Source code for niworkflows.workflows.epi.refmap

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"""Workflow for the generation of EPI (echo-planar imaging) references."""

from nipype.pipeline import engine as pe
from nipype.interfaces import utility as niu

from ...engine.workflows import LiterateWorkflow as Workflow


[docs] def init_epi_reference_wf( omp_nthreads, auto_bold_nss=False, name="epi_reference_wf", ): """ Build a workflow that generates a reference map from a set of EPI images. .. danger :: All input files MUST have the same shimming configuration. At the very least, make sure all input EPI images are acquired within the same session, and have the same PE direction and total readout time. Inputs to this workflow might be a list of :abbr:`SBRefs (single-band references)`, a list of fieldmapping :abbr:`EPIs (echo-planar images)`, a list of :abbr:`BOLD (blood-oxygen level-dependent)` images, or a list of :abbr:`DWI (diffusion-weighted imaging)` datasets. Please note that these different modalities should not be mixed together in any case for this particular workflow. For BOLD datasets, the workflow may be set up to execute an algorithm that determines the nonsteady states in the beginning of the timeseries (also called *dummy scans*), and uses those for generating a reference of the particular run, since the nonsteady states are known to yield better T1 contrast (and hence perhaps better signal for image registration). Relatedly, the workflow also provides a global signal drift estimation per run. This global signal drift is typically interesting for DWIs: because *b=0* volumes are typically scattered throughout the scan, this drift can be fit an exponential decay to model the signal drop caused by the increasing temperature of the device (this is closely related to BOLD *nonsteady states* described above, as these are just the few initial instants when the exponential decay is much faster). Workflow Graph .. workflow:: :graph2use: orig :simple_form: yes from niworkflows.workflows.epi.refmap import init_epi_reference_wf wf = init_epi_reference_wf(omp_nthreads=1) Parameters ---------- omp_nthreads : :obj:`int` Maximum number of threads an individual process may use name : :obj:`str` Name of workflow (default: ``epi_reference_wf``) auto_bold_nss : :obj:`bool` If ``True``, determines nonsteady states in the beginning of the timeseries and selects them for the averaging of each run. IMPORTANT: this option applies only to BOLD EPIs. Inputs ------ in_files : :obj:`list` of :obj:`str` List of paths of the input EPI images from which reference volumes will be selected, aligned and averaged. Outputs ------- epi_ref_file : :obj:`str` Path of the generated EPI reference file. xfm_files : :obj:`list` of :obj:`str` List of rigid-body transforms in LTA format to resample from the reference volume of each run into the ``epi_ref_file`` reference. per_run_ref_files : :obj:`list` of :obj:`str` List of paths to the reference volume generated per input run. drift_factors : :obj:`list` of :obj:`list` of :obj:`float` A list of global signal drift factors for the set of volumes selected for averaging, per run. n_dummy_scans : :obj:`list` of :obj:`int` Number of nonsteady states at the beginning of each run (only BOLD with ``auto_bold_nss=True``) validation_report : :obj:`str` HTML reportlet(s) indicating whether the input files had a valid affine See Also -------- Discussion and original flowchart at `nipreps/niworkflows#601 <>`__. """ from nipype.interfaces.ants import N4BiasFieldCorrection from ...utils.connections import listify from ...interfaces.bold import NonsteadyStatesDetector from ...interfaces.freesurfer import StructuralReference from ...interfaces.header import ValidateImage from ...interfaces.images import RobustAverage from ...interfaces.nibabel import IntensityClip wf = Workflow(name=name) inputnode = pe.Node( niu.IdentityInterface(fields=["in_files", "t_masks"]), name="inputnode" ) outputnode = pe.Node( niu.IdentityInterface( fields=[ "epi_ref_file", "xfm_files", "per_run_ref_files", "drift_factors", "n_dummy", "validation_report", ] ), name="outputnode", ) validate_nii = pe.MapNode( ValidateImage(), name="validate_nii", iterfield=["in_file"] ) per_run_avgs = pe.MapNode( RobustAverage(), name="per_run_avgs", mem_gb=1, iterfield=["in_file", "t_mask"] ) clip_avgs = pe.MapNode(IntensityClip(), name="clip_avgs", iterfield=["in_file"]) # de-gradient the fields ("bias/illumination artifact") n4_avgs = pe.MapNode( N4BiasFieldCorrection( dimension=3, copy_header=True, n_iterations=[50] * 5, convergence_threshold=1e-7, shrink_factor=4, ), n_procs=omp_nthreads, name="n4_avgs", iterfield=["input_image"], ) clip_bg_noise = pe.MapNode( IntensityClip(p_min=2.0, p_max=100.0), name="clip_bg_noise", iterfield=["in_file"], ) epi_merge = pe.Node( StructuralReference( auto_detect_sensitivity=True, initial_timepoint=1, # For deterministic behavior intensity_scaling=True, # 7-DOF (rigid + intensity) subsample_threshold=200, fixed_timepoint=True, no_iteration=True, transform_outputs=True, ), name="epi_merge", ) post_merge = pe.Node(niu.Function(function=_post_merge), name="post_merge") def _set_threads(in_list, maximum): return min(len(in_list), maximum) # fmt:off wf.connect([ (inputnode, validate_nii, [(("in_files", listify), "in_file")]), (validate_nii, per_run_avgs, [("out_file", "in_file")]), (per_run_avgs, clip_avgs, [("out_file", "in_file")]), (clip_avgs, n4_avgs, [("out_file", "input_image")]), (n4_avgs, clip_bg_noise, [("output_image", "in_file")]), (clip_bg_noise, epi_merge, [ ("out_file", "in_files"), (("out_file", _set_threads, omp_nthreads), "num_threads"), ]), (epi_merge, post_merge, [("out_file", "in_file"), ("transform_outputs", "in_xfms")]), (post_merge, outputnode, [("out", "epi_ref_file")]), (epi_merge, outputnode, [("transform_outputs", "xfm_files")]), (per_run_avgs, outputnode, [("out_drift", "drift_factors")]), (n4_avgs, outputnode, [("output_image", "per_run_ref_files")]), (validate_nii, outputnode, [("out_report", "validation_report")]), ]) # fmt:on if auto_bold_nss: select_volumes = pe.MapNode( NonsteadyStatesDetector(), name="select_volumes", iterfield=["in_file"] ) # fmt:off wf.connect([ (validate_nii, select_volumes, [("out_file", "in_file")]), (select_volumes, per_run_avgs, [("t_mask", "t_mask")]), (select_volumes, outputnode, [("n_dummy", "n_dummy")]) ]) # fmt:on else: wf.connect(inputnode, "t_masks", per_run_avgs, "t_mask") return wf
def _post_merge(in_file, in_xfms): """ Massage output from ``SpatialReference``. If the previous ``SpatialReference`` node by-passed the execution of ``mri_robust_template`` (hence, there was only one input file), the single-file is forwarded to the output. Otherwise (``mri_robust_template`` was indeed executed), the output is converted from mgz to NIfTI and the datatype of the reference normalized to int16, with an intensity range of 0-255 (ideal for ANTs registrations) """ from niworkflows.utils.connections import listify in_xfms = listify(in_xfms) if len(in_xfms) == 1 and in_file.endswith((".nii", ".nii.gz")): return in_file if len(in_xfms) == 1: raise RuntimeError("Output format and number of transforms do not match") from pathlib import Path import nibabel as nb from niworkflows.interfaces.nibabel import _advanced_clip out_file = Path() / Path(in_file).name.replace(".mgz", ".nii.gz") img = nb.load(in_file) nb.Nifti1Image(img.dataobj, img.affine, None).to_filename(out_file) return _advanced_clip(out_file, p_min=0.0, p_max=100.0)