Source code for niworkflows.interfaces.probmaps

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# Copyright 2021 The NiPreps Developers <>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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import numpy as np
import nibabel as nb

from nipype import logging
from nipype.utils.filemanip import fname_presuffix
from nipype.interfaces.base import (

LOG = logging.getLogger("nipype.interface")

class _TPM2ROIInputSpec(BaseInterfaceInputSpec):
    in_tpm = File(
        exists=True, mandatory=True, desc="Tissue probability map file in T1 space"
    in_mask = File(
        exists=True, mandatory=True, desc="Binary mask of skull-stripped T1w image"
    mask_erode_mm = traits.Float(
        xor=["mask_erode_prop"], desc="erode input mask (kernel width in mm)"
    erode_mm = traits.Float(
        xor=["erode_prop"], desc="erode output mask (kernel width in mm)"
    mask_erode_prop = traits.Float(
        xor=["mask_erode_mm"], desc="erode input mask (target volume ratio)"
    erode_prop = traits.Float(
        xor=["erode_mm"], desc="erode output mask (target volume ratio)"
    prob_thresh = traits.Float(
        0.95, usedefault=True, desc="threshold for the tissue probability maps"

class _TPM2ROIOutputSpec(TraitedSpec):
    roi_file = File(exists=True, desc="output ROI file")
    eroded_mask = File(exists=True, desc="resulting eroded mask")

[docs] class TPM2ROI(SimpleInterface): """ Convert tissue probability maps (TPMs) into ROIs. This interface follows the following logic: #. Erode ``in_mask`` by ``mask_erode_mm`` and apply to ``in_tpm`` #. Threshold masked TPM at ``prob_thresh`` #. Erode resulting mask by ``erode_mm`` """ input_spec = _TPM2ROIInputSpec output_spec = _TPM2ROIOutputSpec def _run_interface(self, runtime): mask_erode_mm = self.inputs.mask_erode_mm if not isdefined(mask_erode_mm): mask_erode_mm = None erode_mm = self.inputs.erode_mm if not isdefined(erode_mm): erode_mm = None mask_erode_prop = self.inputs.mask_erode_prop if not isdefined(mask_erode_prop): mask_erode_prop = None erode_prop = self.inputs.erode_prop if not isdefined(erode_prop): erode_prop = None roi_file, eroded_mask = _tpm2roi( self.inputs.in_tpm, self.inputs.in_mask, mask_erode_mm, erode_mm, mask_erode_prop, erode_prop, self.inputs.prob_thresh, newpath=runtime.cwd, ) self._results["roi_file"] = roi_file self._results["eroded_mask"] = eroded_mask return runtime
class _AddTPMsInputSpec(BaseInterfaceInputSpec): in_files = InputMultiPath( File(exists=True), mandatory=True, desc="input list of ROIs" ) indices = traits.List(traits.Int, desc="select specific maps") class _AddTPMsOutputSpec(TraitedSpec): out_file = File(exists=True, desc="union of binarized input files")
[docs] class AddTPMs(SimpleInterface): """Calculate the union of several :abbr:`TPMs (tissue-probability maps)`.""" input_spec = _AddTPMsInputSpec output_spec = _AddTPMsOutputSpec def _run_interface(self, runtime): in_files = self.inputs.in_files indices = list(range(len(in_files))) if isdefined(self.inputs.indices): indices = self.inputs.indices if len(self.inputs.in_files) < 2: self._results["out_file"] = in_files[0] return runtime first_fname = in_files[indices[0]] if len(indices) == 1: self._results["out_file"] = first_fname return runtime im = nb.concat_images([in_files[i] for i in indices]) data = im.get_fdata().sum(axis=3) data = np.clip(data, a_min=0.0, a_max=1.0) out_file = fname_presuffix(first_fname, suffix="_tpmsum", newpath=runtime.cwd) newnii = im.__class__(data, im.affine, im.header) newnii.set_data_dtype(np.float32) # Set visualization thresholds newnii.header["cal_max"] = 1.0 newnii.header["cal_min"] = 0.0 newnii.to_filename(out_file) self._results["out_file"] = out_file return runtime
def _tpm2roi( in_tpm, in_mask, mask_erosion_mm=None, erosion_mm=None, mask_erosion_prop=None, erosion_prop=None, pthres=0.95, newpath=None, ): """ Generate a mask from a tissue probability map """ import scipy.ndimage as nd tpm_img = nb.load(in_tpm) roi_mask = (tpm_img.get_fdata() >= pthres).astype(np.uint8) eroded_mask_file = None erode_in = (mask_erosion_mm is not None and mask_erosion_mm > 0) or ( mask_erosion_prop is not None and mask_erosion_prop < 1 ) if erode_in: eroded_mask_file = fname_presuffix(in_mask, suffix="_eroded", newpath=newpath) mask_img = nb.load(in_mask) mask_data = np.asanyarray(mask_img.dataobj).astype(np.uint8) if mask_erosion_mm: iter_n = max(int(mask_erosion_mm / max(mask_img.header.get_zooms())), 1) mask_data = nd.binary_erosion(mask_data, iterations=iter_n) else: orig_vol = np.sum(mask_data > 0) while np.sum(mask_data > 0) / orig_vol > mask_erosion_prop: mask_data = nd.binary_erosion(mask_data, iterations=1) # Store mask eroded = nb.Nifti1Image(mask_data, mask_img.affine, mask_img.header) eroded.set_data_dtype(np.uint8) eroded.to_filename(eroded_mask_file) # Mask TPM data (no effect if not eroded) roi_mask[~mask_data] = 0 # shrinking erode_out = (erosion_mm is not None and erosion_mm > 0) or ( erosion_prop is not None and erosion_prop < 1 ) if erode_out: if erosion_mm: iter_n = max(int(erosion_mm / max(tpm_img.header.get_zooms())), 1) iter_n = int(erosion_mm / max(tpm_img.header.get_zooms())) roi_mask = nd.binary_erosion(roi_mask, iterations=iter_n) else: orig_vol = np.sum(roi_mask > 0) while np.sum(roi_mask > 0) / orig_vol > erosion_prop: roi_mask = nd.binary_erosion(roi_mask, iterations=1) # Create image to resample roi_fname = fname_presuffix(in_tpm, suffix="_roi", newpath=newpath) roi_img = nb.Nifti1Image(roi_mask, tpm_img.affine, tpm_img.header) roi_img.set_data_dtype(np.uint8) roi_img.to_filename(roi_fname) return roi_fname, eroded_mask_file or in_mask