Source code for niworkflows.interfaces.plotting

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"""Visualization tools."""
import numpy as np
import nibabel as nb

from nipype.utils.filemanip import fname_presuffix
from nipype.interfaces.base import (
from niworkflows.utils.timeseries import _cifti_timeseries, _nifti_timeseries
from niworkflows.viz.plots import (

class _FMRISummaryInputSpec(BaseInterfaceInputSpec):
    in_func = File(exists=True, mandatory=True, desc="")
    in_spikes_bg = File(exists=True, desc="")
    fd = File(exists=True, desc="")
    dvars = File(exists=True, desc="")
    outliers = File(exists=True, desc="")
    in_segm = File(exists=True, desc="")
    tr = traits.Either(None, traits.Float, usedefault=True, desc="the TR")
    fd_thres = traits.Float(0.2, usedefault=True, desc="")
    drop_trs = traits.Int(0, usedefault=True, desc="dummy scans")

class _FMRISummaryOutputSpec(TraitedSpec):
    out_file = File(exists=True, desc="written file path")

[docs] class FMRISummary(SimpleInterface): """Prepare an fMRI summary plot for the report.""" input_spec = _FMRISummaryInputSpec output_spec = _FMRISummaryOutputSpec def _run_interface(self, runtime): import pandas as pd self._results["out_file"] = fname_presuffix( self.inputs.in_func, suffix="_fmriplot.svg", use_ext=False, newpath=runtime.cwd, ) dataframe = pd.DataFrame({ "outliers": np.loadtxt(self.inputs.outliers, usecols=[0]).tolist(), # Pick non-standardize dvars (col 1) # First timepoint is NaN (difference) "DVARS": [np.nan] + np.loadtxt(self.inputs.dvars, skiprows=1, usecols=[1]).tolist(), # First timepoint is zero (reference volume) "FD": [0.0] + np.loadtxt(self.inputs.fd, skiprows=1, usecols=[0]).tolist(), }) if ( isdefined(self.inputs.outliers) and isdefined(self.inputs.dvars) and isdefined(self.inputs.fd) ) else None input_data = nb.load(self.inputs.in_func) seg_file = self.inputs.in_segm if isdefined(self.inputs.in_segm) else None dataset, segments = ( _cifti_timeseries(input_data) if isinstance(input_data, nb.Cifti2Image) else _nifti_timeseries(input_data, seg_file) ) fig = fMRIPlot( dataset, segments=segments, spikes_files=( [self.inputs.in_spikes_bg] if isdefined(self.inputs.in_spikes_bg) else None ), tr=( if isdefined( else _get_tr(input_data) ), confounds=dataframe, units={"outliers": "%", "FD": "mm"}, vlines={"FD": [self.inputs.fd_thres]}, nskip=self.inputs.drop_trs, ).plot() fig.savefig(self._results["out_file"], bbox_inches="tight") return runtime
class _CompCorVariancePlotInputSpec(BaseInterfaceInputSpec): metadata_files = traits.List( File(exists=True), mandatory=True, desc="List of files containing component metadata", ) metadata_sources = traits.List( traits.Str, desc="List of names of decompositions " "(e.g., aCompCor, tCompCor) yielding " "the arguments in `metadata_files`", ) variance_thresholds = traits.Tuple( traits.Float(0.5), traits.Float(0.7), traits.Float(0.9), usedefault=True, desc="Levels of explained variance to include in plot", ) out_file = traits.Either( None, File, value=None, usedefault=True, desc="Path to save plot" ) class _CompCorVariancePlotOutputSpec(TraitedSpec): out_file = File(exists=True, desc="Path to saved plot")
[docs] class CompCorVariancePlot(SimpleInterface): """Plot the number of components necessary to explain the specified levels of variance.""" input_spec = _CompCorVariancePlotInputSpec output_spec = _CompCorVariancePlotOutputSpec def _run_interface(self, runtime): if self.inputs.out_file is None: self._results["out_file"] = fname_presuffix( self.inputs.metadata_files[0], suffix="_compcor.svg", use_ext=False, newpath=runtime.cwd, ) else: self._results["out_file"] = self.inputs.out_file compcor_variance_plot( metadata_files=self.inputs.metadata_files, metadata_sources=self.inputs.metadata_sources, output_file=self._results["out_file"], varexp_thresh=self.inputs.variance_thresholds, ) return runtime
class _ConfoundsCorrelationPlotInputSpec(BaseInterfaceInputSpec): confounds_file = File( exists=True, mandatory=True, desc="File containing confound regressors" ) out_file = traits.Either( None, File, value=None, usedefault=True, desc="Path to save plot" ) reference_column = traits.Str( "global_signal", usedefault=True, desc="Column in the confound file for " "which all correlation magnitudes " "should be ranked and plotted", ) columns = traits.List( traits.Str, desc="Filter out all regressors not found in this list." ) max_dim = traits.Int( 20, usedefault=True, desc="Maximum number of regressors to include in " "plot. Regressors with highest magnitude of " "correlation with `reference_column` will be " "selected.", ) ignore_initial_volumes = traits.Int( 0, usedefault=True, desc="Number of non-steady-state volumes at the beginning of the scan " "to ignore.", ) class _ConfoundsCorrelationPlotOutputSpec(TraitedSpec): out_file = File(exists=True, desc="Path to saved plot")
[docs] class ConfoundsCorrelationPlot(SimpleInterface): """Plot the correlation among confound regressors.""" input_spec = _ConfoundsCorrelationPlotInputSpec output_spec = _ConfoundsCorrelationPlotOutputSpec def _run_interface(self, runtime): if self.inputs.out_file is None: self._results["out_file"] = fname_presuffix( self.inputs.confounds_file, suffix="_confoundCorrelation.svg", use_ext=False, newpath=runtime.cwd, ) else: self._results["out_file"] = self.inputs.out_file confounds_correlation_plot( confounds_file=self.inputs.confounds_file, columns=self.inputs.columns if isdefined(self.inputs.columns) else None, max_dim=self.inputs.max_dim, output_file=self._results["out_file"], reference=self.inputs.reference_column, ignore_initial_volumes=self.inputs.ignore_initial_volumes, ) return runtime
def _get_tr(img): """ Attempt to extract repetition time from NIfTI/CIFTI header Examples -------- >>> _get_tr(nb.load(Path(test_data) / ... 'sub-ds205s03_task-functionallocalizer_run-01_bold_volreg.nii.gz')) 2.2 >>> _get_tr(nb.load(Path(test_data) / ... 'sub-01_task-mixedgamblestask_run-02_space-fsLR_den-91k_bold.dtseries.nii')) 2.0 """ try: return img.header.matrix.get_index_map(0).series_step except AttributeError: return img.header.get_zooms()[-1] raise RuntimeError("Could not extract TR - unknown data structure type")