Source code for sdcflows.cli.main

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# Copyright 2023 The NiPreps Developers <>
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"""Standalone command line executable for estimation of fieldmaps."""

[docs] def main(argv=None): """Entry point for SDCFlows' CLI.""" import gc import os import sys from tempfile import mktemp import atexit from sdcflows import config from sdcflows.cli.parser import parse_args atexit.register(config.restore_env) # Run parser parse_args(argv) if config.execution.pdb: from niworkflows.utils.debug import setup_exceptionhook setup_exceptionhook() config.nipype.plugin = "Linear" # CRITICAL Save the config to a file. This is necessary because the execution graph # is built as a separate process to keep the memory footprint low. The most # straightforward way to communicate with the child process is via the filesystem. # The config file name needs to be unique, otherwise multiple sdcflows instances # will create write conflicts. config_file = mktemp( dir=config.execution.work_dir, prefix=".sdcflows.", suffix=".toml" ) config.to_filename(config_file) config.file_path = config_file exitcode = 0 if config.workflow.analysis_level != ["participant"]: raise ValueError("Analysis level can only be 'participant'") if config.execution.dry_run: # --dry-run: pretty print results from niworkflows.utils.bids import collect_participants from sdcflows.utils.wrangler import find_estimators subjects = collect_participants( config.execution.layout, config.execution.participant_label, ) estimators_record = {} for subject in subjects: estimators_record[subject] = find_estimators( layout=config.execution.layout, subject=subject, fmapless=config.workflow.fmapless, logger=config.loggers.cli, ) print(f"Estimation for <{config.execution.bids_dir}> complete. Found:") for subject, estimators in estimators_record.items(): print(f"\tsub-{subject}") if not estimators: print("\t\tNo estimators found") continue for estimator in estimators: print(f"\t\t{estimator}") for fl in estimator.sources: fl_relpath = fl.path.relative_to(config.execution.bids_dir / f"sub-{subject}") pe_dir = fl.metadata.get("PhaseEncodingDirection") print(f"\t\t\t{pe_dir}\t{fl_relpath}") sys.exit(exitcode) # Initialize process pool if multiprocessing _pool = None if config.nipype.plugin in ("MultiProc", "LegacyMultiProc"): from contextlib import suppress import multiprocessing as mp from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor os.environ["OMP_NUM_THREADS"] = "1" with suppress(RuntimeError): mp.set_start_method("fork") gc.collect() _pool = ProcessPoolExecutor( max_workers=config.nipype.nprocs, initializer=config._process_initializer, initargs=(config.file_path,), ) if not config.execution.notrack: from sdcflows.utils.telemetry import setup_migas setup_migas() # CRITICAL Call build_workflow(config_file, retval) in a subprocess. # Because Python on Linux does not ever free virtual memory (VM), running the # workflow construction jailed within a process preempts excessive VM buildup. from multiprocessing import Manager, Process with Manager() as mgr: from sdcflows.cli.workflow import build_workflow retval = mgr.dict() p = Process(target=build_workflow, args=(str(config_file), retval)) p.start() p.join() sdcflows_wf = retval.get("workflow", None) exitcode = p.exitcode or retval.get("return_code", 0) # CRITICAL Load the config from the file. This is necessary because the ``build_workflow`` # function executed constrained in a process may change the config (and thus the global # state of SDCFlows). config.load(config_file) exitcode = exitcode or (sdcflows_wf is None) * os.EX_SOFTWARE if exitcode != 0: sys.exit(exitcode) if len(sdcflows_wf.list_node_names()) == 0: config.loggers.cli.critical( 'Workflow did not generate any jobs. Please check your inputs are valid.' ) sys.exit(os.EX_USAGE) # Initialize nipype config config.nipype.init() # Make sure loggers are started config.loggers.init() # Resource management options if config.nipype.plugin in ("MultiProc", "LegacyMultiProc") and ( 1 < config.nipype.nprocs < config.nipype.omp_nthreads ): config.loggers.cli.warning( "Per-process threads (--omp-nthreads=%d) exceed total " "threads (--nthreads/--n_cpus=%d)", config.nipype.omp_nthreads, config.nipype.nprocs, ) if sdcflows_wf is None: sys.exit(os.EX_SOFTWARE) if sdcflows_wf and config.execution.write_graph: sdcflows_wf.write_graph(graph2use="colored", format="svg", simple_form=True) # Clean up master process before running workflow, which may create forks gc.collect() # run SDCFlows _plugin = config.nipype.get_plugin() if _pool: from niworkflows.engine.plugin import MultiProcPlugin _plugin = { "plugin": MultiProcPlugin( pool=_pool, plugin_args=config.nipype.plugin_args ), }**_plugin) config.loggers.cli.log(25, "Finished all workload")
if __name__ == "__main__": main()