Source code for niworkflows.interfaces.utility

# emacs: -*- mode: python; py-indent-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
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"""Interfaces under evaluation before upstreaming to nipype.interfaces.utility."""
import numpy as np
import re
import json
from collections import OrderedDict

from nipype.utils.filemanip import fname_presuffix
from import add_traits
from nipype.interfaces.base import (

class _KeySelectInputSpec(DynamicTraitedSpec):
    key = Str(mandatory=True, desc="selective key")
    keys = InputMultiObject(Str, mandatory=True, min=1, desc="index of keys")

class _KeySelectOutputSpec(DynamicTraitedSpec):
    key = Str(desc="propagates selected key")

[docs] class KeySelect(BaseInterface): """ An interface that operates similarly to an OrderedDict. >>> ks = KeySelect(keys=['MNI152NLin6Asym', 'MNI152Lin', 'fsaverage'], ... fields=['field1', 'field2', 'field3']) >>> ks.inputs.field1 = ['fsl', 'mni', 'freesurfer'] >>> ks.inputs.field2 = ['volume', 'volume', 'surface'] >>> ks.inputs.field3 = [True, False, False] >>> ks.inputs.key = 'MNI152Lin' >>> <BLANKLINE> field1 = mni field2 = volume field3 = False key = MNI152Lin <BLANKLINE> >>> ks = KeySelect(fields=['field1', 'field2', 'field3']) >>> ks.inputs.keys=['MNI152NLin6Asym', 'MNI152Lin', 'fsaverage'] >>> ks.inputs.field1 = ['fsl', 'mni', 'freesurfer'] >>> ks.inputs.field2 = ['volume', 'volume', 'surface'] >>> ks.inputs.field3 = [True, False, False] >>> ks.inputs.key = 'MNI152Lin' >>> <BLANKLINE> field1 = mni field2 = volume field3 = False key = MNI152Lin <BLANKLINE> >>> ks.inputs.field1 = ['fsl', 'mni', 'freesurfer'] >>> ks.inputs.field2 = ['volume', 'volume', 'surface'] >>> ks.inputs.field3 = [True, False, False] >>> ks.inputs.key = 'fsaverage' >>> <BLANKLINE> field1 = freesurfer field2 = surface field3 = False key = fsaverage <BLANKLINE> >>> ks.inputs.field1 = ['fsl', 'mni', 'freesurfer'] >>> ks.inputs.field2 = ['volume', 'volume', 'surface'] >>> ks.inputs.field3 = [True, False] # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: Trying to set an invalid value >>> ks.inputs.key = 'MNINLin2009cAsym' Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: Selected key "MNINLin2009cAsym" not found in the index >>> ks = KeySelect(fields=['field1', 'field2', 'field3']) >>> ks.inputs.keys=['MNI152NLin6Asym'] >>> ks.inputs.field1 = ['fsl'] >>> ks.inputs.field2 = ['volume'] >>> ks.inputs.field3 = [True] >>> ks.inputs.key = 'MNI152NLin6Asym' >>> <BLANKLINE> field1 = fsl field2 = volume field3 = True key = MNI152NLin6Asym <BLANKLINE> """ input_spec = _KeySelectInputSpec output_spec = _KeySelectOutputSpec def __init__(self, keys=None, fields=None, **inputs): """ Instantiate a KeySelect utility interface. Examples -------- >>> ks = KeySelect(fields='field1') >>> ks.inputs <BLANKLINE> field1 = <undefined> key = <undefined> keys = <undefined> <BLANKLINE> >>> ks = KeySelect(fields='field1', field1=['a', 'b']) >>> ks.inputs <BLANKLINE> field1 = ['a', 'b'] key = <undefined> keys = <undefined> <BLANKLINE> >>> ks = KeySelect() Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: A list or multiplexed... >>> ks = KeySelect(fields='key') Traceback (most recent call last): ValueError: Some fields are invalid... """ # Call constructor super().__init__(**inputs) # Handle and initiate fields if not fields: raise ValueError( "A list or multiplexed fields must be provided at " "instantiation time." ) if isinstance(fields, str): fields = [fields] _invalid = set(self.input_spec.class_editable_traits()).intersection(fields) if _invalid: raise ValueError("Some fields are invalid (%s)." % ", ".join(_invalid)) self._fields = fields # Attach events self.inputs.on_trait_change(self._check_len) if keys: self.inputs.keys = keys # Add fields in self._fields add_traits(self.inputs, self._fields) for in_field in set(self._fields).intersection(inputs.keys()): setattr(self.inputs, in_field, inputs[in_field]) def _check_len(self, name, new): if name == "keys": nitems = len(new) if len(set(new)) != nitems: raise ValueError( "Found duplicated entries in the index of ordered keys" ) if not isdefined(self.inputs.keys): return if name == "key" and new not in self.inputs.keys: raise ValueError('Selected key "%s" not found in the index' % new) if name in self._fields: if isinstance(new, str) or len(new) < 1: raise ValueError( 'Trying to set an invalid value (%s) for input "%s"' % (new, name) ) if len(new) != len(self.inputs.keys): raise ValueError( 'Length of value (%s) for input field "%s" does not match ' "the length of the indexing list." % (new, name) ) def _run_interface(self, runtime): return runtime def _list_outputs(self): index = self.inputs.keys.index(self.inputs.key) outputs = {k: getattr(self.inputs, k)[index] for k in self._fields} outputs["key"] = self.inputs.key return outputs def _outputs(self): base = super()._outputs() base = add_traits(base, self._fields) return base
class _AddTSVHeaderInputSpec(BaseInterfaceInputSpec): in_file = File(exists=True, mandatory=True, desc="input file") columns = traits.List(traits.Str, mandatory=True, desc="header for columns") class _AddTSVHeaderOutputSpec(TraitedSpec): out_file = File(exists=True, desc="output average file")
[docs] class AddTSVHeader(SimpleInterface): r"""Add a header row to a TSV file Examples -------- An example TSV: >>> np.savetxt('data.tsv', np.arange(30).reshape((6, 5)), delimiter='\t') Add headers: >>> addheader = AddTSVHeader() >>> addheader.inputs.in_file = 'data.tsv' >>> addheader.inputs.columns = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'] >>> res = >>> df = pd.read_csv(res.outputs.out_file, delim_whitespace=True, ... index_col=None) >>> df.columns.ravel().tolist() ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'] >>> np.all(df.values == np.arange(30).reshape((6, 5))) True """ input_spec = _AddTSVHeaderInputSpec output_spec = _AddTSVHeaderOutputSpec def _run_interface(self, runtime): out_file = fname_presuffix( self.inputs.in_file, suffix="_motion.tsv", newpath=runtime.cwd, use_ext=False, ) data = np.loadtxt(self.inputs.in_file) np.savetxt( out_file, data, delimiter="\t", header="\t".join(self.inputs.columns), comments="", ) self._results["out_file"] = out_file return runtime
class _JoinTSVColumnsInputSpec(BaseInterfaceInputSpec): in_file = File(exists=True, mandatory=True, desc="input file") join_file = File(exists=True, mandatory=True, desc="file to be adjoined") side = traits.Enum("right", "left", usedefault=True, desc="where to join") columns = traits.List(traits.Str, desc="header for columns") class _JoinTSVColumnsOutputSpec(TraitedSpec): out_file = File(exists=True, desc="output TSV file")
[docs] class JoinTSVColumns(SimpleInterface): r"""Add a header row to a TSV file Examples -------- An example TSV: >>> data = np.arange(30).reshape((6, 5)) >>> np.savetxt('data.tsv', data[:, :3], delimiter='\t') >>> np.savetxt('add.tsv', data[:, 3:], delimiter='\t') Join without naming headers: >>> join = JoinTSVColumns() >>> join.inputs.in_file = 'data.tsv' >>> join.inputs.join_file = 'add.tsv' >>> res = >>> df = pd.read_csv(res.outputs.out_file, delim_whitespace=True, ... index_col=None, dtype=float, header=None) >>> df.columns.ravel().tolist() == list(range(5)) True >>> np.all(df.values.astype(int) == data) True Adding column names: >>> join = JoinTSVColumns() >>> join.inputs.in_file = 'data.tsv' >>> join.inputs.join_file = 'add.tsv' >>> join.inputs.columns = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'] >>> res = >>> res.outputs.out_file # doctest: +ELLIPSIS '...data_joined.tsv' >>> df = pd.read_csv(res.outputs.out_file, delim_whitespace=True, ... index_col=None) >>> df.columns.ravel().tolist() ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'] >>> np.all(df.values == np.arange(30).reshape((6, 5))) True >>> join = JoinTSVColumns() >>> join.inputs.in_file = 'data.tsv' >>> join.inputs.join_file = 'add.tsv' >>> join.inputs.side = 'left' >>> join.inputs.columns = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'] >>> res = >>> df = pd.read_csv(res.outputs.out_file, delim_whitespace=True, ... index_col=None) >>> df.columns.ravel().tolist() ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'] >>> np.all(df.values == np.hstack((data[:, 3:], data[:, :3]))) True """ input_spec = _JoinTSVColumnsInputSpec output_spec = _JoinTSVColumnsOutputSpec def _run_interface(self, runtime): out_file = fname_presuffix( self.inputs.in_file, suffix="_joined.tsv", newpath=runtime.cwd, use_ext=False, ) header = "" if isdefined(self.inputs.columns) and self.inputs.columns: header = "\t".join(self.inputs.columns) with open(self.inputs.in_file) as ifh: data = with open(self.inputs.join_file) as ifh: join = if len(data) != len(join): raise ValueError("Number of columns in datasets do not match") merged = [] for d, j in zip(data, join): line = "%s\t%s" % ((j, d) if self.inputs.side == "left" else (d, j)) merged.append(line) if header: merged.insert(0, header) with open(out_file, "w") as ofh: ofh.write("\n".join(merged)) self._results["out_file"] = out_file return runtime
class _DictMergeInputSpec(BaseInterfaceInputSpec): in_dicts = traits.List( traits.Either(traits.Dict, traits.Instance(OrderedDict)), desc="Dictionaries to be merged. In the event of a collision, values " "from dictionaries later in the list receive precedence.", ) class _DictMergeOutputSpec(TraitedSpec): out_dict = traits.Dict(desc="Merged dictionary")
[docs] class DictMerge(SimpleInterface): """Merge (ordered) dictionaries.""" input_spec = _DictMergeInputSpec output_spec = _DictMergeOutputSpec def _run_interface(self, runtime): out_dict = {} for in_dict in self.inputs.in_dicts: out_dict.update(in_dict) self._results["out_dict"] = out_dict return runtime
class _TSV2JSONInputSpec(BaseInterfaceInputSpec): in_file = File(exists=True, mandatory=True, desc="Input TSV file") index_column = traits.Str( mandatory=True, desc="Name of the column in the TSV to be used " "as the top-level key in the JSON. All " "remaining columns will be assigned as " "nested keys.", ) output = traits.Either( None, File, desc="Path where the output file is to be saved. " "If this is `None`, then a JSON-compatible " "dictionary is returned instead.", ) additional_metadata = traits.Either( None, traits.Dict, traits.Instance(OrderedDict), usedefault=True, desc="Any additional metadata that " "should be applied to all " "entries in the JSON.", ) drop_columns = traits.Either( None, traits.List(), usedefault=True, desc="List of columns in the TSV to be dropped from the JSON.", ) enforce_case = traits.Bool( True, usedefault=True, desc="Enforce snake case for top-level keys and camel case for nested keys", ) class _TSV2JSONOutputSpec(TraitedSpec): output = traits.Either( traits.Dict, File(exists=True), traits.Instance(OrderedDict), desc="Output dictionary or JSON file", )
[docs] class TSV2JSON(SimpleInterface): """Convert metadata from TSV format to JSON format.""" input_spec = _TSV2JSONInputSpec output_spec = _TSV2JSONOutputSpec def _run_interface(self, runtime): if not isdefined(self.inputs.output): output = fname_presuffix( self.inputs.in_file, suffix=".json", newpath=runtime.cwd, use_ext=False ) else: output = self.inputs.output self._results["output"] = _tsv2json( in_tsv=self.inputs.in_file, out_json=output, index_column=self.inputs.index_column, additional_metadata=self.inputs.additional_metadata, drop_columns=self.inputs.drop_columns, enforce_case=self.inputs.enforce_case, ) return runtime
def _tsv2json( in_tsv, out_json, index_column, additional_metadata=None, drop_columns=None, enforce_case=True, ): """ Convert metadata from TSV format to JSON format. Parameters ---------- in_tsv: str Path to the metadata in TSV format. out_json: str Path where the metadata should be saved in JSON format after conversion. If this is None, then a dictionary is returned instead. index_column: str Name of the column in the TSV to be used as an index (top-level key in the JSON). additional_metadata: dict Any additional metadata that should be applied to all entries in the JSON. drop_columns: list List of columns from the input TSV to be dropped from the JSON. enforce_case: bool Indicates whether BIDS case conventions should be followed. Currently, this means that index fields (column names in the associated data TSV) use snake case and other fields use camel case. Returns ------- str Path to the metadata saved in JSON format. """ import pandas as pd # Adapted from ... # back-using-regular-expressions-and-python-m9j re_to_camel = r"(.*?)_([a-zA-Z0-9])" re_to_snake = r"(^.+?|.*?)((?<![_A-Z])[A-Z]|(?<![_0-9])[0-9]+)" def snake(match): return "{}_{}".format(, def camel(match): return "{}{}".format(, # from fmriprep def less_breakable(a_string): """hardens the string to different envs (i.e. case insensitive, no whitespace, '#'""" return "".join(a_string.split()).strip("#") drop_columns = drop_columns or [] additional_metadata = additional_metadata or {} try: tsv_data = pd.read_csv(in_tsv, sep="\t") except pd.errors.EmptyDataError: tsv_data = pd.DataFrame() for k, v in additional_metadata.items(): tsv_data[k] = [v] * len(tsv_data.index) for col in drop_columns: tsv_data.drop(labels=col, axis="columns", inplace=True) if index_column in tsv_data: tsv_data.set_index(index_column, drop=True, inplace=True) if enforce_case: tsv_data.index = [ re.sub(re_to_snake, snake, less_breakable(i), 0).lower() for i in tsv_data.index ] tsv_data.columns = [ re.sub(re_to_camel, camel, less_breakable(i).title(), 0).replace( "Csf", "CSF" ) for i in tsv_data.columns ] json_data = tsv_data.to_json(orient="index") json_data = json.JSONDecoder(object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict).decode(json_data) for i in json_data: json_data[i].update(additional_metadata) if out_json is None: return json_data with open(out_json, "w") as f: json.dump(json_data, f, indent=4) return out_json