), mandatory=True, desc="input time-series as a list of volumes after splitting" " through the fourth dimension", ) num_threads = traits.Int( 1, usedefault=True, nohash=True, desc="number of parallel processes" ) save_cmd = traits.Bool( True, usedefault=True, desc="write a log of command lines that were applied" ) copy_dtype = traits.Bool( False, usedefault=True, desc="copy dtype from inputs to outputs" ) class _MultiApplyTransformsOutputSpec(TraitedSpec): out_files = OutputMultiObject(File(), desc="the output ITKTransform file") log_cmdline = File(desc="a list of command lines used to apply transforms")
[docs] class MultiApplyTransforms(SimpleInterface): """Apply the corresponding list of input transforms.""" input_spec = _MultiApplyTransformsInputSpec output_spec = _MultiApplyTransformsOutputSpec def _run_interface(self, runtime): # Get all inputs from the ApplyTransforms object ifargs = self.inputs.get() # Extract number of input images and transforms in_files = ifargs.pop("input_image") num_files = len(in_files) transforms = ifargs.pop("transforms") # Get number of parallel jobs num_threads = ifargs.pop("num_threads") save_cmd = ifargs.pop("save_cmd") # Remove certain keys for key in ["environ", "ignore_exception", "terminal_output", "output_image"]: ifargs.pop(key, None) # Get a temp folder ready tmp_folder = TemporaryDirectory(prefix="tmp-", dir=runtime.cwd) xfms_list = _arrange_xfms(transforms, num_files, tmp_folder) if len(xfms_list) != num_files: raise ValueError( "Number of files and entries in the transforms list do not match" ) # Inputs are ready to run in parallel if num_threads < 1: num_threads = None if num_threads == 1: out_files = [ _applytfms((in_file, in_xfm, ifargs, i, runtime.cwd)) for i, (in_file, in_xfm) in enumerate(zip(in_files, xfms_list)) ] else: from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=num_threads) as pool: out_files = list( _applytfms, [ (in_file, in_xfm, ifargs, i, runtime.cwd) for i, (in_file, in_xfm) in enumerate( zip(in_files, xfms_list) ) ], ) ) tmp_folder.cleanup() # Collect output file names, after sorting by index self._results["out_files"] = [el[0] for el in out_files] if save_cmd: self._results["log_cmdline"] = os.path.join(runtime.cwd, "command.txt") with open(self._results["log_cmdline"], "w") as cmdfile: print("\n-------\n".join([el[1] for el in out_files]), file=cmdfile) return runtime
def _applytfms(args): """ Applies ANTs' antsApplyTransforms to the input image. All inputs are zipped in one tuple to make it digestible by multiprocessing's map """ import nibabel as nb from nipype.utils.filemanip import fname_presuffix from niworkflows.interfaces.fixes import FixHeaderApplyTransforms as ApplyTransforms in_file, in_xform, ifargs, index, newpath = args out_file = fname_presuffix( in_file, suffix="_xform-%05d" % index, newpath=newpath, use_ext=True ) copy_dtype = ifargs.pop("copy_dtype", False) xfm = ApplyTransforms( input_image=in_file, transforms=in_xform, output_image=out_file, **ifargs ) xfm.terminal_output = "allatonce" xfm.resource_monitor = False runtime = if copy_dtype: nii = nb.load(out_file, mmap=False) in_dtype = nb.load(in_file).get_data_dtype() # Overwrite only iff dtypes don't match if in_dtype != nii.get_data_dtype(): nii.set_data_dtype(in_dtype) nii.to_filename(out_file) return (out_file, runtime.cmdline) def _arrange_xfms(transforms, num_files, tmp_folder): """ Convenience method to arrange the list of transforms that should be applied to each input file """ base_xform = ["#Insight Transform File V1.0", "#Transform 0"] # Initialize the transforms matrix xfms_T = [] for i, tf_file in enumerate(transforms): if tf_file == "identity": xfms_T.append([tf_file] * num_files) continue # If it is a deformation field, copy to the tfs_matrix directly if guess_type(tf_file)[0] != "text/plain": xfms_T.append([tf_file] * num_files) continue with open(tf_file) as tf_fh: tfdata = # If it is not an ITK transform file, copy to the tfs_matrix directly if not tfdata.startswith("#Insight Transform File"): xfms_T.append([tf_file] * num_files) continue # Count number of transforms in ITK transform file nxforms = tfdata.count("#Transform") # Remove first line tfdata = tfdata.split("\n")[1:] # If it is a ITK transform file with only 1 xform, copy to the tfs_matrix directly if nxforms == 1: xfms_T.append([tf_file] * num_files) continue if nxforms != num_files: raise RuntimeError( "Number of transforms (%d) found in the ITK file does not match" " the number of input image files (%d)." % (nxforms, num_files) ) # At this point splitting transforms will be necessary, generate a base name out_base = fname_presuffix( tf_file, suffix="_pos-%03d_xfm-{:05d}" % i, ).format # Split combined ITK transforms file split_xfms = [] for xform_i in range(nxforms): # Find start token to extract startidx = tfdata.index("#Transform %d" % xform_i) next_xform = base_xform + tfdata[startidx + 1:startidx + 4] + [""] xfm_file = out_base(xform_i) with open(xfm_file, "w") as out_xfm: out_xfm.write("\n".join(next_xform)) split_xfms.append(xfm_file) xfms_T.append(split_xfms) # Transpose back (only Python 3) return list(map(list, zip(*xfms_T)))