Source code for acres

# Copyright The NiPreps Developers <>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# We support and encourage derived works from this project, please read
# about our expectations at
# This package was adapted from the module released in 24.0.0,
# which evolved from an implementation in the Nibabies project,
# introduced in the following commit:
# Changes as of the fork (2024 July 15):
#   - This implementation uses a global ExitStack and resource cache,
#     to avoid `Loader` instances from containing self-references and
#     potentially leaking memory.
# Future modifications will be tracked in the change log.
"""Data loading utility for Python packages.

This module provides a class that wraps :mod:`importlib.resources` to
provide resource retrieval functions with commonly-needed scoping,
including interpreter-lifetime caching.

from __future__ import annotations

import atexit
import sys
from contextlib import AbstractContextManager, ExitStack
from functools import cached_property
from pathlib import Path
from types import ModuleType

from functools import cache

if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
    from importlib.resources import as_file, files
    from import Traversable
    from importlib_resources import as_file, files
    from import Traversable

__all__ = ['Loader']

# Use one global exit stack
EXIT_STACK = ExitStack()

def _cache_resource(anchor: str | ModuleType, segments: tuple[str]) -> Path:
    # PY310(importlib_resources): no-any-return, PY311+(importlib.resources): unused-ignore
    return EXIT_STACK.enter_context(as_file(files(anchor).joinpath(*segments)))  # type: ignore[no-any-return,unused-ignore]

[docs] class Loader: """A loader for package files relative to a module This class wraps :mod:`importlib.resources` to provide a getter function with an interpreter-lifetime scope. For typical packages it simply passes through filesystem paths as :class:`~pathlib.Path` objects. For zipped distributions, it will unpack the files into a temporary directory that is cleaned up on interpreter exit. This loader accepts a fully-qualified module name or a module object. Expected usage:: '''Data package .. autofunction:: load_data .. automethod:: load_data.readable .. automethod:: load_data.as_path .. automethod:: load_data.cached ''' from acres import Loader load_data = Loader( :class:`~Loader` objects implement the :func:`callable` interface and generate a docstring, and are intended to be treated and documented as functions. For greater flexibility and improved readability over the ``importlib.resources`` interface, explicit methods are provided to access resources. +---------------+----------------+------------------+ | On-filesystem | Lifetime | Method | +---------------+----------------+------------------+ | `True` | Interpreter | :meth:`cached` | +---------------+----------------+------------------+ | `True` | `with` context | :meth:`as_path` | +---------------+----------------+------------------+ | `False` | n/a | :meth:`readable` | +---------------+----------------+------------------+ It is also possible to use ``Loader`` directly:: from acres import Loader Loader(other_package).readable('data/resource.ext').read_text() with Loader(other_package).as_path('data') as pkgdata: # Call function that requires full Path implementation func(pkgdata) # contrast to from importlib_resources import files, as_file files(other_package).joinpath('data/resource.ext').read_text() with as_file(files(other_package) / 'data') as pkgdata: func(pkgdata) .. automethod:: readable .. automethod:: as_path .. automethod:: cached """ def __init__(self, anchor: str | ModuleType): self._anchor = anchor self.files = files(anchor) # Allow class to have a different docstring from instances self.__doc__ = self._doc @cached_property def _doc(self) -> str: """Construct docstring for instances Lists the public top-level paths inside the location, where non-public means has a `.` or `_` prefix or is a 'tests' directory. """ top_level = sorted( f'{}/' if p.is_dir() else for p in self.files.iterdir() if[0] not in ('.', '_') and != 'tests' ) doclines = [ f'Load package files relative to ``{self._anchor}``.', '', 'This package contains the following (top-level) files/directories:', '', *(f'* ``{path}``' for path in top_level), ] return '\n'.join(doclines)
[docs] def readable(self, *segments: str) -> Traversable: """Provide read access to a resource through a Path-like interface. This file may or may not exist on the filesystem, and may be efficiently used for read operations, including directory traversal. This result is not cached or copied to the filesystem in cases where that would be necessary. """ # PY310(importlib_resources): no-any-return, PY311+(importlib.resources): unused-ignore return self.files.joinpath(*segments) # type: ignore[no-any-return,unused-ignore]
[docs] def as_path(self, *segments: str) -> AbstractContextManager[Path]: """Ensure data is available as a :class:`~pathlib.Path`. This method generates a context manager that yields a Path when entered. This result is not cached, and any temporary files that are created are deleted when the context is exited. """ # PY310(importlib_resources): no-any-return, PY311+(importlib.resources): unused-ignore return as_file(self.files.joinpath(*segments)) # type: ignore[no-any-return,unused-ignore]
[docs] def cached(self, *segments: str) -> Path: """Ensure data resource is available as a :class:`~pathlib.Path`. Any temporary files that are created remain available throughout the duration of the program, and are deleted when Python exits. Results are cached so that multiple calls do not unpack the same data multiple times, but directories and their contents being requested separately may result in some duplication. """ # Use self._anchor and segments to ensure the cache does not depend on id(self.files) # PY310(importlib_resources): unused-ignore, PY311+(importlib.resources) arg-type return _cache_resource(self._anchor, segments) # type: ignore[arg-type,unused-ignore]
__call__ = cached