eddymotion.model.base module

Base infrastructure for eddymotion’s models.

class eddymotion.model.base.AverageModel(self, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: BaseModel

A trivial model that returns an average map.

Initialize a new model.

fit(data, **kwargs)[source]

Calculate the average.

property is_fitted
predict(*_, **kwargs)[source]

Return the average map.

class eddymotion.model.base.BaseModel(self, mask=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

Defines the interface and default methods.

Implements the interface of dipy.reconst.base.ReconstModel. Instead of inheriting from the abstract base, this implementation follows type adaptation principles, as it is easier to maintain and to read (see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3MNVP9-hglc).

Base initialization.

fit(data, **kwargs)[source]

Abstract member signature of fit().

property is_fitted
predict(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Abstract member signature of predict().

class eddymotion.model.base.ModelFactory(self, /, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

A factory for instantiating diffusion models.

static init(model='DTI', **kwargs)[source]

Instantiate a diffusion model.


model (str) – Diffusion model. Options: "DTI", "DKI", "S0", "AverageDW"


model – A model object compliant with DIPY’s interface.

Return type:


class eddymotion.model.base.TrivialModel(self, predicted=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: BaseModel

A trivial model that returns a given map always.

Implement object initialization.

fit(data, **kwargs)[source]

Do nothing.

property is_fitted
predict(*_, **kwargs)[source]

Return the b=0 map.