Running Eddymotion

Command line interface

A model-based algorithm for the realignment of 4D brain images.

usage: eddymotion [-h] [--align_config ALIGN_CONFIG]
                  [--models MODELS [MODELS ...]] [--nthreads NTHREADS]
                  [--njobs NJOBS] [--seed SEED] [--output_dir OUTPUT_DIR]

Positional Arguments


Path to the HDF5 file containing the original DWI data.

Named Arguments


Path to the yaml file containing the parameters to configure the image registration process.


Select the diffusion model for registration targets.


Maximum number of threads an individual process may use.


Number of parallel jobs.


Seed the random number generator for deterministic estimation.


Path to the output directory. Defaults to the current directory.The output file will have the same name as the input file.