For developers


Eddymotion is a project of the NiPreps Community, which specifies the contributing guidelines. Before delving into the code, please make sure you have read all the guidelines offered online.


Documentation sources are found under the docs/ folder, and builds are archived in the gh-pages branch of the repository. With GitHub Pages, the documentation is posted under We maintain versioned documentation, by storing git tags under <major>.<minor>/ folders, i.e., we do not archive every patch release, but only every minor release. In other words, folder 0.1/ of the documentation tree contains the documents for the latest release within the 0.1.x series. With every commit (or merge commit) to main, the development version of the documentation under the folder main/ is updated too. The gh-pages branch is automatically maintained with a GitHub Action. Please, do not commit manually to gh-pages.

To build the documentation locally, you first need to make sure that setuptools_scm[toml] >= 6.2 is installed in your environment and then:

$ cd <eddymotion-repository>/
$ python -m setuptools_scm  # This will generate ``src/eddymotion/``
$ make -C docs/ html

Library API (application program interface)

Information on specific functions, classes, and methods.